| | | Editorials | Opinions | September 2009
All Roads Lead to Bush and Cheney IndictBushNow.org September 16, 2009
| | Only by making public officials accountable under the law can Americans be confident that future presidents will not feel free to break it the way Mr. Bush did. - New York Times | | | | As IndictBushNow has predicted, the official appointment of a Special Prosecutor will, of necessity, lead to the doorstep of the Bush White House and to Bush and Cheney personally.
This process is dynamic. The actions you take will make a difference. Revelations are coming swiftly and the tone and content of the mass media is shifting. This is the result of the exercise of a movement based on grassroots mobilizing that all of us have worked on since February. It is a testament to the power of the people when they take action!
This is from the New York Times editorial of August 26:
"The report offers one more compelling reason for a far broader inquiry into Mr. Bush’s lawless behavior. It is possible to sympathize with Mr. Obama’s desire to avoid a politically fraught investigation. But the need to set this nation back under the rule of law is no less urgent than it was when he promised to do so in his campaign."
"That will not be accomplished by investigating individual interrogators. It will require a fearless airing of how the orders were issued to those men, and who gave them. Only by making public officials accountable under the law can Americans be confident that future presidents will not feel free to break it the way Mr. Bush did."
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The newly released report of the Bush era torture program, even though it is heavily redacted, leaves no doubt that the people employing the most sadistic and vile treatment of detainees were not rogue officers operating on their own. They were directed, in great detail, by a chain of command that started with Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and company.
Torture dictated from Washington
Again, from the New York Times of August 26:
"The Central Intelligence Agency’s secret interrogation program operated under strict rules, and the rules were dictated from Washington with the painstaking, eye-glazing detail beloved by any bureaucracy."
"The first news reports this week about hundreds of pages of newly released documents on the C.I.A. program focused on aberrations in the field: threats of execution by handgun or assault by power drill; a prisoner lifted off the ground by his arms, which were tied behind his back; another detainee repeatedly knocked out with pressure applied to the carotid artery."
"But the strong impression that emerges from the documents, many with long passages blacked out for secrecy, is by no means one of gung-ho operatives running wild. It is a portrait of overwhelming control exercised from C.I.A. headquarters and the Department of Justice — control Bush administration officials say was intended to ensure that the program was safe and legal."
"Managers, doctors and lawyers not only set the program’s parameters but dictated every facet of a detainee’s daily routine, monitoring interrogations on an hour-by-hour basis. From their Washington offices, they obsessed over the smallest details..."
The thousands of people working to restore the Constitution have our work cut out for us. But the tide is turning. Don’t sit back now. Let’s keep the pressure up. Circulate this email to as many friends and family members as possible by clicking here. Post it on Facebook and other social networking sites.
Tell everyone to sign the petition to Indict Bush and Cheney, which they can do by clicking here. Let’s get one million sign-ups in the coming months.
As Sen. Russell Feingold (D-Wis.), a senior member of the intelligence and judiciary panels, said yesterday, "The abuses that were officially sanctioned amounted to torture, and those at the very top who authorized, ordered or sought to provide legal cover for them should be held accountable."
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