|  |  | Editorials | Environmental | November 2009  
U.S. "Stumbling Block" in U.N. Climate Talks - Mexico
David Fogarty & Chisa Fujioka - Reuters go to original November 26, 2009
 Bangkok - The United States came under pressure to show leadership in U.N. climate talks on Wednesday with Mexico saying its neighbour is a stumbling block in efforts to try to craft a tough global climate agreement by December.
 The United States has been criticised by developing countries and green groups in talks in the Thai capital for not being able to put a tough emissions reduction target for 2020 on the table, instead focussing on a 2050 target.
 Developing nations also worry over Washington's position that any new climate pact should set legally binding domestic steps to cut emissions as a benchmark for global action to fight climate change.
 "I think that they are in an uncomfortable position since they cannot put on the table any figures unless the Congress process is clearer," Fernando Tudela, head of the Mexican climate delegation in Bangkok, told Reuters in an interview. |

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