Lanny Swerdlow and Red Toph ask Stewart Alexander of the Peace and Freedom Party about his platform and about legalizing marijuana. (Sept. 2006)
Last Wednesday, the Los Angeles City Council postponed voting on an ordinance that would limit the number of medical marijuana dispensaries in the city and would impose stiffer regulations. Stewart Alexander, a Candidate for California Governor says the proposed ordinance is far too restrictive and would be a quasi ban on medical marijuana dispensaries.
Presently, there is an estimated 1,000 medical marijuana dispensaries operating in Los Angeles and the number of dispensaries opening has increased significantly since 2007 when the Los Angeles City Council established a moratorium on new outlets. The proposed ordinance would limit the number of dispensaries to 137 and eventually reduce the total number of dispensaries citywide to half that number.
Alexander notes that there are too many problems with this proposed ordinance to include the limited number of future operating dispensaries. Alexander says, "The 1,000 feet from homes would shut down over 90 percent of all the dispensaries that are presently operating." Alexander also rejects having the LAPD being responsible for inspecting, auditing and overseeing dispensaries; he believes a citizens group should be commissioned to discharge these duties, appointed by the mayor and individuals that live in the community.
In 1996, California voters passed Proposition 215, also known as the Compassionate Use Act of 1996; it was a California ballot proposition regarding the medical use of marijuana. The proposition passed with 56 percent of California voters in favor and 44 percent against. The law allows patients with a valid doctor's recommendation, and the patient's designated Primary Caregiver, to possess and cultivate marijuana for personal medical use, and has since been expanded to protect a growing system of collective and cooperative distribution.
As governor, Alexander says he would support statewide legislation that will require all cities to have minimum requirements on the number of medical marijuana dispensaries that will be permitted to operate based upon population, demographics and the human needs within the city. Stewart Alexander, a one time candidate for Mayor of Los Angeles in 1989, and the 2006 PFP candidate for California Lieutenant Governor, says Peace and Freedom Party supports the legalization of marijuana, decriminalizing drug use, and making substance abuse treatment freely available.