|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay  
PV Little League Kicks Off 2nd Season with Inaugural Opening Ceremony
Bob Cohen - PVNN January 12, 2010

| For donations, sponsorships and further information we urge you to contact Bob Cohen at bob(at)banderasnews.com |  | The 2nd season of the Puerto Vallarta Little League kicked off Saturday in front of a large crowd with opening ceremonies that included an appearance from the Navy band that played the Mexican National Anthem after all eight teams marched down the left field line with their brand new uniforms. They gathered in the infield as the band played the anthem along with League President Miguel Vargas and dignitaries from the city that included the Director of Sports, Lic. Cesar Macias among others.

| For donations, sponsorships and further information we urge you to contact Bob Cohen at bob(at)banderasnews.com

| After the band marched off the field, one player from each team led the 120 kids reciting the official Little League Creed in anticipation of a new season. With the press on hand from all the local newspapers as well as a local radio station and video from BanderasNews the teams posed for pictures on the field.
 Five of the eight sponsors were on hand. Pipis Restaurant, Mexlend, the PV Yankees, Las Rocas and BanderasNews were all present representing their teams in the hopes of a competitive, successful and most of all, a season full of fun for the kids. The other three teams, Teatro Limon, Los Picosos and Sage Hill didn't have their sponsors present as two were in the U.S. and Bruce Byng of Teatro Limon resting after a busy night of work at his gourmet restaurant.
 After the festivities, the kids began to play ball in a week that was unofficial due to schools just reopening after the holiday season. They used this week to play together as a team and to prepare for next week's first official game. Many of the kids moved up an age division and many were still on the same teams, and of course there were many kids that are playing Little League for the first time. The kids were thrilled to play some competitive baseball and all look forward to the first games of the regular season that begin this Saturday.
 On Monday, all coaches met at the field to pick up the new donated equipment that was brought down from Colorado by Jerry Bianchi, the second year that he filled his van with the baseball goodies. Frank "Pancho" Torres also brought down a large load of equipment from California and a big thank you goes to Phil Stone from the Pleasanton California Softball League and Kim Eppard, owner of the www.ThePitchingCenter.com.
 The league schedule will be set by midweek for the season and will be posted on BanderasNews and the Spanish website that was recently created and can be viewed online.
 League positions were also more defined this season. All positions are completely unpaid and the service is done only to help the kids.
 League President - Miguel Vargas Director of Coaches - Osiris Garcia Office Manager - Blanca Cisneros Equipment Manger - Frank Torres Director of Public Relations - Bob Cohen
 Click HERE for more Puerto Vallarta Little League information

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