Puerto Vallarta Sports  
Help Keep Little League Baseball in Puerto Vallarta
... team donations gladly accepted

| Opening Day activities for the Puerto Vallarta Little League's 2009-2010 Season (PromoVision) |  | The Puerto Vallarta Little League plays every Saturday at the Sports Complex across the street from the Sheraton Hotel. The first game begins at 11:00 am for the 12-14 year olds. At noon, the 9-11 year olds both play and the final game of the day is at 1:30 pm. On Thursdays at 4:00 pm, T Ball is played for kids ranging from 5-8 years old on the main baseball field. Come out and join us.
 In January of 2008, the Peters family from the San Francisco, California area brought a donation of baseball equipment with them on their vacation targeted for the youth of Puerto Vallarta that couldn't afford to play baseball. After endless attempts to find a school or organization to donate the equipment to, BanderasNews sports writer, Bob Cohen, was put in contact with Miguel Vargas in December of 2008.

| For donations, sponsorships and further information we urge you to contact Bob Cohen at bob(at)banderasnews.com

| Miguel was in the process of starting a Little League in PV and had all the paperwork and licenses necessary, but lacked baseball equipment and financial support for his non-profit venture. Miguel played Little League 20 years ago when Puerto Vallarta had a successful league, but it folded 10 years ago. Already registered with Williamsport, Pennsylvania, the headquarters of the World Little League, and acquiring State of Jalisco and local licenses, he had the proper start.
 So, almost a year after the Peters made their generous donation of 20 aluminum bats, 20 baseballs, 15 baseball gloves, 20 team hats and two full sets of catcher's gear, the top-quality equipment they donated was put to good use and Puerto Vallarta's Little League was reestablished.
 After announcing the return of Puerto Vallarta's Little League in a December 2008 article, we began receiving letters from people around the world who wanted to get involved. The first was from Jerry Bianchi of Colorado, who brought a large donation of equipment in January, 2009.
 The twelve team Little League will consist of four teams divided into three age groups: 9-11, 12-14 and 15-17. More equipment will be donated as per emails we've received, but the biggest need now is for team sponsorships by local businesses or individuals who want to help the kids.
 The cost of a full season sponsorship is $10,000 pesos, which will buy full uniforms for each of the 15 kids on the team and cover travel expenses, umpire fees and other costs that might be incurred.
 The sponsoring businesses or individuals will have their name on the uniforms and a banner hung in the outfield, providing extremely inexpensive advertising. BanderasNews will also be following the league when competition begins, providing even more exposure to sponsors.
 But more importantly, your support provides endless benefits for these kids, who will develop the qualities of citizenship, discipline, teamwork and physical well-being by participating in Little League Baseball.
 For donations, sponsorships and further information we urge you to contact Bob Cohen at bob(at)banderasnews.com

PVRPV Supports Puerto Vallarta Little League with T Shirt Contest
Bob Cohen
 PVRPV's 'Show Us Your T-Shirt' photo contest gives everyone a chance to win fabulous prizes, while supporting a worthy cause. Don't have a PVRPV T-shirt? They cost just $90 pesos and 100% of all proceeds will benefit the Puerto Vallarta Little League.
PV Yankees Win 9-11 Year Old Championship in Puerto Vallarta Little League Finale
Bob Cohen
 The PV Yankees defeated the Mexlend Martillos 9-8 in as thrilling a game as the Puerto Vallarta Little League has seen to win the 9-11 year old championship.
Guadalajara Wins 9-10 Year Old State Little League Championship in Inaugural Puerto Vallarta Hosted Tournament
Bob Cohen
 The District 9, Region 3 Little League tournament, hosted for the first time in Puerto Vallarta, was a success in every aspect. Well, almost every aspect; our Puerto Vallarta youngsters didn't win the tournament, but they represented our city very well.
City Hosts Jalisco District Little League Tournament
Bob Cohen
 The City of Puerto Vallarta and the Puerto Vallarta Little League will be hosts for the first time in history of the Little League for the divisional playoffs for the State of Jalisco teams the weekend of May 28th - May 30th.
PV Little League Results & Highlights - Playoffs Week Twelve
Bob Cohen
 BanderasNews soundly defeated season long rival Teatro Limon 16-6 to win the Puerto Vallarta Little League 12-14 year old division on Saturday. They won the best of three series 2-0.
PV Little League Results & Highlights - Playoffs Week Eleven
Bob Cohen
 The 12-14 year old division finally got down to the final two teams, Teatro Limon and BanderasNews who began a best of three series to determine the champion of the 12-14 year old division. This was the first game and crucial in a best of three series as the loser would need to win two consecutive games for the championship.
PV Little League Results & Highlights - Playoffs Week Ten
Bob Cohen
 The highlight game of the week was between BanderasNews and the La Cruz Tibuneros in the 12-14 year old division. BanderasNews and La Cruz were tied 1-1 in the semifinal series and the winner would advance to the finals after the deciding third game.
PV Little League Results & Highlights - Regular Season Week Nine
Bob Cohen
 The playoffs in the 12-14 year old division reached their second game in Week 9 of the Puerto Vallarta Little League and the 9-11 year olds concluded the remainder of their regular season.
Teatro Limon Restaurant to Host Fundraising Dinner to Benefit the PV Little League
Bob Cohen
 Teatro Limon Restaurant will be hosting a five course dinner event on May 10th to raise money for the Little League baseball playoffs to be held in Puerto Vallarta the weekend of May 28th-30th.
Little League Brings New Friends Together
Bob Cohen
 Aviana Productions takes us to one of this season's T Ball games, where budding baseball players, ranging from 5-8 years of age, proved that they have what it takes to be the future stars of the Puerto Vallarta Little League.
PV Little League Results & Highlights - Regular Season Week Eight
Bob Cohen
 The playoffs got underway for the 12-14 year old division in Week 8 of the Puerto Vallarta Little League as the 9-11 year olds continued the remainder of their regular season as three teams are battling for the #1 seed and easiest road to the championship.
PV Little League Results & Highlights - Regular Season Week Seven
Bob Cohen
 After a two week layoff due to the Easter holidays, week seven of the Puerto Vallarta Little League regular season was played Saturday and again gave fans two thrilling games, one in each age division.
Help the PV Little League Host the Jalisco District Tournament
Bob Cohen
 The City of Puerto Vallarta and the Puerto Vallarta Little League will be hosts for the first time in history of the Little League for the divisional playoffs for the State of Jalisco teams the weekend of May 28th - May 30th.
PV Little League Results & Highlights - Regular Season Week Six
Bob Cohen
 Again in Week Six of the Puerto Vallarta Little League there seems to be an exciting game in each age division. This week, we had four good games.
PV Little League Results & Highlights - Regular Season Week Five
Bob Cohen
 Each week there seems to be an exciting game in each age division. In the 12-14 year old division Banderas News faced La Cruz, who has been close in every game but has faltered at the end due to a weaker relief pitching staff.
PV Little League Results & Highlights - Regular Season Week Four
Bob Cohen
 The game that everyone was waiting for was played between undefeated Teatro Limon and Banderas News in the 12-14 year old division with first place at stake. The two faced each other in the pre-season and thrilled fans with an exciting 5-4 BanderasNews come from behind win.
Puerto Vallarta Little League All Star Weekend vs. Aguascalientes
Bob Cohen
 This past Saturday, March 6th, an adult team from Aguascalientes played a Puerto Vallarta adult team and brought with them an All Star team of 11-12 year olds to face Puerto Vallarta's best in a pair of friendly games that were played Saturday and Sunday mornings.
PV Little League Results & Highlights - Regular Season Week Three
Bob Cohen
 There is one thing that the Puerto Vallarta Little League can always count on and that is change. This week, due an earthquake in Chile early Saturday morning, and the resulting tsunami warning that was issued for the west coast of Mexico, games had to be cancelled.
PV Little League Results & Highlights - Regular Season Week Two
Bob Cohen
 Things are changing and exciting things are also happening in the Puerto Vallarta Little League. The league completed Week Six Saturday but league officials came to a very equitable decision on how to handle the schedule and the addition of the two new teams after the third week of play.
PV Little League Results & Highlights - Regular Season Week One
Bob Cohen
 The Puerto Vallarta Little league completed Week Five Saturday of its first half of the season and two teams were added to the league, one in each age division.
PV Little League Results & Highlights - Pre-Season Week Four
Bob Cohen
 The Puerto Vallarta Little league completed Week Four Saturday but two and as many as four teams were added to the league which led league officials to change the schedules and also determine how the new teams would be counted in the standings.
PV Little League Results & Highlights - Pre-Season Week Three
Bob Cohen
 The Puerto Vallarta Little League completed Week Three on Saturday, marking the midpoint of the first half of the season. Teams play two six game seasons and then the playoffs follow to crown eventual champions in each division.
PV Little League Results & Highlights - Pre-Season Week Two
Bob Cohen
 The Puerto Vallarta Little League completed their second week of play Saturday under sunny skies and with another enthusiastic crowd cheering the kids on.
PV Little League Results & Highlights - Pre-Season Week One
Bob Cohen
 The opening week of the Puerto Vallarta Little League season was held Saturday, a week after the opening ceremonies and practice games that followed. There was a large crowd of parents on hand to see their kids play.
PV Little League Kicks Off 2nd Season with Inaugural Opening Ceremony
Bob Cohen
 The 2nd season of the Puerto Vallarta Little League kicked off Saturday in front of a large crowd with opening ceremonies that included an appearance from the Navy band that played the Mexican National Anthem after all eight teams marched down the left field line with their brand new uniforms.
Little League Equipment on its Way for Opening Day of PV Season Two
Bob Cohen
 The second season of the Puerto Vallarta Little League will officially start this Saturday, January 9th, 2010 at 11:00 am with opening ceremonies that will include dignitaries from Puerto Vallarta and the Navy Band. After the ceremonies it will be time to Play Ball!
Update: Puerto Vallarta Little League Year Two Changes Opening Day to Saturday, January 9th, 2010
Bob Cohen
 The second season of the Puerto Vallarta Little League will officially start on Saturday, January 9th, 2010. Previously the league opening day was scheduled for December 5th but due to the holidays, schools being out and some kids not available, League President Miguel Angel Vargas announced the change this past weekend.
Pre-Season Little League All-Star Tournament Held in Puerto Vallarta
Bob Cohen
 The Puerto Vallarta Little League kicked off its second season this past weekend as all star teams traveled from Guadalajara, Arandas and Bahia de Banderas, Nayarit to join the Puerto Vallarta all-star team to compete in a four team "friendly tournament".
Puerto Vallarta Little League Partnerships - 2009-2010 Season
Jeff Davis
 When the first pitch is thrown out the first Saturday of December to open the season, we expect to field 10-12 teams with 150+ kids. Here's your chance to be part of this season's activities.
Puerto Vallarta Little League Heads Towards 2nd Season
Bob Cohen
 The Puerto Vallarta Little League will begin its second year of play at the end of November. For the past two weeks, League President Miguel Vargas has been holding tryouts each Saturday and has had a good turnout of youngsters.

Puerto Vallarta Little League Season Ends
Bob Cohen
 The Little League season in Puerto Vallarta came to a conclusion Saturday, August 1st, about six weeks after its scheduled ending date. Lic. Cesar Macias, the Puerto Vallarta Director of Sports and other City officials were on hand to watch the final game.
Little League Season Finale this Saturday
Bob Cohen
 Puerto Vallarta city officials will take the field at the Agustín Flores Contreras Sports Stadium on July 31 to present this season's Little League champions with trophies and to thank the team sponsors who helped bring Little League baseball back to PV after a 10 year absence.
Sage Hill Lightning Wins Playoff Game, One Game From Championship
Bob Cohen
 The Puerto Vallarta Little League season came closer to a conclusion after Saturday's action. Three games were scheduled but only one was played. The summer vacation left teams short of players as families were out of town.
Little League Playoffs Continue Saturday After Long Layoff
Bob Cohen
 The Puerto Vallarta Little League continues play after a two + month layoff. At this point, it might've been easier to terminate the season, but League President Miguel Vargas was persistent in concluding the season with a playoff system that allows teams more action on the baseball diamond.
Puerto Vallarta Little League All Stars Compete in Guadalajara
Bob Cohen
 Last Friday afternoon a group of 15 and 16 years olds selected to participate in the Category 15-16 Little League All Stars in the Jalisco division left on a bus supplied by the city to travel to Guadalajara. Coaches and some parents accompanied the kids as well as League President Miguel Vargas and associate Oscar Mercado.
PV Little League Week Six Report and Recap
Bob Cohen
 Week 6 of the Puerto Vallarta Little League was played Saturday and the teams will have two weeks off before their next game due to the spring holidays that will see many youngsters leave town for family vacations.
PV Little League Week Five Report and Recap
Bob Cohen
 Week 5 of the Puerto Vallarta Little League was played Saturday under sunny skies as the top teams went through their first round of playing their opponents in the 9-11 year old division, which is quite competitive and quite spirited.
PV Little League Week Four Report and Recap
Bob Cohen
 Week 4 of the Puerto Vallarta Little League saw some extremely competitive games, which was exciting news for all, but on the downside, two teams did not show up as scheduled, leaving a dilemma for league officials and a decision will be made this week as to how the league will handle this unfortunate situation.
PV Little League Week Three to be Played Over
Bob Cohen
 Week 3 of the Puerto Vallarta Little League ran into it's first snag in the initial season as the early games were played, but at noon, we were unexpectedly told that the field was reserved for an out of town adult team that was to play an adult Puerto Vallarta team.
PV Little League Week Two - Recap and Updates
Bob Cohen
 Week Two of the Puerto Vallarta Little League didn't have the fanfare that the opening day had, but every kid was out again with uniforms sparkling, the grass was green and the sun was shining for last Saturday's games.
Play Ball! PV Little League Opening Day a Success
Bob Cohen
 Saturday, February 28th 2009 couldn't have been a better day for the close to 150 kids at the Sports Stadium if one had scripted it for a Hollywood movie. It was Opening Day for the Puerto Vallarta Little League and it was time to Play Ball!
Puerto Vallarta Little League Inauguration and Opening Day, February 28th
Bob Cohen
 The Puerto Vallarta Little League will begin their first day of official play on Saturday, February 28th at the Sports Stadium baseball field at 10:00 AM after a ten year absence of Little League in our city.
Jerry Bianchi Steps Up to the Plate and Brings Big Baseball Donation from Colorado
Bob Cohen
 Last Saturday, more baseball equipment arrived for Puerto Vallarta's resurrection of its Little League program after a 10 year absence.
Baseball Equipment Finally Donated to New Puerto Vallarta Little League
Bob Cohen
 It was exactly a year ago when the Peters family from the San Francisco Bay area brought a load of kids' baseball equipment to be donated to those in need. What a nightmare that simple task turned out to be!
Northern California Family Donates Baseball Equipment to Puerto Vallarta Youth
Bob Cohen
 Christmas might be a little late for some young Vallarta athletes this year, but thanks to the thoughtfulness and generosity of one California family, two teams or schools in need of baseball equipment will be receiving some very special gifts.
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