Mexico Works on Climate Change ‘Roadmap’
The News go to original February 08, 2010
 Madrid, Spain - Mexico is preparing a “roadmap” to ensure that the United Nations Conference of the Parties on Climate Change in Cancun (COP16) achieves an agreement that the international community is calling for, said Mexican Secretary of the Environment and Natural Resources, Juan Rafael Elvira.
 At a meeting in New Dehli, India on Sustainable Development, Elvira focussed his participation in preparation for the COP16 to be held in Cancun, Nov. 29 to Dec. 10, in order to propose a negotiation scheme that is “innovative and flexible.”
 “We believe that the traditional method has not produced the desired results in the proposed time period, and this compels us to forge new methods, strategies, ideas and contributions,” he said.
 For the time being, the work is based on getting to know the opinions and positions of other countries, institutions and leaders, in regards to what failed at COP15 in December in Copenhagen, and how to take up again the Copenhagen Accord to continue negotiations. |