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The Hispanic- Jewish American Alliance
Sal Osio - HispanicVista.com February 13, 2010

 |  | The global tide of anti Semitism, allegedly justified on the basis of Israel's policies, is nothing more than the time proven formula of discrimination against Jews, masked by any excuse. |  |  |  | Indisputably the Jewish people throughout civilization have been at the vanguard of human rights, civil liberties and humanitarian causes. Understandably so since as an ethnic group no society has been more persecuted and prosecuted. Whether the historic Spanish Inquisition, England's Judeocide or in recent memory, the Nazi Holocaust, to name a few chapters in human degradation, the Jewish communities have been the target of man's immorality.
 And despite it all, no society has made a greater contribution to the welfare of mankind. In letters, arts and sciences - the essence of culture - Jews stand at the pinnacle of civilization.
 Such a paradox: The ingratitude of man.
 Our Jewish brethren have learned than their best defense against transgression, includes the protection of their fellowmen. By advocating social and economic justice for all, by protecting the human and civil rights of the less privileged, by condemning prejudice in all its ugly manifestations, they erect a formidable shield against injustice. Witness the American Jewish contribution to the civil rights movement which contributed to the removal of racial and economic barriers in our country. Arguably America would have progressed to racial and socio-economic parity, such as we are undertaking today, without their support. But, if so, it may have taken us another century.
 We just celebrated the anniversary of an American statesman, Martin Luther King, Jr., whose 'dream' awakened the conscience of America. But we must not forget who provided a core support. In the absence of Jewish-America, the 'dream' may not have been the reality that it is becoming.
 Hispanics have Black America to thank for the attainment of rights that otherwise would have been deferred, if not completely ignored. And, in expressing their gratitude to Black Americans, Hispanics, as well as America's non-White minorities, should likewise recognize the valuable contribution made by Jewish Americans.
 In our country Jews are a small minority, less than 2% of the population. Today the biggest minority is Hispanic Americans, some 16% of the population and counting. By the end of this century, Hispanics will be America's majority. In the process of assimilation into the American mainstream the danger is that we will forget the core group who is largely responsible for our attainment - the American Jewish community. If we forget, it will be at our peril. Only through a united front will we be able to progress, as Americans, toward the everlasting challenge, socio-economic justice. Freedom is not free. Our civil liberties are eroded constantly by an increasingly authoritarian government and financial interests which become more powerful, more elitist, and more abusive. The fight for civil liberties and justice is a never ending struggle.
 The Hispanic-Jewish American alliance is essential to us. We should be weary of those among us who in their opposition to Israel's publicized treatment of its Arab citizens and Palestinian neighbors lay the blame on the Jewish American community. This connection is as preposterous as blaming Mexican-Americans for any misconduct of the Mexican government. The global tide of anti Semitism, allegedly justified on the basis of Israel's policies, is nothing more than the time proven formula of discrimination against Jews, masked by any excuse. Let's not fall into that trap.
 As Hispanics, we should stand shoulder to shoulder with our fellow Jewish Americans and cut at the bud bigotry when it rears its ugly head. They have and will always align themselves with us in our common struggle for human dignity and justice. It is not just an expression of reciprocity. It is a matter of common survival. As we assume the responsibility of governance as America's majority our alliance with Jewish America is fundamental to our mutual well being.
 Sal Osio is the Publisher of HispanicVista.com. Contact at: SPosio(at)aol.com
 Patrick Osio Vice President Baja California Medical Tourism Association (BCMTA) Co-founder TransBorder Communication - Dedicated to Binational Economic Development The Baja Connection with Patrick Osio/Radio Program Internet at: www.TheBajaConnection.com Editor/HispanicVista/Public Interest Internet Publication since 1997 (619) 422-1878 Fax (619) 422-4130 - Cell (619) 944-1522 Posiojr(at)aol.com |

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