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California's Governor Race: Extreme Sides on Border Issues
Peace and Freedom Party 2010 February 13, 2010
 The candidates for California's next governor will be faced with many challenging issues; a state budget crisis, high unemployment, a housing foreclosure crisis, a crisis in education, and how to address the issue of immigration in the state with the largest population of illegal immigrants in the United States. On immigration, Republican candidate Meg Whitman is proposing tighter border enforcement and prosecuting illegal aliens. Stewart Alexander, a PFP Candidate for California Governor, says "Whitman's position on immigration is racist and discriminates against Mexican-Americans."
 Meg Whitman has formulated her position on illegal immigration based on the platform of the California Republican Party calling for the termination of legal requirements for non-emergency assistance to illegal immigrants and calling for tighter enforcement on the U.S.-Mexican border. Within the past four years, the California Republican Party backed the efforts of President George Bush to build a 700-mile, $49 billion border fence on the U.S.-Mexican border. In recent interviews, Meg Whitman has made her position clear regarding illegal immigrants stating that "we have to prosecute illegal aliens and criminal illegal aliens in all of our cities, in every part of California."
 Within the past decade, California and the nation have been in a firestorm over immigration reform; the issue has divided Congress, voters, Californians and the nation. Presently, more the 15 million illegal immigrants reside in the U.S. Stewart Alexander stands behind the position of the Peace and Freedom Party which would allow amnesty for these illegal immigrants with full political, social and economic rights.
 Stewart Alexander says he believes Meg Whitman's approach to illegal immigration will unfairly target millions of Mexican-American families here in California and the nation; "it is an approach that will fuel discrimination against many of our neighbors here in California and abroad." Alexander says it is also important to consider that many of these illegal immigrants have established roots and families, paid taxes and have contributed to the economy.
 More than half of California's population is Mexican-American and dealing with the question of illegal immigration will likely be on the forefront of hot issues in the 2010 California gubernatorial race. Stewart Alexander says "I am willing to debate Meg Whitman on the issue of illegal immigration anywhere or at anytime."
 For more information search the Web for: Stewart A. Alexander
 Border Fence - The Cost is Far Too High Alexander wants common US Mexican currency Billionaire Meg Whitman to Challenge Same-Sex Marriage Rights
 Peace and Freedom Party |

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