|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay  
Volunteers 'Dug in' to Los Mangos Project
Gary R. Beck - PuertoVallartaGC.org October 25, 2010

| Volunteers 'dug right in' at the Puerto Vallarta Garden Club's first beautification project at Los Mangos Library on Saturday, October 16th. (photos by Josef Kandoll) |  | Puerto Vallarta Garden Club held its first planting beautification project at Los Mangos Library on Saturday, October 16, 2010. Many large tree branches were pruned exposing the beautiful building to Avenida Francisco Villa. This allows more light for the plants chosen for phase two of this undertaking.
 Many bougainvilleas were planted to the left of the entrance along the fence. We hope that they flourish, climb and bloom wonderfully next May when we host the first annual Bougainvillea Festival. Watering practices are being organized so that all plants are given necessities for healthy, strong growth.
 Special thanks are offered to Nicole Majewski of PEACE with sharing volunteers, Bob Price and his team from Vallarta Botanical Gardens for digging holes and removing a dead tree, and to Charlotte Semple of Xocodiva Chocolates for furnishing treats and needed waters. Two new members were enrolled and donations were accepted gladly. Our non-profit status is nearing fruition.
 Puerto Vallarta Garden Club is a not-for-profit organization striving to improve and beautify Vallarta through planting trees and flowers in public areas. All work is volunteer-based and pro bono. New members and donations are always welcome. For more information, upcoming events and scheduled meetings. please visit PuertoVallartaGC.org.

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