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««« Click HERE for Recent Opinions Obama Goes to War... With Himself Arthur I. Cyr
Regarding aggressive intelligence gathering, the Obama administration is now clearly at war - with the Obama administration.
Honduras: Out of the Vortex, Into the Vacuum Tom Loudon
After returning from an intense two weeks of accompanying international delegations in Honduras, I am just beginning to realize what a vortex we were in.
The Doctrine of 'Plausible Deniability' Dan K. Thomasson
For those untutored in the ways of Washington, 'plausible deniability' simply means keeping potentially questionable activities away from direct presidential involvement so that he can plausibly deny any knowledge if things go wrong. More than one president in the modern era has escaped serious damage using this claim.
"The Dream" Remains a Vision Dr. Wilmer J. Leon III
On August 28, 1963, during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and delivered one of the most famous speeches in world history, "I Have A Dream."
The Media Can't Handle the Truth; Media Sheep Facing Truth-Hungry Internet Wolves Gene Lyons
So yet another Bush administration Cabinet-level official has petitioned to get his conscience and reputation back. This time, it's Tom Ridge, former secretary of Homeland Security.
Teddy William Rivers Pitt
The nation awoke on Wednesday morning to the news that Sen. Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts had passed away in the night, in his bed, with his family by his side. The television news networks overflowed with metaphors for the moment - the Liberal Lion, the Last Brother, the End of an Era, the Last Chapter - but it was a man who was dead.
It is Bush and Cheney Who Gave the Orders and it is They Who Must be Held Responsible IndictBushNow.org
Every member of IndictBushNow should feel proud. The announcement that a Special Prosecutor has been appointed to investigate Bush-era crimes was the direct result of the massive, grassroots movement from below. It was the action taken by you and people all around the country that made this possible.
Triumphs and Tragedies of Ted Kennedy Dale McFeatters
It is not a stretch to say that if Sen. Edward M. Kennedy had not been stricken last year with the brain cancer that ultimately took his life, President Obama would have a health-care bill, one very likely on the verge of Senate passage. He was that good a legislator.
What, Exactly, is the Government's Job? Alan Burkhart
With each passing day the federal government takes on more and more responsibility. And with each new obligation it assumes, the quality of the services 'We The People' receive declines. Health care is no exception...
Exposed: The Swine Flu Hoax Andrew Bosworth
The alarm has been sounded. Politicians, pharmaceutical executives and media conglomerates would have us believe that a 1918-style pandemic is a real threat. The 1918 pandemic, however, evolved out of conditions unique to World War I, for four specific reasons.
The Lunacy of Packing Heat at Presidential Events Dan K. Thomasson
If the Secret Service and the White House don't worry about armed-to-the-teeth civilians being in relatively close proximity to Barack Obama, why should we?
Mexico Goes to Pot, and then Some Investors Business Daily
Mexico surprised everyone this week by "decriminalizing" drugs for "personal use" to refocus its resources. This may sound good to some, but it's waving a white flag at drug cartels that will now take advantage.
The Greenback Effect Warren E. Buffett
The United States economy is now out of the emergency room and appears to be on a slow path to recovery. But enormous dosages of monetary medicine continue to be administered and, before long, we will need to deal with their side effects.
Honduras: Military Coup Engineered By Two US Companies? John Perkins
I recently visited Central America. Everyone I talked with there was convinced that the military coup that had overthrown the democratically-elected president of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, had been engineered by two US companies, with CIA support.
US Congress Shirks its Responsibility, Allows White House to Make Wars Sherwood Ross
On occasion, critics of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars have questioned, with good reason, whether the American war in Afghanistan has been carried far beyond what Congress authorized. This raises a fundamental question that has bedeviled the country since 1950.
The Battle of the Budget The News
In these lean times, decentralization is proving to be damaging. A recent study shows that most of the nations' municipalities are bankrupt, and the states are in big financial trouble.
A Michigan Militia's Response To The SPLC Militia Report Lee Miracle
In response to recent panic-driven news reports concerning the growth of "racist, anti-government, right-wing militia threats" to The United States, we offer the following.
Lack of North American Leadership Laura Carlsen
Times of crisis require bold leadership and innovative solutions. Crises demand the casting aside of old, failed paradigms and the mobilization of people to create new ones. Exactly the opposite happened when the leaders of Canada, Mexico, and the United States met in Guadalajara from August 9-10.
I’ll Keep My Clunker Alan Burkhart
One of President Obama’s great ideas for our country is that we should trade in our 'clunkers' for modern fuel efficient cars. 'Clunker' in this case is defined as anything that doesn’t get fuel mileage comparable to that of a bicycle, or perhaps an ox-drawn cart.
When Should Gay Marriage Advocates Try to Reverse California's Prop 8? William Bradley
When should Californians try to reverse last November's Proposition 8 ban on same-sex marriage? That's the question on tap this week, and for awhile going forward.
Calderón's Grip on PAN The News
A new era starts for the National Action Party (PAN) as Cesar Nava on Saturday was elected president. Nava is young and ambitious and at least promised he would turn the party around and ready it for the 2010 elections.
What This Country Needs Is an Outburst of Common Sense Joseph L. Galloway
If ever there were a time for comprehensive health care reform, it's now, and yet the forces of darkness are lining up against this urgent need, buttressed by lies, mobs inflamed by those lies and millions of dollars changing hands and changing votes in Washington, D.C.
Is God Big Enough? Phil Hoskins
There are divisions about exactly what God is and how God feels about and is inclined in favor or against a long list of activities and actions. These divisions are in urgent need of reconciliaition in order to deal with the era of global interdependency. Is the God of all these diverse interpretations big enough to deal with it?
Latino Backlash Eva Rodriguez
We're not that stupid. Really. At least most of us aren't. The full Senate on Tuesday began debating the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor, and much is being made of possible Hispanic backlash against Republican senators who vote against her.
America's Real Deficit: Common Sense Reg Henry
What does the country really need? If you have an hour, we can make a long, serious list together, starting perhaps with health-care reform, climate-change legislation, urban renewal, new sources of energy, and then progressing right on down to non-fat doughnuts and executions for people using cell phones in theaters.
Why the U.S. Government Hates Venezuela Shamus Cooke
The propaganda wheels are turning fast. The barrage of anti-Venezuela misinformation that began while Bush was in office has intensified in recent months. Not a week goes by without the U.S. mainstream media running at least one story about the "dictatorial" Venezuelan government.
Presentation by Stewart Alexander to PFP National Organizing Conference PeaceAndFreedom.org
For working people in the United States, the political situation is dire. Almost the entire national legislative branch, as well as the executive and judicial branches of government, is in the hands of representatives of the capitalist ruling class, the wealthiest owners of great financial, trading and industrial firms.
A "Forgotten" Proposition The News
Much has been said and written about the new Congress selected by voters in a fair and square election which left a reenergized Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) back in power, and a lot of sour faces among those who will now have to sit back and watch the PRI deputies have a heyday.
US Legislators for Sale Keith Olbermann
Finally tonight, as promised, a Special Comment on Health Care Reform in this country, and in particular, the "public insurance option."
New Rule: Not Everything in America Has to Make a Profit Bill Maher
How about this for a New Rule: Not everything in America has to make a profit. It used to be that there were some services and institutions so vital to our nation that they were exempt from market pressures. Some things we just didn't do for money...
Will Obama Ever Escape the Conspiracy Nuts? Ben Boychuk & Joel Mathis
Will Barack Obama ever be free of conspiracy theories? During the presidential campaign, he was bedeviled by false rumors that he was a "secret" Muslim. Now fringe elements charge that Obama was born in Kenya, not Hawaii.
We’ve Only Just Begun Shawn Connors
According to the CIA’s World Factbook, Americas GDP for 2008 was $14.58 trillion dollars. Fox News reported The United States Government and The Federal Reserve have so far pledged & committed $23.7 trillion dollars, an amount that far exceeds the value of everything we produced in this country in 2008.
So Many Conspiracy Theories, So Few Facts Ann McFeatters
Why, recently, are so many Americans being taken in by conspiracy theories? Why are so many denying real history?
Are Liberal Netroots Groups Helping Obama Fail? Jeff Cohen
I've started deleting them as spam. I'm not talking about the enlarge-your-penis emails or "You've Won the Lottery" notices. I'm talking about the increasingly urgent emails coming for weeks from liberal netroots groups calling for a "public option" for health care.
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