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The Example
William Rivers Pitt

Lionizing a Founding Father on the Fourth of July is a simple task, to be sure, but Benjamin Franklin turns this process on its ear. He represents all we can be and all we should be, and likewise represents all we no longer seem to be or care to be today. He is worthy of admiration, which is easy, and worthy of emulation, which is not.more »»»

Bitter Divisions Behind Close Mexican Polls
Financial Times

Mexico’s elections on Sunday were supposed to be a decisive step in the country’s transition towards a mature, developed democracy, laying the ghost of past electoral fraud and a long history of manipulation of poll results. That may still happen.more »»»

The United States Is Being Overthrown By Our Politicians
Dave Gibson

A silent but all-reaching coup is taking place within the United States. This coup is not being directed by bomb-laden Muslim terrorists, nor will it ever be covered by the mainstream media. The seditious act is being carried out by our very own elected officials, with President Bush leading the insurrection.more »»»

Democracy Wins in Mexico
Alan Kellogg

Different the world's people may be, but some things are universal. Mexicans are going to the polls today in what will almost certainly be an historic presidential election. And like public holidays - the country celebrates more than any on earth - Mexicans love elections, embracing the mixture of passion, gaiety and cynical resignation that underpins the national character.more »»»

Lopez Obrador: The Choice for Mexican Workers
David Bacon

As Mexico heads for the polls, Mexican workers and unions have a chance to win a change in direction for their country - a government that would serve their interests instead of those of their employers.more »»»

Hugo Chávez
Greg Palast

You'd think George Bush would get down on his knees and kiss Hugo Chávez's behind. Not only has Chávez delivered cheap oil to the Bronx and other poor communities in the United States. And not only did he offer to bring aid to the victims of Katrina.more »»»

Not 'For The Good Of All'
Washington Times

The possibility becomes probability that Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, the truculent leftist, will defeat Felipe Calderon, the free-market conservative, in Mexico's presidential election, and this is not particularly good news for the United States.more »»»

NAFTA Super Highway
Wayne Weisser

I'm not one for conspiracy theories, but this one is already underway. This sounds complicated, but it's not. A super highway from deep in Mexico so the cheap crap from China bypasses Unions in Long Beach USA ports. Container get dropped on cheap Mexican trucks and trains bypassing US drivers and train operators.more »»»

Mexican Races Coming Down to the Wire
Allan Wall

The Mexican presidential election is down to its last week. It’s a tight one, but it looks more and more like Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) of the PRD will be the winner.more »»»

It's a Rich Man's World
Dexter Tiranti

If the rich didn't affect the rest of the world that would be fine. But their privileges mean the servility of others, their power the powerlessness of others, their superiority the inferiority of others. But does it matter? Dexter Tiranti looks at why the world would be better off without the better- off.more »»»

Mexico's Government Failures Fuel Illegal Immigration
Deroy Murdock

Mexican politicians are the cheekiest participants in today’s immigration debate. South of the border, officials consider Uncle Sam responsible for nurturing Mexico’s poor. Thus, they demand, America must welcome illegal Mexican immigrants.more »»»

Interview: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
PR Week

This month, Rolling Stone ran an investigative feature claiming that Republicans used a systematic combination of voter disenfranchisement and fraud, centered in Ohio, to rob John Kerry of a win in the 2004 presidential election. Kennedy spoke to PRWeek about the story.more »»»

Mexico's Election

Something unusual is going on in Mexico — a normal presidential election. Mexico's relatively new democratic institutions are not being strained, and are not at risk. There are three major candidates, and while they have been doing a lot of mudslinging, they offer voters a real ideological choice.more »»»

Was the Presidential Election Stolen?
Joel Bleifuss

The courts and the media are widely recognized as the bulwarks of democracy. But the Supreme Court in Bush v. Gore inserted partisan politics into the judicial process and derailed the democratic process, while the U.S. media has, since that ruling, systematically avoided any reporting on serious election dysfunction.more »»»

Hispanic News Endorses Andrés Manuel López Obrador for President of Mexico
Jon Garrido

Hispanic voters, many of whom responded favorably to President Bush’s campaign appeals emphasizing patriotism, family and religious values in Spanish-language media in 2004, now need to turn away from the administration on immigration and a host of other issues.more »»»

Bush's Immigration Plan is Half-Hearted
Jack Chesney

As conservatives feared, President Bush proposed only a half-hearted attempt to combat the Mexican invasion of America. In his "immigration reform" speech, Bush said he was against amnesty for illegal aliens, and then proceeded to outline an amnesty program.more »»»

A ‘Declaration of Interdependence’
Frank Miele

I once believed that the US was sovereign — you know, that we could make our own laws and govern ourselves — but I have gotten over that misguided foolishness, thanks to the illegal immigration debate.more »»»

U.S. Should Look to Fox's Successor
Maria Elena Salinas

In a few months, Fox will become just another Mexican citizen. From that point on, history will be the judge of his legacy. In the meantime, the U.S. should be preparing the welcome mat for its new partner, neighbor and amigo.more »»»

The Rise of Islamic Radicalism in Mexico
Chris Zambelis

Although the overwhelming majority of those entering the United States from Mexico each day are in search of opportunity, many observers worry that it is only a matter of time before al-Qaida exploits this vulnerability for its own ends.more »»»

Flag Burning and Other Dubious Epidemics
Molly Ivins

The Republicans are worried about the flag, gay marriage and the terrible burden of the estate tax on the rich. The rest of us are unnecessarily worried about war, peace, the economy, the environment and civilization. Another reason to vote Republican - they have a shorter list.more »»»

Divide and Conquer the Voters

President Bush devoted his Saturday radio speech to a cynical boost for a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. It was depressing in the extreme to hear the chief executive trying to pretend, at this moment in American history, that this was a critical priority.more »»»

Cultural Battle may Propel Latino Icons North of Border
Ernesto Portillo Jr.

At the core of the immigration debate, the arguments have become more about cultural changes than economics. Consider the flare-up over the Spanish translation of the national anthem. Then there's the U.S. Senate vote declaring English the national language. What we have here is a cultural dust-up.more »»»

A State of Emergency
Sidney Blumenthal

Within the Bush administration something that senior officials call the "war paradigm" is the central organising principle. They do not use the phrase publicly, but they bend policy to serve it.more »»»

Was the 2004 Election Stolen?
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Like many Americans, I spent the evening of the 2004 election watching the returns on television and wondering how the exit polls, which predicted an overwhelming victory for John Kerry, had gotten it so wrong. By midnight, the official tallies showed a decisive lead for George Bush - and the next day, lacking enough legal evidence to contest the results, Kerry conceded.more »»»

In Defense of Familia
Ruben Navarrette

As a Mexican-American, I'm hearing from a lot of U.S.-born Hispanics who are convinced that the immigration debate is a proxy for an assault on them, their language and their culture.more »»»

Mexico Must Face Its Failings
Froma Harrop

The border debate has spawned feverish mumbling about the "reconquista" — the idea that Mexico plans to take back territory lost to the US by first filling it with Mexican immigrants and their children. One can't see them going along. If any country needs reconquering, it is Mexico.more »»»

Bush’s Border Folly
Earl Ofari Hutchinson

Pres. Bush’s tough talk on border security might cool some of the anger of conservatives, but it’s a fool’s paradise measure that won’t put a dent in the illegal immigrant problem.more »»»

U.S. Should Alter Criteria for Citizenship
Conor Fridersdorf

It's unfashionable these days to assert that immigrants who particularly benefit the United States should receive a leg up, but I favor expanded incentives that go beyond the military. It's already easier to immigrate to the United States if you're an exceptional athlete or scientist.more »»»

Media Memorial Day
Norman Solomon

People who are concerned about the state of the US news media in 2006 might pause to consider those who have lost their lives in the midst of journalistic neglect, avoidance and bias. We remember that while TV and radio news reports tell the latest about corporate fortunes, vast numbers of real people are struggling to make ends meet.more »»»

Mexico is Rich - Mexican Wealthy Play American Taxpayers for Suckers
Brenda Walker

Certainly there are many poor people in Mexico, since perhaps half the country lives in poverty. However, the nation as a whole is quite rich and could well finance the sort of improvements in education and infrastructure that would better the living standards of all Mexicans.more »»»

Memorial Day - What Is This Special Day?
Fernando Suarez del Solar

According to tradition, it is a day to remember those who have fallen in US wars. The stated goals of those wars were peace, freedom, democracy, and justice. But what has really happened? In spite of all of the wars that have taken thousands of our soldiers and millions of innocents, especially children, the world is still at war, and people everywhere suffer under unjust political systems where there is no freedom.more »»»

Former President Jimmy Carter Says U.S. House Bill on Immigration Has 'Racist' Overtones
Jimmy Carter

United States senate leaders have now decided to vote on an immigration bill, which is very important to all Americans. An untold number of American employers are in a silent and fearful quandary as this legislation is considered.more »»»

Immigration Solution - Invade Mexico!
Douglas Page

Here is a modest proposal for solving the illegal immigration issue once and for all: Invade and occupy Mexico and admit it into the Union as the 51st state. That way, we can put an immediate end to all of the political hand-wringing on this pressing and volatile issue.more »»»

Violence in Mexico, Why Now?
Carolina Cositore

While drug wars rage in Mexico - causing dozens of deaths in the State of Guerrero since Wednesday and 90 this year - why have the Federal and state police chosen instead to descend on Atenco in the State of Mexico? Could it have something to do with the residents´ sympathy for, and growing popularity of the Zapatista Other Campaign during the presidential elections?more »»»

The Hayden Charade
Marjorie Cohn

In his testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday, General Michael Hayden promised to promote autonomy and objectivity in the CIA if confirmed as its new director. The evidence, however, suggests precisely the opposite.more »»»

A Fence of Folly
Jules Witcover

Before the echoes fade of President Bush's call for "a rational middle ground" on immigration, he needs to back it up by denouncing the nonsensical idea of trying to stem the flow of illegal Latino entrants by fencing off 370 miles of the Mexican border.more »»»

Fear of a Brown America!
Mumia Abu-Jamal

The simmering struggle over immigration continues to bubble over the congressional vacation, and after all is said and done, it is doubtful in the extreme that they have the solution.more »»»

Time to Call Bush on Lawbreaking
Jesse Jackson

Democrats should stand up and promise an in-depth series of investigations of this administration and its lawlessness - from Halliburton's making off with billions in sole-source contracts to the cesspool of hidden prisons to the trampling of liberties at home.more »»»

An Ugly Possibility
Molly Ivins

I hate to raise such an ugly possibility, but have you considered lunacy as an explanation? Craziness would make a certain amount of sense. I mean, you announce you are going to militarize the Mexican border, but you assure the president of Mexico you are not militarizing the border. Militarizing the border is a totally terrible idea.more »»»

Smoke Weed South of the Border
Eliezer Sherman

In the coming weeks, Mexico may potentially become more progressive in terms of drug control than the United States. What? How is that possible?more »»»

The Long Arm of the Drug War
Brian Doherty

The rise and fall of Mexican drug-law reform over the last two weeks has been, for drug legalizers, a dizzying high followed by a painfully abrupt crash. U.S. drug authorities laid down their usual bummer: No user is going to get off easy on their watch. And thanks to the United States' overwhelming power and influence, their watch extends everywhere.more »»»

Portrayals of a Weak Fox Could Hurt Party
S. Lynne Walker

Will President Vicente Fox's troubles never cease? He's been hammered on both sides of the border for proposing and then rejecting a new drug. Federal and state police fled from rioting farmers. And, Fox was burned in effigy by angry members of the nation's powerful labor unions. That was just the first week in May.more »»»

For Mexico's President Fox, It's Regular Tourism, ¡Sí!, and "Drug Tourism," ¡No!
Edward M. Gomez

For a moment there, it seemed that Mexico was set to become a "drug tourist's" paradise in the wake of the Mexican congress's passage of proposed new legislation decriminalizing the possession (for personal use) of small amounts of marijuana, cocaine, LSD and ecstasy, among other normally illegal substances.more »»»

Pro-American = Anti-BushCo
Cindy Sheehan

I am often accused of being "anti-American" for dissenting against my feral government that has gone wild with lawlessness and greed. Some people believe that if one is critical of the Bush criminal regime, then one is anti-American. I steadfastly believe that to be anti-BushCo means being pro-American.more »»»

Mexico is Key to U.S. Immigration Woes
Jeffrey Young

With a flood of Mexican migrants entering the United States, many of them illegally, Americans and Congressional lawmakers are asking why Mexico doesn't improve conditions for its people so they don't feel compelled to leave.more »»»

Mission Accomplished Day
Cindy Sheehan

May 1st, 2006, was the third anniversary of the end of "major combat" in Iraq. It was a glorious day when George Bush flew onto the deck of the Abraham Lincoln and was hailed by the rapturous throngs of toadie "news" persons.more »»»

Peace Takes Courage
Cindy Sheehan

I have a new friend. She is a 15-year-young peace activist named Ava Lowery. She is disgusted with the war and with the Bush regime, and she has started to use her talents for animation to make cartoons that oppose Bush and the war in Iraq.more »»»

William Rivers Pitt

The beleaguered Bush White House has spent the last several weeks insisting that no major shake-up of the administration was necessary, and no reshuffling of personnel was in the works. Hm.more »»»

Mexican Migrants Aren't Stealing Anybody's Job
Isabella Martinez

I am 15 years old. I am a legal Mexican and so are my both my parents and sister. And I am on the side for illegal immigrants to get residency in America so they can have a right to come and go without having to cross the border illegally.more »»»

No More Excuses for Mexico
Richard W. Rahn

Why do Mexicans only have one-third the per capita income of Canadians and only one-fourth that of Americans? The answer is that Mexicans are relatively poor because have been plagued by semidespotic regimes that have ignored the rule of law and often engaged in destructive economic policies.more »»»

Media Ignore Mexican Gov’t Brutality of Central American Immigrants
Jim Kouri

If the news media were truly unbiased in their reportage of Mexican illegal immigration and told the whole story, Americans would be shocked at the degree of Presidente Vicente Fox’s hypocrisy.more »»»

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