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««« Click HERE for Recent Opinions U.S. Election 2012 - Stewart Alexander: Obama Fails Job Report
Socialist Party USA
 In 2008, President Barack Obama was campaigning on a promise to create jobs and putting Americans back to work; now, as the president approaches the end of his second year in office, Presidential Candidate Stewart Alexander says President Obama has failed on his commitment to the unemployed and working class people.
Politics Must Not Offer Mexican Drug Lords Safe Havens
Jerry Brewer
 Once again attention of a valiant battle, to wrest the considerable control drug trafficking organizations hold of Mexico, and against other transnational crimes and threats, becomes the arena’s political football game. With a death toll that since 2006 exceeds 30,000 persons, who is really to blame?
Another WikiLeaks Cable from the Bush Administration About My Movies
Michael Moore
 Twice within four days, my name has popped up in the Bush-era secret cables uncovered by WikiLeaks. Lucky me. Though nowhere near as earth-shattering as the uncovering of American misdeeds in Iraq and Afghanistan, these classified cables provide a stunning and bizarre peek into the paranoid minds of the Bush White House when it came to the subject of one Michael Francis Moore.
Iceberg Economies and Shadow Selves - Further Adventures in the Territories of Hope
Rebecca Solnit
 Note: As the year ends, I thought I’d share an upbeat and hopeful message with you. I often rail against the political and economic policies of government and society, but there is another side. I hope you find the following essay by Rebecca Solnit to be uplifting.
‘Robles-Mero’: Another Bad ‘Utah Solution’
Mark Alvarez
 Robles-Mero offers a Utah work permit to qualifying undocumented residents. The work permit looks alluring to an undocumented worker. Some even have called to ask about it. With political friends like Robles and Mero… well, fill in the rest.
Manning Within His Rights to Give Secrets to Wikileaks
Sherwood Ross
 As the U.S. is now an international aggressor, do Americans still owe it allegiance? If a citizen releases information about crimes the U.S. commits, can he or she be legally punished?
Forgetting Bradley Manning
Laura Flanders
 Today, Assange is out of jail. But let's not forget that without Bradley Manning and many others like him, Julian Assange and WikiLeaks and all our new-found public information would be as in the dark as Manning is right now.
Why I'm Posting Bail Money for Julian Assange
Michael Moore
 Yesterday, in the Westminster Magistrates Court in London, the lawyers for WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange presented to the judge a document from me stating that I have put up $20,000 of my own money to help bail Mr. Assange out of jail.
Taking America Back
Doug Thompson
 It’s a familiar refrain heard often during the midterm election and uttered several times during most campaign speeches. “It’s time,” the refrain goes, “for us to take back America.” But the refrain, for all its curb appeal, ignores a few tempering realities.
How Did WikiLeaks Get the Info?
Guillermo Ramón Adames y Suari
 The problem here is that “inconvenient information” has seen the light. If the US government did not have anything to hide, there would be no problem.
U.S. Military Spending is Out of Control: 12 Facts that Show that We Cannot Afford to Be the Police of the World
The American Dream
 Today, the United States has become the police of the world. Total military spending by the U.S. government is nearly equal to the combined military spending of the rest of the globe.
Greens Defending Assange While GOP and Dems Attack
Sherwood Ross
 The sell-out by rank-and-file Democrats in Congress that will allow the Bush tax exemptions for the wealthy to continue, as President Obama wishes, is indicative of the utter abandonment of the liberal ethos that characterized Democratic office holders during the New Deal era.
The F Word: When Interpol Cares About Sexual Assault
Laura Flanders
 The head of the "stateless" news-leak organization WikiLeaks is accused of sexual assault - and let's be clear, he should face the charges. But since when is Interpol so vigilant about violence against women?
Obama Turned His Back on His Base
Keith Olbermann
 With the tax-cut deal, the Democrats lost their chance to stop the GOP from taking unfair advantage of the middle class.
In Teenage Killers, Mexico Confronts a Bloody Future
Ioan Grillo
 The most striking thing about the skinny 14-year-old was his eyes. They looked like they belonged to a bloodied war veteran — which, of course, he was, being in prison for two killings.
The Ideal Immigration System
Mark Alvarez
 Most of the people who are undocumented are not coming over the border. They are coming into the country with visas and then overstaying the visas.
My Way, Dammit
Alan Burkhart
 America has become politically polarized to a degree I never thought I'd see. Whether it's one of the New Black Panthers intimidating potential Republican voters or a Tea Partier putting his foot on the neck of a counter-protester, the signs are obvious: America is becoming a dangerous place.
Is Obama Even Worth Saving?
Doug Thompson
 Barack Obama today stands alone — a President without a party that supports him, an electorate that no longer trusts him and and destroyed coalition of independents that feel abandoned and betrayed.
Shocked to Find Diplomacy Going on Here!
Allan Wall
 What about Mexico? What do the WikiLeaks reveal about the ongoing drug cartel violence south of the border?
Special Comment: Is Obama a Socialist?
t r u t h o u t
 Professor Richard D. Wolff explains exactly why President Obama is not a socialist.
Toward Wise US Immigration Policy
Mark Alvarez
 Conversation about immigration mostly has become toxic, much to the detriment of justice, basic values and family. Time to end that and have a conversation about human rights and dignity. Rational immigration reform begins with us.
Thanks WikiLeaks
Guillermo Ramón Adames y Suari
 Thanks WikiLeaks… for putting in the open with hard core documents, the true way in which politics really operates. I found this WikiLeaks exposure to be the best political science lesson ever.
In Mexico, Homeland Secretary Napolitano Glosses Over Drug War
Ray Walser
 What Secretary of State Hillary Clinton saw as a Category 5 threat in September now appears downgraded to a tropical storm warning by Napolitano. Despite Napolitano’s upbeat “readout” from her latest Mexico visit, most Americans are still shocked by disturbing headlines out of Mexico.
Noam Chomsky: WikiLeaks Cables Reveal “Profound Hatred for Democracy on the Part of Our Political Leadership”
Democracy Now! December 05, 2010
 In a national broadcast exclusive interview, Democracy Now! speaks with world-renowned political dissident and linguist Noam Chomsky about the release of more than 250,000 secret U.S. State Department cables by the whistleblower website, WikiLeaks.
FCC Crosses the Rubicon into Online Regulation
Washington Times
 The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is poised to add the Internet to its portfolio of regulated industries. The agency's chairman, Julius Genachowski, announced Wednesday that he circulated draft rules he says will "preserve the freedom and openness of the Internet." No statement could better reflect the gulf between the rhetoric and the reality of Obama administration policies.
WikiLeaks and the Mexican Congress
Guillermo Ramón Adames y Suari
 From what I have seen in the press, there is a “big concern” in the US with respect to this. But no comment from the political class with respect to Mexico’s issues: why?
Capilli Vanitas
Ron Biggs
 I had not experienced a Mexican summer with long hair before moving down here. My first summer taught me about the drawbacks of having long, very fine hairs. The combination of a breeze and sweat provoked an incessant reaction based in a phobia of walking face-first through spider webs...
Some Interesting Statistics
Toots Gabriel
 Okay, okay, things are dangerous out there. We all know that. We all hear the scary news about one place in particular, Mexico. Here are some recent statistics to help you decide how you are going to manage to survive all of this terrible stuff we are hearing.
Illegal? It's Debatable
Esther J. Cepeda
 Never mind the actual issue of how to deal with unwieldy immigration laws or their reform, today let's look at the long-brewing war between those who use the terms "illegal immigrants" or "illegal aliens" and those who prefer "undocumented immigrants."
"Presente!" - The Demonstration to Close the School of the Americas
John Grant
 It was the fifteenth time I’d trekked to Columbus, Georgia, to the gate of Fort Benning, for the annual November demonstration to close the School of the Americas.
Broken Beyond Repair
Bob Herbert
 You can only hope that you will be as sharp and intellectually focused as former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens when you’re 90 years old.
Ireland: What’s New?
Guillermo Ramón Adames y Suari
 Well it looks like the European community has reacted in an unusual way. According to the diagnosis of Mr. Michel Barnier, European Commissary of the Inner Market and Services, his unusual suggestion took course. So what is so unusual about this new approach?
Foreign Policy: Making Progress on Climate In Mexico
Bill McKibben
 I suspect it will be mostly holding pattern and very little landing in Cancun, Mexico this December. The fundamental problem that has always dogged these talks — a rich north that won't give up its fossil-fuel addiction, a poor south that can't give up its hope of fossil-fueled development.
I Infiltrated Mexican Drug Cartels
Keith Bulfin
 It is time to make my first test run, to meet Daniel on his home turf. I prepare for the trip with great care, ensuring I have all the documentation I need, that my suits and shirts are pressed and my shoes shine.
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