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Business News 
««« Click HERE for Recent Business News Mexico Predicts Oil Reform Will Boost GDP, Jobs
Associated Press
 Mexico's Energy Secretary says a newly approved oil reform will assign blocks of territory to private contractors for exploration work, and it should boost economic growth by 1 percent.
Starbucks Blues
Liza Feathersone
 Fall is pumpkin-latte season for those who can still afford to indulge, but for Starbucks workers, it's been a season of discontent.
Budgets Squeezed, Some Families Bypass Organics
Andrew Martin
 Once upon a time, sales of organic and natural products were growing in double digits most years. Enthusiastic grocers and venture capitalists prowled the halls of trade shows looking for the next big thing. But now, shaky consumer spending is dampening the mood.
Mexico Bank Lending Loses More Steam in September
Noel Randewich
 Growth in Mexican bank lending to individuals and companies lost steam in September, the central bank said on Friday, amid increasing concerns about defaults and fallout from the world credit debacle.
Weak Peso Keeps Mexico Shoppers Away From US Malls
Robin Emmott
 Mexicans, who normally spend $2 billion a year shopping in Texas, are staying home as the global financial crisis and a weak peso cut their purchasing power.
Mexico Central Bank Sees 2009 Growth as Low as 0.5%
Jens Erik Gould & Hugh Collins
 Mexico's central bank said growth may slow to 0.5 percent next year as the global credit crunch and the slump in the U.S. hurt Latin America's second-biggest economy.
Mexico Launches Trade Dispute with U.S. Over Tuna
Jonathan Lynn
 Mexico has launched a dispute with the United States at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) over U.S. rules which Mexico says prevent its tuna from being labelled "dolphin-safe," a WTO document shows.
Homex Eases Land Buys as Credit Crisis Threatens
Cyntia Barrera Diaz
 Mexican homebuilder Homex will pull out from the high-end residential market and reduce land acquisitions through the end of 2009, focusing on cheap houses to better weather the financial crisis.
Mexico Oil Reform Opens Door to Foreign Companies
Mark Stevenson
 New rules governing Mexico's energy sector will put foreign oil companies on more solid legal footing, assigning them to explore and drill specific blocks of territory in the Gulf of Mexico and get paid at least in part on performance.
Mexican Peso Rises After US Fed Agrees to Provide $30 Billion
Valerie Rota
 Mexico's peso rallied after the U.S. Federal Reserve said it agreed to provide the Mexican central bank with $30 billion to boost liquidity amid the worst global financial crisis since the Great Depression.
The Financial Crisis In Latin America
 While the effects of the financial crisis ripple across the globe, we turn our sights to Latin America. As a region that has been relatively isolated from the immediate effects of the collapse of international financial sectors, Latin America will not necessarily face the kinds of bank failures that currently ravage Europe.
US Consumers Feel the Next Crisis: It’s Credit Cards
Eric Dash
 First came the mortgage crisis. Now comes the credit card crisis. After years of flooding Americans with credit card offers and sky-high credit lines, lenders are sharply curtailing both, just as an eroding economy squeezes consumers.
Elvis, Marvin Gaye Shake Moneymakers in Afterlife
 Elvis Presley may have left the building three decades ago, but he raked in more money last year than many living titans of the music industry.
Cuba to Triple Oil Refining with Venezuelan Ally
 Revolutionary allies Cuba and Venezuela will pour billions of dollars into downstream oil projects in Cuba with the goal of tripling its refining capacity to 350,000 barrels per day (bpd) by 2013, Cuban state-run radio said on Tuesday, citing the country’s Basic Industry Minister.
Mexico Energy Reforms OK'd for Final Vote Next Week
 A committee of Mexico's lower house of Congress approved a package of energy reforms Saturday aimed at bringing private-sector expertise into the state-run oil sector, setting up a final congressional vote as early as Tuesday.
Cash in on the ‘New Silk Road’
Chris Mayer
 Like a boxer who has a habit of dropping his hands, America finally caught one on the chin. The U.S. economy is flat on its back, and the financial markets are leaning down into its face yelling out a 10-count. But the U.S. economy isn’t “out for the count” yet.
Mexico's Benchmark Peso Bonds Post Record Gain; Currency Rises
Valerie Rota
 Mexico's benchmark peso-denominated bonds rose by the most ever as yields at the highest in 3 1/2 years helped to ease investor aversion to higher-yielding assets.
The Silly Ideas of the South
Jorge Castañeda
 Over the past few weeks, some silly ideas have circulated on the impact of the financial crisis on Latin America. The most dangerous was that Latin American would be largely impervious to a debacle which was, as Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva imprudently phrased it, "Bush's crisis."
Cuban Foreign Minister: Salary Reform Advancing
E. Eduardo Castillo
 Cuba is making progress in a salary reform that will ensure waiters don't make more than doctors, but the changes must be handled carefully to avoid economic turmoil, the island's foreign minister said last week.
California Foreclosures Soar By 228%
Associated Press
 Home foreclosures in California soared 228 percent in the past three months from a year ago, a real estate tracking firm said late last week.
Financial Crisis Reaching Latin America
Jane Bussey
 While Latin America initially seemed less vulnerable to the global financial crisis, recent stock market plunges and currency devaluations are showing that the region is far from invulnerable.
Bill Gates' Mysterious New Company
Todd Bishop & Eric Engleman
 Just months after his Microsoft farewell, Bill Gates is quietly creating a new company - complete with high-tech office space, a cryptic name and even its own trademark.
Howard Zinn on Taxes and Class War
The Real Network
 In part three of our discussion with author and historian Howard Zinn, Prof. Zinn lays out his analysis of taxes as a class phenomenon. He points to the current discussion of politicians as either pro-tax or anti-tax instead of discussing who will be taxed as an example of the misunderstanding of taxation being promoted.
Global Real Estate Auction in Miami
 Sheldon Good & Company Auctions International, the world's largest real estate auction company, today announced the first of a series of auctions to be conducted under a five-year agreement between Sheldon Good & Company and the Urban Land Institute.
Mexican Peso Stabilizes After Record Drop
Associated Press
 Mexico's peso was stabilizing Friday at 13.4 to the dollar after dropping to a record low. Mexico's central bank offered US$400 million in foreign reserves during its daily auction, but received only US$5 million in bids at a rate of 13.25 pesos to the dollar.
Mexican Central Bank Auctions $1 Billion to Boost Peso
Traci Carl
 Mexico's central bank sold US$1 billion in foreign reserves Thursday as its troubled currency again slipped to a new record below 14 pesos to the U.S. dollar.
Latin America in Jaws of Global Crisis
Agence France-Presse
 Governments in Latin America stepped forward Thursday to calm markets left despondent by fears of a global recession and Argentina's decision to nationalize pension funds.
Mexico Peso Trades Near Record Low on Waning High-Yield Demand
Valerie Rota
 Mexico's peso traded near a record low amid a decline in most emerging-market currencies and global stocks as investors pulled out of higher-yielding assets.
Has Latin America Really Learned from Past Crises?
Hugh Bronstein
 What lessons has Latin America learned from past economic crises? Investors are about to find out as the region gets tested by slumping commodity prices and a credit crunch that is pushing the world toward recession.
Obama and the Americas
The Real Network
 Will a probable Obama presidency herald the birth of an Obama doctrine replacing the Monroe doctrine - in terms of a new, more equitable relationship between the US and Latin America? Economist Mark Weisbrot is not so sure.
Mexican Lawmakers May Seek More Disclosure on Derivatives
Jens Erik Gould
 Mexican lawmakers are drafting an initiative that would require public companies to report purchases of financial derivatives and calculate the potential risk after firms disclosed losses tied to such operations.
Discovery Weekend Educates Investors on the Ins and Outs of Mexico Real Estate
Business Wire
 Mexico-based real estate development company Mexico Alive presents the first ever Discovery Weekend in Mazatlan at the prestigious El Cid Resorts. Discovery Weekend is a three-day event designed to answer questions about real estate investing and other topics of interest to people interested in purchasing homes in Mexico.
Mexico May Avoid the Worst of the US Financial Meltdown
Patrick Corcoran
 For Mexicans, the crisis will continue to cause intense spells of national worry, but thus far Mexico has remained largely resilient to the US’s financial maladies.
20Bn Barrel Oil Discovery Puts Cuba in the Big League
Rory Carroll
 Friends and foes have called Cuba many things - a progressive beacon, a quixotic underdog, an oppressive tyranny - but no one has called it lucky, until now.

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