News Around the Republic of Mexico 
Mexico Army Finds Tons of Cocaine on Plane
E. Eduardo Castillo
 Mexican soldiers seized 5 1/2 tons of cocaine worth more than $100 million from a commercial plane arriving from Venezuela, Mexico's Defense Department announced Tuesday. more »»»
Tales from the Ring: of Bulls, Boys and Blood
Mark Stevenson
 Rafita Mirabal does what few would when faced with an angry, 400-pound animal charging at him: He holds his ground. The boy from the Mexican state of Aguascalientes has already taken on about two dozen fights in bullrings since 2005. more »»»
Soberanes to Ask Texas to Commute Mexican Prisoner's Death Sentence
Associated Press
 The president of Mexico's National Human Rights Commission has asked Texas officials to commute a death sentence to life in prison for a Mexican prisoner convicted of raping and killing a Houston doctor.
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Mexico Says U.S. Group Burning Mexican Flag is Unacceptable
Associated Press
 A Mexican official on Monday struck out at a U.S. anti-immigrant group for burning the Mexican flag outside a consulate in Tucson. "We consider any provocation or vandalism of national symbols to be unacceptable," Foreign Relations Undersecretary Lourdes Aranda said. more »»»
In Nearby Mexican Towns, Rallies Are Big News
Manuel Roig-Franzia
 La Jornada, the left-leaning Mexico City newspaper, splashed the story across its front page Monday, running a giant photograph of demonstrators and declaring the U.S. immigration rallies "historic." more »»»
Spat Continues Between Fox, López Obrador
Wire services
 A visitor to Mexico these days might be forgiven for thinking that President Vicente Fox is running for re-election, even though the Constitution bans him from a second term and sitting presidents traditionally have stayed on the sidelines during national campaigns. more »»»
Thousands in Southern Mexico Decry Lack of Rebuilding After Hurricane Stan
Manuel De La Cruz
 About 3,000 people whose homes were damaged or destroyed by flooding unleashed by Hurricane Stan last fall took to the streets of this city on the Mexico-Guatemala border Thursday to protest a lack of progress in efforts to rebuild 45 hard-hit communities. more »»»
Relatives Of Victims Of Mexican 'Dirty War' Call for Past Crimes Prosecutor's Office to Remain Open
E. Eduardo Castillo
 Relatives of those who died or vanished during Mexico's decades-old anti-guerilla campaigns marched on the capital's central plaza to protest the closing of an office assigned to investigate governmental crimes of the past. more »»»
Mexican Poll Shows Leftist Front-Runner Slipping
Associated Press
 The front-runner in the run-up to the country's July 2 presidential election, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, is losing ground, while the second- and third-placed candidates are tied. more »»»
Tape Scandal Damages Once-Dominant Mexican Party
Lorraine Orlandi
 Two men gloat, snicker and curse on the telephone about having a writer arrested and driven overnight across country to be jailed for her book linking influential Mexicans to a child prostitution ring. more »»»
Mexican High Court Begins Discussing Extradition of Six ETA Suspects to Spain
E. Eduardo Castillo
 Mexico's Supreme Court on Tuesday began weighing an injunction filed by six Basque citizens arrested in this country who are attempting to block their extradition to Spain, where they face terrorism charges. more »»»
Mexico Seeks Additional Indian Lawmakers
Ioan Grillo
 Mexico has redrawn its congressional districts to try to increase the number of Indian lawmakers in a nation where the indigenous minority has long been on the margins of politics. more »»»
Venezuela Offers Mexican Indians Free Eye Care, Sparking Election Controversy
E. Eduardo Castillo
 90 Indians from the Yucatan who will go to Venezuela on Thursday for free eye care – an all-expense paid trip courtesy of Chavez that has raised accusations the Venezuelan leader is trying to influence Mexico's July 2 presidential race. more »»»
"The Best Day Of My Life!"
 42,000 enthusiastic fans in the world's largest bull fighting arena, live TV transmissions in Mexico, Guatemala and Venezuela: Mexico City celebrated at the Red Bull X-Fighters an exhilarating Freestyle Motocross night. The end of the evening came shortly before midnight, when the jury passed their final judgment after three rounds and altogether 18 fantastic rides.  more »»»
Left Leads in Countdown to Mexican Elections
Enrique Andrade González
 As April begins so does the 90-day countdown to Mexico’s national elections on July 2, the first presidential election since the alternant in power of 2000 – when a majority of Mexican voters decided to take the Presidency of the Republic away from the long ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party, the PRI. more »»»
Making American Money at Home in Mexico
Manuel Roig-Franzia
 Workers who once chanced crossing the U.S. border illegally for jobs increasingly are migrating to Mexico's tourist-rich areas, far from U.S. Border and debate on immigration. more »»»
Mexican Presidential Hopefuls Woo Young Voters Who Could Decide Election
Ioan Grillo
 The three leading candidates in Mexico's July 2 presidential election all agree on one point: In a nation where two-thirds of the 103 million people are under 30, the youth vote is critical. more »»»
The Week in Mexico
David Gaddis Smith
 More than a year after a stolen 18th-century Mexican painting was found to be in the possession of the San Diego Museum of Art, the U.S. government is taking steps to return it to Mexican authorities. more »»»
Although Summit's Tone is Good, U.S.-Mexico Relationship Could Wane
George E. Condon Jr. & S. Lynne Walker
 Experts say that while the U.S.-Mexico relationship has matured during the administration of President Vicente Fox, they fear it could deteriorate under the next president, who will be elected this year. more »»»
López Obrador Feeling the Heat from Calderón
El Universal
 Andrés Manuel López Obrador was on the defensive Saturday, criticizing his opponents´ warning that he´d be dangerous if elected and dismissing a poll that showed Felipe Calderón taking the lead in the presidential campaign. more »»»
Fox Urges Canada to Open Doors to 'Guest Workers'
Alan Freeman
 Mexican President Vicente Fox has proposed that Canada open its doors to growing numbers of unskilled Mexican "guest workers" to deal with a looming labour shortage brought on by an aging Canadian population. more »»»
Fox Says Mexico to Extradite 24 Traffickers, Rules out Stopping Migrants
Olga R. Rodriguez
 Mexican President Vicente Fox said his government was preparing to extradite at least 24 drug traffickers to the United States, but he ruled out using police to stop migrants on Mexico's side of the border. more »»»
Diplomacy, Sightseeing Top Bush's Mexico Trip
S. Lynne Walker & George E. Condon Jr.
 President Bush arrived in Cancun yesterday evening for two days of diplomacy and some rare sightseeing, finding the beaches, roads and waterways of a city best known for spring breakers now bustling with security forces bracing for protesters. more »»»
Public Radio in Mexico Protests New Broadcast Law by Repeating Single Song All Day
Associated Press
 About 15 public radio stations across Mexico staged an unusual protest against a proposed broadcast law on Wednesday: each station repeated a single song all day long, interspersed with ads against the measure. Many commercial broadcasters, meanwhile, aired ads supporting the bill, which would allow frequency holders to digitalize their entire analogue frequency. more »»»
Venezuela's Leader Figures an Increasingly Negative Mexican Presidential Race
Will Weissert
 Mexico's presidential race has gone sharply negative with attempts to tie the front-runner to Hugo Chavez and portray him as a leftist revolutionary in the same mold as the Venezuelan president. more »»»
Mexican Government Applauds US Senate Action on Immigration
E. Eduardo Castillo
 The Mexican government on Tuesday applauded a United States Senate committee's approval of a bill that would legalize some undocumented migrants and pave the way for citizenship, but said the action is only the beginning. more »»»
Nation Optimistic on Migration Law
Wire services
 Heartened by huge marches in the US and President George W. Bush´s support for a guest-worker program, Mexico remains optimistic that the immigration bill in the U.S. Congress can be transformed into something that will ultimately benefit millions of illegal migrants. more »»»
Latin Leaders Balk at US "Wall"
Danna Harman
 As Mexican President Vicente Fox prepares to meet Thursday with President Bush and Canada's new prime minister, Stephen Harper, in Cancún, the proposed 700-mile, $2.2 billion barrier is a major point of contention - not just for the United States and Mexico, but for the United States and the whole region. more »»»
Mexican Government Fines Sheraton Hotel
Ioan Grillo
 A U.S.-owned hotel that expelled Cuban guests under pressure from the Treasury Department must pay $112,000 in fines for violating Mexican commerce law, the Mexican government said Friday. more »»»
Few Foreign Ambitions for Mexican Leftist Candidate
Alistair Belld
 Unlike other Latin American leftists who have become globe-trotting stars, Mexico's presidential front-runner has little interest in foreign affairs, preferring the intricacies of creating local jobs to international treaties. more »»»
Mexico Warns Other Countries Not to Meddle in its Presidential Elections
Will Weissert
 A campaign commercial likening Mexican presidential front-runner Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador to socialist Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is threatening to worsen already chilly relations between the two countries. more »»»
Rabbis do the Conga in Mexico
Jennifer Siegel
 At the annual convention of the Conservative movement's Rabbinical Assembly this week, the nametags were green and white, the complimentary bags were woven in bright colors and the R.A. logo wore a sombrero in honor of the Mexican hosts. more »»»
Government Weighs in on Immigration Debate in U.S.
Wire services
 Worried by the sometimes harsh tone of the immigration debate unfolding in the United States, the Mexican government on Monday took its message directly to the American public: As your neighbor, we want to work with you to fashion a solution. more »»»
Mexico's Mayan Underworld Proves Researchers' Dream
Tim Gaynor
 The ancient Maya once believed that Mexico's jungle sinkholes containing crystalline waters were the gateway to the underworld and the lair of a surly rain god who had to be appeased with human sacrifices. more »»»
Mexicans Flock to Ancient Pyramids for Equinox Rites
 More than a million Mexicans flocked to ancient pyramids and other ruins to greet the Spring equinox, many hoping to boost their energy in ancient sun rituals, authorities estimated. more »»»
Mexican Voters Want Presidential Debates
Angus Reid
 Many Mexicans would like to have the opportunity to compare the views of their presidential candidates, according to a poll by Consulta Mitofsky. 73.6 per cent of respondents think a debate should take place this year. more »»»
Poll Shows Mistrust of U.S.
Jonathan Roeder
 According to a poll released on Sunday, mistrust of the United States runs deep in Mexico, but citizens in both nations agree on many issues - such as the positive impact migrants have on the U.S. economy. more »»»
The Week in Mexico
David Gaddis Smith
 Couple blow up house: A Mexican couple were recovering separately after a marital spat got out of control and saw them firing guns, throwing knives and hurling homemade bombs, the daily Milenio reported. more »»»
Mexican Police Block Water March
 The first day of an international summit on the world's water crisis ended with rage and frustration as some 10,000 demonstrators - many of whom say their lands or livelihoods are threatened by water policies - were blocked from marching to the meeting site. more »»»
Drug Violence Hits Tourist-Heavy Acapulco
Ioan Grillo
 In the past, the granddaddy of Mexican tourist towns was hardly touched by the gangland carnage seen elsewhere in the country. But this year, the city of more than 720,000 has been shaken by 15 execution-style slayings, four grenade attacks on police stations. more »»»
Protesters Say Water Wars Turning Deadly
Mark Stevenson
 Water is worth fighting for - even to the death, say activists holding an "alternate" forum outside the world water summit. That attitude might seem strange in developed countries, where water flows at the touch of a faucet. But it isn't as accessible in the developing world. more »»»
Expert Got Vessel Floating Again After it was Stranded Near Ensenada for 10 Weeks
Sandra Dibble
 He has rescued oil tankers while under hostile fire in the Persian Gulf, boarded the ghostly remains of a container ship near Singapore on which all the crew members had burned to death, risked rough and frigid seas off an Icelandic beach. more »»»
17 Detained at Mexico Water Forum Protest
Mark Stevenson
 Groups of young demonstrators battled with police, smashing a patrol car and hurling rocks during protests that continued into Friday morning at the World Water Forum. more »»»
Mexican Elections Chief Calls for Rule Change
Adam Thomson
 The head of Mexico’s electoral authority has called for a relaxation of the strict rules that prevent government officials from publicly supporting presidential candidates. more »»»
Marcos Denied Entry to Prison Due to His Mask
Wire services/El Universal
 The leader of the Zapatista organization was denied permission to visit two inmates in a prison because he refused to remove the ski mask that has become something of his trademark and identify himself with his real name. more »»»
Leftist Candidate Gets Boost in Hopes to Win Mexican Presidency
Ioan Grillo
 Leftist Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador got a boost in his hopes to gain the Mexican presidency Monday with a new opinion poll showing him 10 points ahead of his closest rival and his party making a surprisingly strong showing in local elections in the nation's most- populous state. more »»»
Mexico to Close Office of Special Prosecutor for 'Dirty War' Crimes
E. Eduardo Castillo
 Mexico will close a special prosecutor's office dedicated to investigating atrocities committed by the government during its two-decade campaign to weed out suspected guerrillas and leftists, the attorney general said Monday. more »»»
"Indestructible" Leftist Challenges Mexico's Big Two
Noel Randewich
 The leftist candidate leading Mexico's presidential race on Sunday brushed off growing criticism that he is a populist ally of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, saying he was "politically indestructible." more »»»
Beached Ship Finally Freed
Sandra Dibble
 It took more than two months of pulling, lifting, blowing and dredging. Yesterday, the APL Panama finally broke free from the sandy beach where it ran aground Christmas Day. It was 4:40 a.m. and raining steadily when the 874-foot container ship returned to the sea. more »»»
Mexico Presidential Hopefuls Slug It Out in Local Elections
Héctor Tobar
 The opening round in Mexico's July presidential election is being fought this weekend in the country's most populous state, a horseshoe-shaped territory of bustling industrial suburbs and quaint rural towns around the nation's capital. more »»»
Sex Dolls Fight Mexican Machismo
Mark Stevenson
 Mexican television is showing jarring scenes of inflatable sex dolls dressed as office workers — part of a campaign by Mexico's National Women's Institute to dramatize the problem of sexual harassment in the workplace. more »»»
More than 20,000 Miners Protest in Mexico
E. Eduardo Castillo
 More than 20,000 union workers marched this week in downtown Mexico City, accusing the government of meddling in the affairs of the national miners union by seeking to oust its leader. more »»»
Mexican Journalists Warn of Wave of Libel Suits Against Them
Associated Press
 Mexican journalists have signed a declaration to protest what they call a “wave of lawsuits for libel” that they say are being used to intimidate and silence reporters, a Mexican watchdog group said Tuesday. more »»»
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