Technology News 
Ubiquitous Technology, Bad Practices Drive Up Data Theft
Jonathan Krim
 One day, tapes with the Social Security numbers of 1.2 million federal workers are reported missing. Another day it's hackers gaining access to private information on 120,000 alumni at Boston College. Then, last Friday, comes word that 40 million credit card numbers fell prey to computer criminals. more »»»
Using Your Cellphone Anywhere in the World
David A. Kelly
 American cellphones work fairly well across most of the United States, but what about when you travel to, say, Paris? With newer phones that support international standards, reducing roaming rates and allowing you to take advantage of local rates, it's now easier and cheaper to stay in touch with cellphones when traveling overseas. more »»»
Betting On Some Winners
Michael Keller
 Event organizers of the World Series of Poker expect more than 6,500 players to battle for a first-prize purse topping $8 million. But that's a pittance compared with the nascent but growing business of betting on the players themselves - online. more »»»
Online Course Maximizes Web Experience
Barbara Kastelein
 "Mastering The Web" (MTW) an online education course from Oaxaca-based Planeta.com plucks the most recalcitrant internet user from the plodding comfort of his or her old ways and opens up not only a whole new world of internet use but also a philosophy of learning. more »»»
LingoMexico.Com is 1st VoIP Phone Service to Offer Unlimited Calling to Mexico
Wire services
 LingoMexico.Com, the U.S. Internet phone service provider, today became the first VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) provider to offer unlimited phone calling to Mexico. more »»»
A Tidy Option for Data Pack Rats
Bob Tedeschi
 Internet companies like Yahoo and AOL, as well as some smaller competitors, allow users to store nearly any kind of file on their secure servers. The stored files can then be retrieved from any Internet-connected computer, from anywhere in the world. more »»»
US Weapons in Space
The New York Times
 The Air Force is pressing hard to develop defensive and offensive space weapons without adequately considering the potential adverse consequences. It is not clear whether their aspirations for these weapons are mostly technological fantasy or have some real hope of success. more »»»
Telcel Warns Of Fraud
Angelina Mejνa Guerrero
 Telcel, the domestic leader in mobile telephone service with 70 percent of the nation's 40 million users, is warning its customers against what it says is an increase in cellphone-related fraud. more »»»
Users Decry Decline In Service
Jonathan Clark
 For months, Mark, a small businessman based in Mexico City, had been using his Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) service Vonage to make inexpensive long-distance telephone calls over the internet without problem. Then, suddenly, the quality of his calls declined precipitously. more »»»
Cruisin' With The Geeks
Judy Westcott
 Geek Cruises is combining its Mac Mania IV and Photoshop Fling III into one educational cruise down the Mexican Riveria. The 7-day cruise, co-sponsored by Macworld, sails from San Diego to Cabo San Lucas, Mazatlan and Puerto Vallarta February 4 - 11, 2006. more »»»
Laws Target Credit Card Crime And Atm Thieves
Jorge Herrera & Nayeli Cortes
 The Senate passed tough crime fighting bills Thursday targeting credit card fraud and ATM assaults. Forging credit cards and checks or tampering with a credit card to illegally obtain money now carry a maximum penalty of nine years in jail. more »»»
PayPal: The Grand Daddy of Online Sales Transactions
 PayPal makes it easy for anyone to take payments over the Net with no need for a merchant account. They have over 63 million accounts and more than 53,000 people who sign up for new access every day. They deal in transactions totaling over $48 million per day. more »»»
Preventing Identity Theft While Traveling
Rick Steves
 Identity theft has become annoyingly common. The most susceptible pieces of information are your Social Security number and birth date. With these two tidbits and your full name, someone can grab your identity. Here are some tips you can use especially while overseas to protect yourself. more »»»
A Traveling Geek's Gilded Dream
Associated Press
 The most unique aspects of the Emirates Palace are hidden inside its ductwork: nearly a thousand miles of blue, red and green fiber-optic and broadcast cable, and enough other advancements to have convinced the staff that this is the world's most high-tech hotel. more »»»
Telmex Buys US 282M of Embratel Stock Wire Services
Wire services
 Telefonos de Mexico SA, the nation's largest fixed-line telephone company, injected 719 million reais (US 282 million) in Brazilian unit Embratel Participacoes SA to help it finance investment and cut debt. more »»»
The Computer as Entertainment Center
 A new breed of multimedia systems is entering the market, replacing a whole entertainment rack and more. Check out what's new form Toshiba, Hewlett-Packard, Sony and Gateway. more »»»
Mexican Immigrant Making Strides in High-Tech Math
Joe Rodriguez
 In the rarefied atmosphere of high-technology science and mathematics, Hewlett-Packard Labs' prize-winning senior scientist, Cipriano "Pano" Santos, shines like a lone star. more »»»
Catch a Wave While Surfing the Internet
Barbara Kastelein
 Mexicanwave is a prime example of a website based on the real interests and issues that foreigners encounter when traveling in Mexico. more »»»
Students Create New Car Alarm
Wire services
 Two students at the Nezahualcoyotl Technical University (UTN) have developed a new car alarm that connects with a cellular or residential telephone to notify owners of suspicious activity. more »»»
Time Runs Out for Blocking XP SP2 Updates
Wire services
 April 12 will mark the expiration of Microsoft's SP2 auto-update blocking utility, leaving IT managers to choose SP2 or block all updates. more »»»
Sony Aims To Beam Sights, Sounds Into Brain
 If you think video games are engrossing now, just wait: PlayStation maker Sony Corp. has been granted a patent for beaming sensory information directly into the brain; to create video games in which you can smell, taste, and touch, or to help people who are blind or deaf. more »»»
Irish Bookmakers Take Bets on Next Pope
Shawn Pogatchnik
 While the world discusses the passing of one pope and imminent election of another, Ireland is putting its money where its mouth is and having a bet on Pope John Paul II's successor. more »»»
Poll: Identity Theft Concerns Rise ABC News

Most Americans are worried that technology is being used to invade their privacy, a sharp spike from five years ago. And even more seven in 10 adults are concerned they could become victims of online identify theft at some point in the future, a new ABC News/Washington Post poll finds.
 After a spate of revelations of major identity-theft cases, 57 percent now express worry that computers and technology are prying into their private lives up from 42 percent in 2000 and 38 percent in 1994. Moreover, 72 percent are concerned about the possibility their personal records could be stolen over the Internet.>
Cyber-Sabre Provokes Real Death
 A Shanghai online game player stabbed to death a competitor who sold his cyber-sword, the China Daily has said, creating a dilemma in China where no law exists for the ownership of virtual weapons. more »»»
Unsafe Search
 While Google allows you to filter pornography and explicit sexual content from your search results using their "SafeSearch" feature, they do not provide a means to search exclusively for such adult material. more »»»
A Supreme Court Showdown for File Sharing
Saul Hansell & Jeff Leeds
 For someone whose business is under attack in the United States Supreme Court, Mark Gorton was remarkably serene last week, sprawled on a couch in his Manhattan office. more »»»
Beautiful (digital) Latina
Off the Net
 Its no secret that Latinas are known for their exotic beauty. Which is why it was really no surprise that the 2004 Miss Digital World contest winner was Katty Ko from Chile. Her creator, Flavio Parra, designed her to look like Chilean actress Katty Kowaleczco. The increasingly popular online contest drew contestants from countries around the globe, including Spain, Mexico, Canada and the United States. Katty Ko is the first Miss Digital World and beat out 39 other contestants. Entry forms are now available for the 2005 competition. Entries must be in the form of high-resolution pictures and videos. To vote or submit entries for MDW 2005, MissDigitalWorld.com
Sizing Up a New Species: Camera-Binoculars
David Pogue
 The idea of camera-binoculars makes obvious, satisfying sense; as hybrid gadgets go, they rank right up there with the clock radio and the toaster oven. more »»»
To-Do List: Shop, Pay Bills, Organize Brain
James Fallows
 Rush Limbaugh used to joke that he did his radio show "with half my brain tied behind my back - just to make it fair." As best I can figure out, only half of my brain has ever worked at all. more »»»
Bank Regulator Says Banks Must Warn of ID Theft
 The FDIC on Friday ordered U.S. banks to warn customers of suspected cases of identity theft - one of the fastest-growing types of consumer fraud - in the wake of a flurry of announcements of the theft of personal data. more »»»
Man Executed Protesting His Innocence Underwent 'Brain Fingerprinting'
 An Oklahoma man who tried to prove his innocence through a little-known procedure called "brain fingerprinting" was executed by lethal injection for the 1991 murder of a woman and her daughter. more »»»
SEO: The True Cost of Doing It Wrong
Scott Buresh
 There is much debate in the general public and in the search engine optimization community as to what amount companies should pay for search engine optimization expertise. more »»»
Blogger Alert: Election Regulators Are Watching
Anne E. Kornblut
 Federal election commissioners in the United States are preparing to consider how revamped campaign finance laws apply to political activity on the Internet, including online advertising, fund-raising e-mail messages and Web blogs. more »»»
Miami-Dade Blogger's Cuban Slant Draws Fans
Jennifer Piedra
 From one-liners to longer, more passionate tales, Val Prieto routinely files posts onto his web log about anything and everything Cuban. "I wanted to have a place where people who don't know anything about Cuba can come and read the reality." more »»»
Mexico's Telecommunications Sector Expanded 22.6% In 2004
Dow Jones
 Mexico's telecommunications industry expanded last year at its fastest rate since 2000, and the outlook remains positive for 2005, the country's telecommunications regulator said recently. more »»»
Sad, Lonely? For a Good Time, Call Vivienne
Keith Bradsher
 Men, are you tired of the time, trouble and expense of having a girlfriend? Irritated by the difficulty of finding a new one? Artificial Life Inc. of Hong Kong, may have found the answer. more »»»
Porn Star Hawks Mobile 'Moan Tones'
 Porn star Jenna Jameson is now hawking "moan tones." For $2.50 mobile phone users can choose from a variety of moans, and sexual noises all recorded by the blond bombshell. more »»»
Googling the Bottom Line
Adam L. Penenberg
 With about three-quarters of the active online population in America using search engines and 40 percent of shoppers choosing Google to locate stores and comparison shop, the difference between a high and low ranking can literally be the difference between a thriving online business and Chapter 11. more »»»
Geared Up at CES
Gene Newman - Maxim Online
 The Las Vegas desert was subject to more than 150,000 technoslovakians clogging 1.5 million square feet of convention floor space at the recent Consumer Electronics Show. more »»»
Law Barring Junk Email Allows a Flood Instead
Tom Zeller - NYTimes
 A year after a sweeping federal antispam law went into effect, there is more junk email on the Internet than ever, and Levon Gillespie, according to Microsoft, is one reason. more »»»
Steal This Show
Lorne Manly and John Markoff - NY Times
 Saac Richards didn't think of himself as a rebel, or a shock to the well-lubricated system of the television industry. He was merely unhappy with the cable box provided by his local operator. more »»»
Soviet-Era Missile Removed From eBay
 A British man trying to sell a deactivated Soviet-era missile, alongside its vehicle launcher, on eBay was forced to delete it after Web site staff contacted him for breaching company rules. more »»»
Webaholics Anonymous
Center for Online Addiction
 Along with the announcement that Internet Addiction is now a real problem effecting an estimated six percent of the online population, news immediately broke that a 12-step program had been formed for those who suffer from this dangerous affliction. more »»»
The Chargeback Challenge
 To have your funds taken away from you months after a sale was completed is not only bad for business but extremely frustrating - too many chargebacks usually spells doom for an online merchant. more »»»
Google's Gmail: Search and Email Finally Come Together
 If Google ran the world, my guess is that they'd do a pretty good job - they seem to be everywhere, always growing and expanding, coming up with new ways to be the dominant player in the search arena. more »»»
Top Yahoo! Searches for 2004
 And the winners are... 1. American Idol 2. Paris Hilton 3. Jessica Simpson 4. Britney Spears 5. Harry Potter 6. WWE 7. Usher 8. NASCAR 9. NBA 10. NFL more »»»
How to Hire a Web Designer
Susan Villecroze - SitePoint.com
 Today, anyone who wants to provide information, sell something, share information or promote a business knows that a Web presence will help them achieve those goals. more »»»
Ces Vegas Style - A Blizzard of Gadgets at Ces 2005
Daniel Sieberg - CNN
 Many attendees found themselves mesmerized by the 102-inch plasma behemoth in the Samsung booth, which the company claimed to be "the biggest TV" in the world - but on a practical level, it's a long way off. more »»»
6 Former Net Executives Indicted in Conspiracy Case
Jay Mallin - Bloomberg News
 Attorney Paul J. McNulty, at microphone, announced the indictment of six former executives of Time Warner Inc.'s America Online unit and its former business partner, PurchasePro.com. more »»»
Search Is Growing Up And Ready For Broadband
Jim Hedger - StepForth.com
 With the Internet becoming a larger part of people's lives and broadband access becoming the norm around the world, 2004 was the year that big business fully recognized the full impact of search. more »»»
What are Blogs, and Why Your Business Should Use One
Richard Zwicky
 Originally, blogs were simply standalone web sites dominated by links and peppered with personal commentaries and observations - much like keeping a diary - but now that's all changed. more »»»
Tech Tip: Got a wireless network and no idea who you might be sharing it with? Click here to learn how to close the doors BEFORE your horses get out.  | 
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