News Around the Americas 
Joe Lieberman's Controversial War Stand
Shailagh Murray
 Five years ago, Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman was one of President Bush's arch political rivals. Now many in his party complain that he sounds more like Bush's running mate. more »»»
Every Execution Detail Prescribed
Dan Morain
 Inmate movements, visitor rules, the mix of chemicals, the number of syringes: Nothing is left to chance. Wheels have started turning. Barring clemency from the governor or a last-minute stay, Stanley Tookie Williams will be expected to walk on his own to the death chamber Monday at San Quentin State Prison. more »»»
Colombian Police Back Off as Indians Grab Land
Luis Jaime Acosta - Reuters
 The Colombian police have given up trying to throw a determined group of Nasa Indians off farms they grabbed nearly two months ago in a drive for land rights. Long ignored by government, Indians in the southern province of Cauca showed signs of a new militancy five years ago. more »»»
US, Under Fire, Eases Its Stance in Climate Talks
Andrew C. Revkin
 The United States dropped its opposition early Saturday morning to nonbinding talks on addressing global warming after a few words were adjusted in the text of statements that, 24 hours earlier, prompted a top American official to walk out on negotiations. more »»»
Menendez Named to Senate Seat from NJ
Wayne Parry
 Gov.-elect Jon Corzine on Friday appointed Democratic Rep. Robert Menendez to serve out the remaining year in Corzine's Senate term, giving New Jersey its first minority senator, and the third Hispanic in the Senate. more »»»
Mexico Promotes Absentee Ballot on U.S. TV
 Mexico's electoral institute will use a 21-hour show on U.S. television on Wednesday to convince more Mexicans living north of the border to vote in next year's presidential election. more »»»
ACLU: Protesters Placed in Terror Files
Anslee Willett
 The names and license plate numbers of about 30 people who protested three years ago in Colorado Springs were put into FBI domestic-terrorism files, the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Colorado said. more »»»
Report: Mexican Immigrants Make More Money in Atlanta, Dallas
Atlanta Journal-Constitution
 Mexican immigrants in Atlanta and Dallas make more money than they do in other U.S. cities, according to a report by the Pew Hispanic Center. The report, titled "The Economic Transition to America," says 56 percent earn higher than the weekly median salary of $300. more »»»
Politics or Not, Bronx Warmly Receives Venezuelan Heating Oil
Michelle Garcia
 A green Citgo tanker truck chugged up a hill with a grim view of tenement buildings, elevated subways and treeless sidewalks to deliver Venezuelan heating oil, a "humanitarian" gift from Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. more »»»
U.S. Seeks Tighter Mexican Border
Mike Madden
 With an eye on next year's elections, officials are pushing for speedy action on border enforcement as more and more communities around the nation grapple with an influx of undocumented workers. more »»»
Rice: U.S. Torture of Prisoners Banned
David Holley
 Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice declared in Kiev today that the rules of the U.N. Convention Against Torture apply to Americans overseas, and that this includes a ban against inhumane or degrading treatment of prisoners. more »»»
U.S.-Mexican Border to get 1,700 Additional Border Patrol Agents
Arthur H. Rotstein
 The U.S. Border Patrol will add 1,700 new agents along the Mexican border this fiscal year, with Arizona getting more than 640 of them, the agency said. California will receive 352 new agents, Texas 452 and New Mexico 253. more »»»
Bush Dismisses Dean's Comments on Iraq War
Edwin Chen
 Top Republicans and Democrats exchanged sharp new words over the Iraq war today, as President Bush dismissed as "pessimists" those raising questions about his strategy and calling for a troop withdrawal. more »»»
'Holiday' Cards Ring Hollow for Some on Bushes' List
Alan Cooperman
 What's missing from the White House Christmas card? Christmas. This month President Bush sent out cards wishing 1.4 million of his close friends and supporters a happy "holiday season." But some conservative Christians are reacting as if Bush stuck coal in their stockings. more »»»
US House Won't Consider Guest Worker Program
Jim Abrams
 The US House is to vote next week on legislation that strengthens border security and requires workplace enforcement of immigration law but does not offer a guest worker program, a goal of President Bush and many in Congress. more »»»
Most Mexican Immigrants in New Study Gave Up Jobs to Take Their Chances in U.S.
Nina Bernstein
 A report about the work lives of recent Mexican immigrants in seven cities across the United States suggests that they typically traded jobs in Mexico for the prospect of work here, despite serious bouts of unemployment, job instability and poor wages. more »»»
Venezuela Gives US Cheap Oil Deal
BBC News
 Officials from Venezuela and Massachusetts have signed a deal to provide cheap heating oil to low-income homes in the US state. The fuel will be sold at about 40% below market prices to thousands of homes over the winter months. more »»»
Protesters Greet Cheney at DeLay Fundraiser
Juan A. Lozano
 Protesters bearing signs that read "The GOP is in an ethics free-fall" and chants of "Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, Dick Cheney Has To Go," greeted Vice President Dick Cheney as he stopped in Houston on Monday to speak at a campaign fundraiser for embattled U.S. Rep. Tom DeLay. more »»»
Republican Wants to Change Census Count
Alan Elsner
 A Republican lawmaker on Tuesday proposed changing the U.S. Constitution to exclude non-citizens from the Census for the purpose of drawing congressional districts, a move that effectively would deny them a voice in U.S. politics. more »»»
A Wave of US Activism in States May Signal a Surge Nationwide
Ronald Brownstein
 It's not a news bulletin that this has been a decade of conservative dominance in Washington. But a counter-cyclical trend toward government activism is thriving in the states governed by Democrats and moderate Republicans, and this isn't a new pattern. more »»»
9/11 Panel Cites Inadequate Security Steps
Hope Yen
 The former Sept. 11 commission gave dismal grades Monday to the federal government's efforts to shore up national security and prevent another terror attack on the United States. more »»»
UPDATE: Chavez Wins Parliamentary Elections
Prensa Latina
 The party of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez obtained its tenth victory in legislative elections since 1998, and took greater control of the National Assembly. According to first reports the party won more than two-thirds of the National Assembly´s 167 seats and had a resounding win in the Andean and Latin American parliaments. more »»»
Chavez Allies Say Victorious In Congress Vote
Patrick Markey
 Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's political party said it had won 114 out of 167 seats in the Congress after opposition parties dropped out of elections protesting bias by electoral authorities. The National Electoral Council was still tallying final results late Sunday. more »»»
Protesters from 30 Countries Unite To Fight Global Warming
Cahal Milmo
 Up to a million people will take to the streets of more than 100 cities in 30 countries today to demand greater action on tackling global warming. The first worldwide demonstration on climate change will coincide with the opening of a key United Nations conference to set out the basis for the reduction of greenhouse gases after the Kyoto treaty expires in 2012. more »»»
Cuba Determined to Defeat Assaults
Prensa Latina
 Cuba´s undisputed place in solidarity and its determination to defeat any military aggression were ratified by Castro while marking the 30th anniversary of the Cuban military mission in Angola. more »»»
US Civil Rights Group to Sue CIA
 A US civil rights group says it is taking the CIA to court to stop the transportation of terror suspects to countries outside US legal authority. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) says the intelligence agency has broken both US and international law. more »»»
Venezuela Touts Cheap Fuel to US as Bush Takes Heat
Matthew Robinson
 Venezuela this week launched an ad campaign touting its cheap heating oil program for the US poor as Washington faces criticism for doing little to protect consumers from high fuel prices. more »»»
Cities Voice Opposition to War in Iraq
John Yaukey
 Cities don't make foreign policy. But that hasn't stopped dozens of towns from Berkeley, Calif., to Chicago to Cambridge, Mass., from passing resolutions calling for withdrawal of US troops from Iraq. more »»»
HIV Cases Pass Record 40 Million Mark: UN
Agence France-Presse
 Progress has been made in tackling HIV infection in key African countries, but five million people were infected worldwide in 2005 to take the estimated total beyond 40 million, a UN report said. more »»»
White House: Democrats' War Criticism 'Irresponsible'
 "Those Democratic congressional leaders who try to suggest that we don't have a plan are deeply irresponsible," said White House spokesman Scott McClellan, who reiterated it was possible to bring some troops home next year. more »»»
Fitzgerald CIA Leak Investigation Centers In on Rove
Richard W. Stevenson & Douglas Jehl
 A conversation between Karl Rove's lawyer and a journalist for Time magazine led Mr. Rove to change his testimony last year to the grand jury in the C.I.A. leak case, people knowledgeable about the sequence of events report. more »»»
Murtha Disputes 'Staying the Course' Policy
Associated Press
 Most US troops will leave Iraq within a year because the Army is "broken, worn out" and "living hand to mouth," US Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., told a civic group, the same day President Bush said troops would be withdrawn when they've achieved victory, not under an artificial deadline set by politicians. more »»»
More in U.S. Expressing Doubts About Death Penalty
Peter Slevin
 The execution of Kenneth Boyd in North Carolina for murdering his wife and her father comes at a time of growing misgivings over the death penalty, as reflected in jury verdicts, opinion polls and the actions of courts and state legislatures. more »»»
UN Head Says "Do Far, Far More" Against AIDS
Ellen Wulfhorst
 Around the globe, leaders, activists and victims used World AIDS Day to send the message that far stronger action is needed in the battle against the disease that kills millions of people every year. more »»»
Hampered at Hampton U.
Rob Capriccioso
 Left-leaning students at Hampton University have felt for some time that campus administrators favor conservative groups and limit the free speech of liberal ones. Their argument has gained steam as seven students who helped organize a gathering opposing the Bush administration face a hearing Friday that could lead to their expulsion. more »»»
Chavez Defies Bush and Buys Arms from Spain
Roméo Langlois
 Boosted by oil prices, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has just bought himself a new arsenal to defend his "Bolivarian Revolution," incidentally blowing a raspberry at Washington. more »»»
Bush Flags War Strategy
Tabassum Zakaria
 U.S. troops will be able to withdraw from Iraq as local forces gain competence, U.S. President George W. Bush said on Wednesday, but near Baghdad the killing of nine people underscored a dire security situation two weeks before Iraq's milestone election. more »»»
Milestone Execution Stopped
Andy Sullivan
 Virginia Gov. Mark Warner halted the execution of a convicted murderer who would have been the 1,000th person put to death in the United States since the Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty in 1976, a spokesman said late yesterday more »»»
U.S. Military Covertly Pays to Run Stories in Iraqi Press
Mark Mazzetti & Borzou Daragahi
 As part of an information offensive in Iraq, the U.S. military is secretly paying Iraqi newspapers to publish stories written by American troops in an effort to burnish the image of the U.S. mission in Iraq. more »»»
Racing to Stop an Execution
Maura Dolan
 So obscure that his conviction for four murders barely made headlines, death row inmate Stanley Tookie Williams owes his notoriety as much to a determined woman who stood by him and to committed death penalty opponents as to his shift from gangster to anti-gang activist. more »»»
US Obstructs Elections in Venezuela
Prensa Latina
 Venezuelan Vice President Jose Vicente Rangel asserted that the US was involved with various opposition parties´ maneuvering against the December 4 legislative elections. more »»»
Believers Flock to 'Crying' Virgin Mary
Juliet Williams
 Carrying rosary beads and cameras, the faithful have been coming in a steady stream to a church on the outskirts of Sacramento for a glimpse of what some are calling a miracle: A statue of the Virgin Mary they say has begun crying a substance that looks like blood. more »»»
10 Migrants Saved by Cruise Ship
Luisa Yanez
 More than a thousand Thanksgiving holiday revelers cruising within view of Cuba had to make an unexpected stop over the weekend to rescue 10 migrants from a 15-foot boat foundering in the Florida Straits, passengers said. more »»»
States Abstain from Federal Sex Ed Money
Brian H. Kehrl
 Maine has stepped out of the collection line of states getting federal money to help subsidize sex education, joining California and Pennsylvania in saying, "No, thanks." more »»»
'86 Alito Memo Argues Against Foreigners' Rights
Jo Becker & Amy Goldstein
 As a senior lawyer in the Reagan Justice Department, Samuel A. Alito Jr. argued that immigrants who enter the U.S. illegally and foreigners living outside their countries are not entitled to the constitutional rights afforded to Americans. more »»»
Ex-Powell Aide Criticizes Detainee Effort
Associated Press
 A top aide to former Secretary of State Colin Powell said that wrongheaded ideas for the handling of foreign detainees arose from White House and Pentagon officials who argued that "the President of the United States is all-powerful" and the Geneva Conventions irrelevant. more »»»
Bush to Launch Mexican Border Crackdown
Bill Sammon
 President Bush today will call for a crackdown on illegal immigration, a move aimed at further rallying conservatives who recently cheered Mr. Bush's tough talk on Iraq and the Supreme Court. more »»»
Bush Supporters, Opponents Gather in Texas
Angela K. Brown
 Three months after the mother of a fallen soldier led a 26-day anti-war vigil near President Bush's ranch, peace activists and Bush supporters converged again Saturday for dueling rallies. Cindy Sheehan, whose 24-year-old Casey died in Iraq, called for anti-war activists to return to Crawford this week as Bush celebrated the Thanksgiving holiday. more »»»
New Chief Justice Faces Abortion Issue
Charles Lane
 The first major abortion case since Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. joined the court last month comes before the justices next week, and even though it could be anticlimactic in the end, both sides in the debate view it as a warm-up for even more consequential cases ahead. more »»»
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