News Around the Americas 
New York Court Declines to Recognize Gay Marriage
 The New York State Court of Appeals refused to recognize same-sex marriage in a ruling issued on Thursday, saying the issue was a question for the Legislature to decide. The New York case involved 44 gay and lesbian couples who filed four separate cases seeking to overturn as unconstitutional a 97-year-old state law that defines marriage as between a man and woman. more »»»
Iran and Venezuela Team Up as Anti-US "Odd Couple"
Christian Oliver
 To deserve a statue in central Tehran, you normally need to be an 11th-century Persian poet. However, Venezuela's 19th-century independence leader Simon Bolivar surveys passers-by in Goftogou Park. more »»»
First Commissioned Officer to Refuse Deployment to Unlawful Iraq War Officially Charged by the US Army
t r u t h o u t
 First Lieutenant Ehren K. Watada was formally charged with three articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice: missing movement (Article 87), contempt towards officials (Article 88), and conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman (Article 133). more »»»
US Preteen-Mag Accused of Military Pitching
Associated Press
 Parents and teachers are complaining that the latest issue of a popular magazine for preteens amounts to little more than an early recruitment pitch for the United States Army. more »»»
Border Bills Far Apart: 2,700 Miles
Nicole Gaouette & Sam Quinones
 In two different hearing rooms on two distant coasts, the two chambers of Congress on Wednesday staged competing summer shows to promote their dueling visions of illegal immigration in the United States and the best way to overhaul immigration laws. more »»»
Homelessness a Threat for Iraq Vets
Verena Dobnik
 Across America on any given evening, hundreds of veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are homeless, according to government estimates. They are living on the edge in towns and cities big and small, from Washington state to California and Florida. more »»»
North Korean "Fireworks Display" Irritates US but Falls Short of Target
Suzanne Goldenberg
 The United Nations security council was expected to meet today to try to craft a response to the provocative firing of up to six missiles by the North Korean regime. Yesterday's launch was intended to cause maximum irritation to Washington - timed within minutes of the launch of the shuttle Discovery on Independence Day. more »»»
Expatriates Keep Close Watch on Mexican Vote
Claudia Meléndez Salinas
 After Mexican election officials declared they would not announce official results of the close contest until Wednesday, Mexican expatriates were either optimistic that the delay is a sign of the country's maturity or worried that this could become another stolen election. more »»»
Anti-War Protesters Begin July 4 Fast
 About 150 protesters sat in front of the White House on Monday to savor their last meal before starting a hunger strike that some said will continue until American troops return from Iraq. more »»»
Majority of Mexican Expats Voting Absentee Support Conservative
Peter Prengaman
 Most expatriates voting absentee had little difficulty deciding who should be the next president of Mexico, in contrast with their compatriots back home who were so split the race has yet to be settled. more »»»
US Government Panel Creates Plan for Post-Castro Cuba
VOA News
 A special commission created by President Bush says the United States must be ready to assist Cuba within weeks of President Fidel Castro's death. more »»»
US Takes Wait-and-See Attitude on Mexican Polls
 The United States took a wait-and-see attitude on Monday on the outcome of the Mexican presidential election, saying it would wait for the official results to be announced. more »»»
Hundreds Turned Away at Mexican Polls
Olga R. Rodriguez
 Thousands of Mexicans living in the United States traveled by plane, bus and car to Mexican border cities to vote in Sunday's hotly contested presidential election. For some, it was a futile journey. more »»»
Mexican Leader Faces Chilly U.S. Relations
Lisa J. Adams
 When the next president takes office, one of his most daunting tasks will be breaking the diplomatic wall of ice that has formed between Mexico and its neighbor to the north. more »»»
Status Hurts Mexican Voting Bloc in U.S.
Peter Prengaman
 A potentially powerful expatriate voting bloc likely will have little effect on Mexico's presidential race because of the illegal status of many who live in the US. more »»»
At the Northern US Border, No Talk of Fences
John Pomfret
 Joint operations with Canada, called "parallel investigations" because of sensitivity about sovereignty issues, reflect the fundamentally different strategies used to secure the United States' two very different borders since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. more »»»
Chavez Leads Venez Polls
Prensa Latina
 Venezuela President Hugo Chavez has a popular support of 79.6 percent, according to a survey published Sunday, while the opposition has not yet defined positions for the December 3 presidential election. more »»»
Stealing Mexico
Greg Palast
 George Bush's operatives have plans to jigger with the upcoming elections. I'm not talking about the November '06 vote in the USA (though they have plans for that, too). I'm talking about the election this Sunday in Mexico for their Presidency. more »»»
"El Norte" Tallies Few Votes in Mexico Election
Mary Milliken
 Blame it on a bureaucratic voting process, disillusionment with politics back home or lack of time while juggling jobs, but only a fraction of the Mexicans living in the United States took advantage of their first opportunity to vote from abroad. more »»»
Polling Places Set Up for Mexican Election
Norma De La Vega
 Immigrants living in the United States who plan to return to Mexican border cities to vote in the presidential election tomorrow will find more special polling places available than in 2000. more »»»
AP: Guard to Miss Border Mission Deadline
Aaron C. Davis
 The Bush administration has been unable to muster even half the 2,500 National Guardsmen it planned to have on the Mexican border by the end of June, officials in the border states said. more »»»
Death Penalty-Cuba: Dissidents Call for Legal Moratorium
Patricia Grogg
 Moderate dissidents in Cuba urged the government of Fidel Castro to declare a legal moratorium on executions and announced that a campaign would be launched this year to raise public awareness on the issue. more »»»
In Loss for Bush, Supreme Court Blocks War-Crimes Trials at Guantanamo
Associated Press
 he Supreme Court ruled Thursday that President Bush overstepped his authority in ordering military war crimes trials for Guantanamo Bay detainees. more »»»
Mexican Serial Killer Executed in Texas
 A Mexican illegal immigrant convicted of brutally killing at least 15 people around the United States, most of them in Texas, was put to death, becoming the 23rd person to be executed in the United States this year. more »»»
Mexicans Must Mail Ballots Immediately
Norma de la Vega
 Mexicans living outside the country who are registered to vote in the presidential election Sunday must mail their ballots immediately if they want them to be counted. The Mexican Federal Electoral Institute, known as the IFE, said more than 12,000 ballots have not been received and called on those who have them to mail them as soon as possible. more »»»
Bush Ignores Laws He Inks, Vexing Congress
Laurie Kellman
 A bill becomes the rule of the land when Congress passes it and the president signs it into law, right? Not necessarily, according to the White House. more »»»
Jailed Immigrants: Our Families Suffering
Jacques Billeaud
 The five men knew their two-day walk across the Arizona desert could end with the Border Patrol swiftly returning them to Mexico. But they never thought they would spend three months in a county jail under a novel interpretation of an Arizona immigrant smuggling law that calls for charging customers of human traffickers as conspirators to the crime. more »»»
GOP Candidate's Call for Labor Camp Rebuked
Associated Press
 A Republican gubernatorial candidate's call for creation of a forced labor camp for illegal immigrants drew rebukes last week from two GOP lawmakers, who labeled it a low point in the immigration debate. more »»»
U.S. Population to Hit 300 Million in 2006
Stephen Ohlemacher
 The U.S. population is on target to hit 300 million this fall and it's a good bet the milestone baby or immigrant will be Hispanic. No one will know for sure because the date and time will be just an estimate. more »»»
Poll: Majorities Disapprove of Bush on Ethics
Gary Langer
 A clear majority of Americans now disapprove of President Bush's handling of ethics in government, and three-quarters say the administration should disclose all contacts between White House officials and disgraced Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff. more »»»
Buffett Gives $37 Billion to Gates and Family Foundations
Robert MacMillan & Mark McSherry
 Warren Buffett, the world's second-richest person, is donating about $37 billion - more than 80 percent of his fortune - to foundations run by his friend Bill Gates and by the Buffett family. more »»»
Other States Should Step Up on Border Plan: Calif
 California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's office said on Saturday the White House should get other states to buy into its policy of using National Guard troops to police the United States - Mexican border, saying California had done its share. more »»»
Suspect in '98 US Slaying Caught in Raid on Mexican Ranch
Ashley Surdin
 Mexican officials, using a helicopter to reach a remote mountain hide-out in central Mexico, on Thursday arrested a Los Angeles gang member suspected of killing a 12-year-old boy seven years ago. more »»»
US Effort to Rehab Image Falls Short
Howard LaFranchi
 In Europe for two days, President Bush will lay out a full agenda on Iran, aid to Iraq, and farm subsidies in world trade. But he'll also confront a European public that has such a poor view of America that in some countries, the United States is seen as the biggest threat to global stability today - surpassing Iran. more »»»
Judge: 'Railroad Killer' to Be Executed
CBS News
 A judge ruled Wednesday that serial killer Angel Maturino Resendiz, who gained notoriety as the "Railroad Killer" linked to at least 15 murders across the country, is mentally competent to be executed next week for the 1998 rape-slaying of a Texas doctor. more »»»
2,000-Bed Immigrant Facility Going Up Near Harlingen
Snickering Hound
 Ground has been broken for a 2,000-bed detention center to help end the "catch and release" policy for non-Mexican illegal immigrants, federal officials said. he planned $50 million facility would so far be the largest of five such facilities in Texas. more »»»
Argentina Braced for Mexico after Topping Group C
Luke Phillips
 Mexico will be tough opponents in the last 16 of the World Cup, said Argentina coach Jose Pekerman, after his side battled to a 0-0 draw with the Netherlands to finish top of Group C. more »»»
New US Border Chief: "Walls Are Not the Answer"
Arthur H. Rotstein
 Two weeks on the job, the new head of U.S. Customs and Border Protection said Tuesday he does not favor building a huge wall along the Mexican border. "I don't support, I don't believe the administration supports a wall," Commissioner W. Ralph Basham said in Tucson, before embarking on a tour across the Arizona desert. more »»»
Colombia Sees Rise in Coca Growth
BBC News
 Coca production in Colombia grew by 8% in 2005 - the first rise in five years, the UN Office of Drugs and Crime says. The production of coca, the raw material for cocaine, reached 86,000 hectares last year, UNODC found. more »»»
Vehicle Crossings More Common at Border
Will Weissert
 So many United States citizens try to drive carloads of undocumented migrants across that federal authorities have begun issuing $5,000 fines for Americans caught doing it. more »»»
Why U.S. Has Stake in Mexican Election
Héctor Tobar & Paul Richter
 When an estimated 40 million Mexican voters go to the polls next month to pick their next president, the result could affect the lives of 296 million people north of the border. more »»»
U.S. Is Aiming to Block Venezuela's Bid for U.N. Role
Paul Richter & Maggie Farley
 The Bush administration is lobbying to prevent Venezuela from securing an open seat on the United Nations Security Council because of concern that its leading South American rival could confound plans to step up pressure on Iran. more »»»
Ranchers Add Ladders to Border Fences
Lynn Brezosky
 A few Texas ranchers tired of costly repairs to cattle fences damaged by illegal immigrants have installed an easier route over the U.S.-Mexican border — ladders. "It's an attempt to get them to use the ladders instead of tearing the fences," said Scott Pattinson, who owns one of a group of ranches known as La Copa. more »»»
Democrats Unveil New Domestic Agenda
Z. Byron Wolf
 On the same day the House voted in a nonbinding resolution to essentially stay the course in Iraq, Democratic leaders from both houses on Capitol Hill unveiled a new domestic agenda under the slogan "A New Direction for America." more »»»
Troops Refusing Iraq Duty Get a Haven
Mike Barber
 Prompted by a Fort Lewis Army officer's decision to refuse to fight in Iraq, the First United Methodist Church of Tacoma Wasshington has declared itself a sanctuary for servicemen and servicewomen who also don't want to go to Iraq. more »»»
National Guard Begins Border Rollout
 The first 800 U.S. National Guard troops are taking up positions along the U.S-Mexico border, but will only support existing border patrol units, U.S. Defense Department officials said on Thursday. more »»»
Military Deaths in Iraq Hit 2,500
Omar al-Ibadi
 The number of U.S. military deaths in Iraq has reached 2,500, the Pentagon said on Thursday, more than three years into a conflict that finds United States-led forces locked in a struggle with a resilient Sunni Arab insurgency. more »»»
ACLU Sues Pentagon Over Anti-War Group Monitoring
Jon Hurdle
 The American Civil Liberties Union sued the US Defense Department on Wednesday to demand information it says the government has collected on groups opposed to the war in Iraq. more »»»
Judge Rules That US Has Broad Powers to Detain Noncitizens Indefinitely
Nina Bernstein
 A federal judge in Brooklyn ruled yesterday that the government has wide latitude under immigration law to detain noncitizens on the basis of religion, race or national origin, and to hold them indefinitely without explanation. more »»»
Bush On Elections: Republicans Will Win
 US President Bush predicted on Wednesday that Republicans will maintain majority control of the House and Senate this November despite polls showing voters favor putting Democrats in charge. more »»»
Colombians in Venezuela Thank Chavez for New Life
Hugh Bronstein
 An estimated 3 million Colombians in recent decades have crossed the border into oil-rich Venezuela looking for jobs and sanctuary from Colombia's 42-year-old guerrilla war. They are getting fast-track citizenship under a program called Mission Identity and largely supporting Chavez. more »»»
Farmers, Celebrities Evicted From Urban Plot
Hector Becerra
 The 14-year effort to establish an urban farm in the heart of South Los Angeles came to an end today when sheriff's deputies moved in to evict the farmers, as well as some celebrities who were supporting them by keeping vigil on the land. more »»»
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