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Polls, the Media and Who Will Win in 2008
The Real Network
 Barry Kay on the accuracy of polling and the presidential elections.
Clinton: Time to Unite Behind Obama
Philip Elliott
 Hillary Rodham Clinton closed the book on her 2008 presidential bid with an emphatic plea for the party to unite behind Barack Obama.
US Immigration Cops Nab 595 in Largest-Ever Raid
Tim Gaynor
 US immigration agents have arrested 595 people at a Mississippi factory in what was the largest workplace enforcement raid in the United States to date, an immigration official said on Tuesday.
Southern Border Tightened on Drug Cartel Warning
Alicia A. Caldwell
 Officials along the southern U.S. border say they are beefing up security after learning that warring Mexican cartels have approved sending hit men into the United States.
Kennedy Tugs at Hearts, as Michelle Praises Values
Adam Nagourney
 Senator Edward M. Kennedy, struggling with brain cancer, arrived on Monday night at the Democratic National Convention in a triumphant appearance that evoked 50 years of party history as Democrats gathered to nominate Senator Barack Obama for president.
Cuba Blames U.S. for Undocumented People Traffic
 According to Cuba`s official daily Granma, the Cuban-U.S. mafias charge each of the immigrants around 10,000 to 15,000 U.S. dollars to avoid them from being detained.
US Turns Over Mexican Man Accused in 1998 Massacre
Associated Press
 A Mexican national wanted in connection with the 1998 drug-related massacre of 19 people in the Baja California resort town of Ensenada has been captured and turned over to Mexican authorities, U.S. immigration officials said Sunday.
Clinton Will Release Delegates to Obama
Devlin Barrett
 Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, hoping to unite the Democratic Party and cement her future in it, will gather her hard-won primary delegates Wednesday at a reception where she is expected to formally release them to Barack Obama.
US Sees Increase In Illegal Mexican Immigrants Going Back To Mexico
Amy Beeman
 The slumping economy in the United States isn't just affecting Americans. According to recent reports, the decline in employment opportunities is driving many illegal Mexican immigrants back over the border.
Liberal Positions Gaining US Popularity
Steven Thomma
 As they meet for their national convention Monday through Thursday, Democrats are poised to shift their party's course - and the country's.
US and Iraq Set Pullout Date
The Real Network
 US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Iraq's foreign minister Hoshyar Zebari said on Thursday that a broad document setting out the nature of any future US troop presence and of Washington-Baghdad relations is close to fruition, but not yet complete.
Obama Chooses Biden as Running Mate
Adam Nagourney & Jeff Zeleny
 Senator Barack Obama has chosen Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware to be his running mate, turning to a leading authority on foreign policy and a longtime Washington hand to fill out the Democratic ticket, Mr. Obama announced in text and email messages early Saturday.
Is McCain Another George W. Bush?
Jack Cafferty
 Russia invades Georgia and President Bush goes on vacation. Our president has spent one-third of his entire two terms in office either at Camp David, Maryland, or at Crawford, Texas, on vacation. His time away from the Oval Office included the month leading up to 9/11, when there were signs Osama bin Laden was planning to attack America, and the time Hurricane Katrina destroyed the city of New Orleans.
Clinton Faithful Seek to Sabotage Obama
Bartholomew Sullivan
 A massive email and Internet campaign is under way aimed at derailing the nomination of Barack Obama and making Hillary Clinton the party's standard bearer next week in at the Democratic National Convention in Denver.
Border Governors’ Resolve to Address Border Infrastructure and Resource Issues
Border Trade Alliance
 At the 26th Border Governors Conference recently held on August 13-15, 2008 in Hollywood, California, leaders from the ten bi-national southwest border states met to discuss a number of shared issues.
Jenny The Elephant To Remain In Dallas
CBS News
 The Dallas Zoo has announced that Jenny the elephant will remain in Dallas. The zoo plans to create a new elephant habitat and will bring a new African elephant to serve as Jenny's companion.
The South Ossetia War: A Week after Russian Intervention
Ivan Simic
 Since the beginning of the Georgian-South Ossetian war, many things have changed both on political grounds and on the battle field. On August 16, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed the EU-brokered peace plan, which contains six points to resolving the conflict in South Ossetia.
Cejudo Realizes American Dream
Tim Sullivan
 The American Dream has a cauliflower ear. It wears a welt above its right eye and, until further notice, a gold medal around its stiff neck.
Obama Ready to Announce Running Mate This Week
Adam Nagourney & Jeff Zeleny
 Senator Barack Obama has all but settled on his choice for a running mate and set an elaborate rollout plan for his decision, beginning with an early morning alert to supporters, perhaps as soon as Wednesday morning, aides said.
U.S. Report Says Poorest Countries Record Greatest Population Growth
China View
 According to the annual report by the Washington-based Population Reference Bureau (PRB), titled Population Data Sheet, a total of 1.2 billion people live in the countries categorized by the United Nations as developed countries while 5.5 billion people in less developed countries.
Who Will Be Obama's VP Choice?
Agence France-Presse
 Democrat Barack Obama was to campaign in New Mexico Monday to court the Hispanic vote amid swirling rumors about his possible choices of running mates. New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, who has also been touted as a possible Democratic vice-presidential pick, said he was glad the Democratic Party was leaving past rivalries behind.
U.S. Hospitals Take Mexican Drug Casualties
Phil Brennan
 Mexico's war on drugs is costing American taxpayers big bucks, as the U.S. government is bringing Mexican casualties from the conflict to hospitals north of the border and paying for medical treatment.
The Gloves Come Off: Obama Strikes Back
Beth Fouhy
 So much for hugging in church. A day after Barack Obama and John McCain exchanged an embrace during a faith forum at a California megachurch, Obama called the U.S. economy a disaster thanks to "John McCain's president, George W. Bush," and chided his Republican rival's campaign team for trying to make him look unpatriotic and weak.
US ATF Seizes Weapons Bound for Mexico
 Phoenix's branch of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said on Friday it took 18 automatic weapons bound for Mexico off Arizona streets before they got south of the border.
Lawsuit Filed Against Gonzales & DOJ Officials
Emma Schwartz
 Six attorneys rejected from civil service positions at the Justice Department filed a lawsuit on Friday against former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and three other top officials for allegedly violating their rights by taking politics into consideration in the hiring process.
McCain Plots Multi-Million Dollar Assault on Obama
Stephen Collinson
 Republican White House pick John McCain set the stage for an advertising blitz against Democrat Barack Obama by raking in a monthly fundraising record of 27 million dollars in July, aides said last week.
US Democrats Open to More Offshore Drilling
Dina Cappiello
 Democrats' stance against offshore drilling shifted more on Saturday, with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi signaling she was willing to consider opening up more areas off the nation's coastlines to oil and gas exploration.
Paraguay's Lugo Sworn In, Embraced by Region's Left
Fiona Ortiz
 Former Bishop Fernando Lugo was sworn in on Friday as Paraguay's president in a ceremony attended by Latin America's socialist leaders, who have embraced him even as he has distanced himself from their policies.
US Army Deserter Ordered Deported
The Canadian Press
 One of the first U.S. army deserters to seek refugee status in Canada rather than serve in Iraq was ordered deported Wednesday. Jeremy Hinzman, along with his wife, son and a new baby, have been ordered by the Canada Border Services Agency to leave by Sept. 23.
Texas Deputies Add to Chupacabra Legend
 The legend of the Chupacabra, a mythical blood-sucking animal roaming South Texas, gained new life over the weekend as two DeWitt County sheriff's deputies spotted what they said they believe was the creature.
Appeals Court Upholds CIA Leak Lawsuit Dismissal
Andy Sullivan
 A U.S. appeals court on Tuesday dismissed former CIA analyst Valerie Plame's lawsuit against Vice President Dick Cheney and several former Bush administration officials for disclosing her identity to the public.
Flights of Immigrants to Mexico Cost $51 Million
Economic Times
 The US government has spent more than $51 million over the past four summers flying nearly 64,000 illegal immigrants back to the Mexican interior after they were caught crossing the border.
Republicans Throw in With Obama
Margaret Talev
 Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama unveiled a group of disaffected high-profile Republicans on Tuesday who he hopes will help him win the support of Republican voters in swing states.
Release of the Cuban Five Demanded in Mexico
Cuban News Agency
 Representatives from organizations affiliated to the Women’s International Democratic Federation (WIDF) and the Mexican Movement of Solidarity with Cuba demanded the release of the five Cuban Anti-terrorism fighters imprisoned in the United States.
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