News Around the Americas 
««« Click HERE for Recent World News Obama Sets Another Fundraising Record
Caren Bohan
 Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's fundraising machine rolls on with a record $66 million in August and 500,000 new donors added to the ranks, a campaign spokesman said on Sunday.
Storm Damage Is Extensive in Texas
Clifford Krauss & James C. McKinley Jr.
 Hurricane Ike barreled across a wide swath of Texas on Saturday, deluging the city of Galveston with a wall of water, flooding coastal towns and leaving extensive damage across metropolitan Houston.
For Barack Obama, Bill Clinton Says He'll Do "Whatever I'm Asked"
Peter Nicholas
 Any lingering resentments from the often-heated Democratic primary season seem to have been set aside, with the former president set to stump for the Illinois senator in Florida later this month.
Poll: No World Consensus As To Who Was Behind 9/11
JoAnne Allen
 Seven years after the Sept. 11 attacks, there is no consensus outside the United States that Islamist militants from al Qaeda were responsible, according to an international poll published Wednesday.
McCain Takes Slim Lead Over Obama in AP-GfK Poll
Alan Fram
 Republican John McCain has taken a modest lead over Barack Obama entering the final seven weeks of their presidential contest, buoyed by decisive advantages among suburban and working-class whites and a huge edge in how people rate each candidate's experience, a poll showed Friday.
Delay Seen for Fence At U.S.-Mexico Line
Spencer S. Hsu
 The Bush administration is unlikely to complete 670 miles of border fence by year-end as required by Congress because of surging construction costs and problems acquiring private land along the border with Mexico, Homeland Security Department officials acknowledged.
Nader Calls For New 9/11 Investigation
Rebel News
 Independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader pledged support for a new investigation into the events of 9/11 this week, commenting that the 9/11 Commission was "flawed, right from the get go."
US and Venezuela Escalate Crisis
Frank Jack Daniel & Arshad Mohammed
 The United States imposed sanctions on Venezuelan officials on Friday, escalating a diplomatic crisis between leftist Latin American leaders and Washington that raises the specter of an oil supply cutoff.
Mexico and Cuba Eyeing Clampdown on US-Bound Migrants
Manuel Carrillo
 Cuba and Mexico are discussing how to clamp down on the flow of illegal Cuban immigrants through Mexico to the United States, Cuba's Ambassador Manuel Aguilera said on Thursday.
9/11 Seven Years Later: US "Safe," South Asia in Turmoil
Jonathan S. Landay & Saeed Shah
 Seven years after 9/11, al Qaida and its allies are gaining ground across the region where the plot was hatched, staging their most lethal attacks yet against NATO forces and posing a growing threat to the U.S.-backed governments in Afghanistan and nuclear-armed Pakistan.
Sarah Palin and Abortion
Lisa Demer
 Gov. Sarah Palin is about as anti-abortion as a politician can be, and crusaders on the issue say they can't imagine a better candidate. Abortion-rights advocates say just the opposite.
Obama Steps Up Attacks on Sarah Palin
Nedra Pickler
 Listening to Barack Obama, it can seem like Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin is the main person standing between him and the White House instead of John McCain
McCain Takes Lead in Latest US Poll
 Republican John McCain heads into the final stretch of the U.S. presidential campaign with a 4-point lead over Democrat Barack Obama, a USA Today/Gallup poll released on Sunday showed.
International Aid to the Cuban People After Hurricane Gustav
 Presidents and representatives of numerous governments have expressed their support for Cuba and offered assistance to help deal with the devastating effects of hurricane Gustav on the eastern part of the province of Pinar del Rio and the Isle of Youth.
Scores Killed by Pilotless US Aircraft
Pir Zubair Shah & Jane Perlez
 A missile strike from a remotely piloted United States reconnaissance aircraft killed 6 to 12 people in a group of houses in southern Afghanistan, very close to the border with Pakistan, Pakistani residents of the area said Friday.
Mics, Cameras Found in Guatemalan Presidential Palace
 Guatemalan President Alvaro Colom said Friday that government prosecutors are trying to determine who put microphones and video cameras in the presidential palace.
Top GOP Pundits Fault Palin Selection
Kate Phillips
 Two prominent Republicans — one of them a close ally and former aide to Senator John McCain — were caught on a live mic on MSNBC bemoaning the selection of Gov. Sarah Palin and the controversy surrounding her.
Eight Weeks to Determine America's Future
Andrew Taylor
 Republican presidential nominee John McCain, buoyed by a unifying GOP convention and the spark of running mate Sarah Palin, plunged into a competitive, eight-week struggle with Democrat Barack Obama over which party can best bring change to Washington.
The 'Lipstick Pitbull'
The Real Network
 In her first speech as vice-presidential nominee on the McCain ticket, the Governor of Alaska pulled no punches against the Democrats.
Obama Ad Slams McCain on Abortion Rights
Ben Smith
 Barack Obama has launched a broadside against John McCain's opposition to abortion rights and moved one of the most divisive issues in modern American politics to the airwaves on a large scale for the first time in this presidential campaign.
Ron Paul Says It's Time to End the Empire
The Real Network
 Texas Rep. Ron Paul seeks to channel momentum from his losing presidential bid into an ongoing political push, though it's unclear whether the effort will hurt Mr. McCain's chances. Paul Jay interviews Ron Paul from the "Rally for the Republic."
Palin Faces Laundry List of Complications
Matt Apuzzo
 A string of revelations have forced John McCain's campaign to defend his choice and the thoroughness of the background check of Sarah Palin, 44, a little-known governor who is new to the national stage.
Thousands March Against War at RNC
Bryan Bender
 The father of a Boston Marine killed in Iraq led thousands of antiwar protesters today in a boisterous but largely peaceful demonstration outside the Republican National Convention, while riot police and National Guardsmen clashed separately with a collection of small fringe groups who smashed windows and damaged public property.
Controversy Surrounds Sarah Palin
Stephen Collinson
 A flurry of personal and legal revelations battering Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin Tuesday raised new questions about John McCain's risky running mate pick.
Spared a Direct Hit, New Orleans Exhales
Adam Nossiter, Damien Cave, Kareem Fahim & James Barron
 This nearly deserted city appeared to have escaped threats of full-scale devastation on Monday when Hurricane Gustav came ashore 70 miles to the southwest, bearing winds and rain far less formidable than earlier forecast.
Arizona Called 'Ground Zero' in Immigration Fight
Arthur H. Rotstein
 Arizona is "ground zero" for the Border Patrol in its quest to gain effective control of illegal immigration into the United States, and agents are making headway, the chief of the agency's busiest sector says.
Republicans Open Subdued Convention
Glen Johnson
 The traditional festive opening of a national political convention was overshadowed by cancellations Monday, as John McCain and GOP officials tried to balance the desire to invigorate their partisans with showing empathy for those in Hurricane Gustav's path.
McCain's Choice of Palin Is a Risk
Peter Wallsten
 American voters on Friday began learning about Sarah Palin. But the selection of an obscure Alaska governor as the Republican vice presidential nominee also offers clues about the leadership style of the man who placed her on the ticket.
Kidnappings are Driving Baja Citizens to US
Hiram Soto
 For years, wealthy Tijuana families have bought and moved into homes in exclusive SoCal neighborhoods for convenience and for greater economic opportunities. They generally have legal residency or are U.S. citizens. But these days, kidnappings or the threat of them have pushed many small-business owners and professionals north of the border, even if they have to live here illegally.
McCain Chooses Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin for V.P.
Liz Sidoti
 John McCain tapped little-known Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to be his vice presidential running mate on Friday in a startling selection on the eve of the Republican National Convention.
Obama Takes Aim at Bush and McCain With a Forceful Call to Change America
Adam Nagourney & Jeff Zeleny
 Barack Obama accepted the Democratic Party presidential nomination on Thursday, declaring that the "American promise has been threatened" by eight years under President Bush and that John McCain represented a continuation of policies that undermined the nation's economy and imperiled its standing around the world.
Accountant May Hold Clues in Andrew Luster Rape Case
Steve Hart
 A rape victim trying to collect a $19 million judgment from Max Factor cosmetic heir Andrew Luster is taking her case against the convicted rapist to Sonoma County courts, charging that a Petaluma accountant knows the whereabouts of Luster's assets.
Obama Builds Large Lead Among Latinos in Key Southwest States
 Latino voters favor Barack Obama over John McCain by a 3-1 margin in the key battleground states of New Mexico, Colorado and Nevada, according a new poll released today by Latino Decisions and the National Association of Latino Elected Officials.
Deadlines Nearing for Overseas Citizen and Military Voters
Susan Dzieduszycka-Suinat
 Time is running out for U.S. overseas voters to file their registration/ballot request for the upcoming presidential election, so visit OverSeasVoteFoundation.org today for easy and innovative online voter registration tools and services.
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