News Around the Americas 
««« Click HERE for Recent World News Sandinistas Win Most Municipal Races in Nicaragua
Filadelfo Aleman
 Nicaragua's ruling Sandinista party won the large majority of municipal races, including the capital Managua, in local elections that have sparked allegations of fraud and violent clashes, authorities announced Thursday.
Proposition 8 Gay Marriage Ban Goes to Supreme Court
Maura Dolan & Jessica Garrison
 The California high court will review legal challenges to Prop. 8. A hearing is set for March. Prior to a ruling, gay weddings will not be allowed to resume.
Napolitano Will Head US Homeland Security
Mike Allen
 Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano (D) has been chosen to serve as secretary of the vast and troubled Department of Homeland Security for President-elect Obama, Democratic officials said.
Cheney's Indictment in South Texas Moves Forward
Christopher Sherman
 A Texas judge has set a Friday arraignment for Vice President Dick Cheney, former U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, a state senator and others named in indictments accusing them of responsibility for prisoner abuse in a South Texas federal detention center.
Texas Grand Jury Indicts Cheney, Gonzalez
Agence France-Presse
 A Texas grand jury has issued indictments against Vice President Dick Cheney and former attorney general Alberto Gonzalez over abuse at privately run prisons, court documents showed.
Clinton to Accept Offer of Secretary of State Job
Ewen MacAskill
 nton plans to accept the job of secretary of state offered by Barack Obama, who is reaching out to former rivals to build a broad coalition administration, the Guardian has learned.
Bolivian President Says He Won't Let DEA Come Back
Edith M. Lederer
 Bolivian President Evo Morales expressed hope Monday for improved relations with the United States under Barack Obama's presidency, but said he will never allow the U.S. anti-drug agency to resume operating in his country.
Mapping Out a New World Order
Matthew Knight
 A new book, The Atlas of the Real World, has redrawn the map giving vivid new insights and bringing economic, social and environmental data to life.
Obama Weighs Clinton, Richardson as Sec. of State
Nedra Pickler
 President-elect Barack Obama is interviewing some of his one-time political opponents as he ponders building his own "team of rivals" to help him run the country.
Weekly Address from the US President-Elect
 For the first time, the weekly Democratic address has been released as a web video. It will also continue to air on the radio. President-elect Obama plans to to publish these weekly updates through the Transition and then from the White House. Today's address from the President-elect concerns the current economic crisis.
Fidel Castro Looks Thin but Alert in Latest Photo
Associated Press
 Fidel Castro looks thin and frail but alert in a photograph from last month posted on the Web site of the Russian Orthodox Church and obtained by the Associated Press on Thursday.
World in Recession
The Real Network
 The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) forecast that economic output will shrink this quarter for the 30 market democracies that make up its membership.
Obama Vows Broad Review of Government
Jo Biddle
 Senior politicians, former ambassadors, top business leaders and lawyers will lead special teams into US government agencies to prepare the ground for Barack Obama's presidency, his office said.
US Hispanics Helped Obama Win Presidency
Jose de la Isla
 When Barack Obama won the presidential election last week over John McCain, he did so with substantial help from Hispanic voters in four critical swing states.
Obama Makes Foreign Leaders Wait
Peter Baker
 The world is waiting for President-elect Barack Obama, and some of its most prominent leaders are flying to the United States this weekend clamoring to meet with him. But they will have to keep on waiting.
US Veterans Benefits Improvement Act of 2008
David Lord
 In this column, I state the regulation and then provide comment to clarify each section of the newly passed S.3023 'Veterans Benefits Improvement Act for 2008,' which was signed into law on October 10th 2008.
Peru Offers National Hairless Dog to Obamas
Associated Press
 Completely bald and older than the Incas, the Peruvian hairless dog seems like an odd fit for the White House. But Peruvians are mindful of President-elect Barack Obama's preference for a hypoallergenic breed due to his daughter Malia's allergies.
McCain Defends Palin in Post-Election TV Interview
Steve Gorman
 Former U.S. presidential candidate John McCain on Tuesday shrugged off criticism leveled at his running mate, Sarah Palin, saying he expects her "to play a big role in the future of this country."
Bush Handling Transition With Grace
Ben Feller
 No matter how people remember President Bush's time in office, let there be no doubt about how he wants to end it: gracefully.
More Curtail Travel to Mexico
United Press International
 Many Mexican nationals and Mexican-Americans say increasing violence and a worsening economy will keep them from traveling home for the holidays.
A US Presidential Right of Passage
Nancy Benac
 The first meeting of incoming and outgoing presidents has been a rite of passage fraught with emotion, surprises and the rare exchange of secrets between leaders of opposite political parties. On Monday, President Bush will welcome President-elect Obama to the White House, and the 43rd and 44th presidents will make nice.
Bush Approved More Covert Raids
Associated Press
 The U.S. military has conducted nearly a dozen secret operations against al-Qaida and other terrorist groups in Syria, Pakistan and other countries since 2004, The New York Times reported Sunday night.
Sarah Palin Blamed by the US Secret Service Over Death Threats Against Barack Obama
Tim Shipman
 Sarah Palin's attacks on Barack Obama's patriotism provoked a spike in death threats against the future president, Secret Service agents revealed during the final weeks of the campaign.
Thousands in S.F. March to Protest Prop. 8
Elizabeth Fernandez
 Thousands of demonstrators marched down Market Street in San Francisco on Friday night to protest the passage earlier this week of Proposition 8, which effectively bans same-sex marriage in California.
Palin in Spotlight as Republicans Turn on Each Other
Oliver Burkeman
 As the implosion of the defeated Republican campaign continues, the landscape of American conservatism was dotted with signs that these were very strange times indeed.
California Bans Same Sex Marriage
The Real Network
 In a heartbreaking defeat for the gay-rights movement, California voters put a stop to gay marriage on election day by voting in support of proposition 8.
Paloma Becomes Category 1 Over Storm-Weary Cuba
Anne-Marie Garcia
 A ferocious Hurricane Paloma roared across Cuba on Sunday, downing power lines, flooding the coast and forcing hundreds of thousands of people to evacuate on an island still recovering from two other devastating storms.
November 11 - A Day to Honor US Veterans
David Lord
 Veterans Day has been celebrated each year on November 11th since 1919, the first anniversary of the end of World War I. This year, let's all take some time to remember and to honor those who have served in all American wars.
Obama Meets with His Economic Team, Calls World Leaders
Taipei Times
 US president-elect Barack Obama was scheduled to meet his economic team yesterday and hold his first news conference since winning Tuesday’s election as the country awaited signs of how he might tackle the economic crisis.
United States Extends Condolences for Mexican Interior Secretary
David McKeeby
 The United States offered its condolences following the death of Mexican Interior Secretary Juan Camilo Mouriño Terrazo, a key figure in efforts to bring Mexico's heavily armed and increasingly violent drug cartels to justice.
Democrats Vow to Pursue an Aggressive Agenda
David M. Herszenhorn & Carl Hulse
 Flush with victory built on incursions in the South and West, Congressional Democratic leaders promised to use their new power to join President-elect Barack Obama in pursuing an aggressive agenda that puts top priority on the economy, health care, energy and ending the Iraq war.
What Obama's Election Means Abroad
Scott Baldauf
 Barack Obama's victory was met with euphoria in many nations by those who see him as restoring their faith in American ideals.
Bush Signed Early Order to Ease Switch to Next President
Terence Hunt
 For seven years and nearly nine months, President Bush had signed virtually every memo or order or piece of legislation imaginable. He even vetoed a few bills, but the directive he put his name on last October was one that few talk very much about.
WeAreCHANGE Confronts Karl Rove
 Luke Rudkowski, Anthony Verias and Matt Lepacek do a number on the one and only Karl Rove.
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