Health & Beauty
Do You Weigh More Than You Should? MayoClinic.com
If so, you're like the approximately two-thirds of American adults who are overweight. In the United States, being seriously overweight (obese) has reached epidemic proportions. One in three American adults is considered to be obese. And childhood obesity is at an all-time high.
Obesity involves having an abnormally high proportion of body fat. Doctors define obesity as having a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher. You can check your current BMI below.
Obesity is more than a cosmetic concern. Being overfat puts you at greater risk of developing such serious health risks as high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stroke and cancer. The human body, with its 30 billion to 40 billion fat cells, can support some extra fat. Fat is important for storing energy and insulating the body, among other functions. But after a certain point, body fat can begin to interfere with your health. Ultimately, obesity can even be life-threatening.
The good news is that even a modest weight loss of 10 to 20 pounds can bring health improvements. In many cases this can be accomplished by committing to eating healthier, exercising and changing behaviors. For those who don't respond to lifestyle changes, prescription medications and surgical techniques are available to enhance their weight-loss process.
With a positive attitude, you can lose weight. Yet, before pursuing any plan to take off excess weight, consult your doctor. Crash diets and other quick fixes can be dangerous to your health. Body Mass Index Chart Body mass index (BMI) is a common measurement of the relationship of weight to height, and is used to determine if you are under or over your ideal weight.
| Enter your height and weight in the calculator to get your BMI.
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Living LARGE in the USA Reuters
Houston tops a U.S. magazine's annual "fattest" cities list for the fourth time in five years, with four other Texas cities waddling into the top 25, while Seattle tops the list as the "fittest."more »»»
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