emPOWERment Tools for a More JOYful Life with Life Transformation Coach, JOY!
| Internationally acclaimed happiness coach and stress management expert JOY! shares fast, easy, fun ways to live a less stressful, more joyful life. | Suppressing emotions like stress and frustration, fear and anger will eventually create pain and disease in the body. Dealing with these emotions effectively as they arise results in a better quality of life all-round.
Of course, that's often easier said than done, and as most people aren't taught HOW to manage their stress, they end up taking a pill and trying to forget about it.
As a result, authorities now believe that up to 90% of all disease is stress related!
Each week JOY! will present a fast, easy method to help you live the life of your dreams. Try them and see what happens!
For a one-on-one session, call 044-322-129-1128 or contact joy(at)experiencejoy.com. JOY! specializes in clearing stress, pain, fear, worry and negative patterns. She guarantees immediate positive results with all of her work or refuses payment. See ExperienceJoy.com for details.