Health & Beauty 
Walk Your Way To Health and Happiness
Shobha Shukla
 By walking, we exercise and feed our lungs with oxygen, and make them healthier. We also reduce the risk of getting diabetes and other diseases.
Why Choose a Life Coach?
Lynn Rogers, PhD
 Maybe it's because I'm 65 that I prefer life coaching to traditional psychotherapy. Though trained in both, coaching is what I seek personally and offer professionally. Life coaching focuses on your life in the present and future so you can expand your options, take action and move on.
ADHD Misdiagnosed In Nearly 1 Million U.S. Kids Say Researchers
Prevent Disease
 Two studies published recently suggest there could be something wrong with the way ADHD is diagnosed in young children in the US, one found that nearly 1 million kids are potentially misdiagnosed just because they are the youngest in their kindergarten year.
To Be Good, Sometimes Leaders Need to Be a Little Bad
Peter Harms
 Outgoing. Assertive. Calm. Practical. Decisive. These are obvious qualities that one would want in their leaders. But what about, say, arrogant, hesitant, overly dramatic, inflexible, or being a "yes-man"?
Study Confirms: Whatever Doesn't Kill Us Can Make Us Stronger
Patricia Donovan
 We've all heard the adage that whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger, but until now the preponderance of scientific evidence has offered little support for it.
Epidemic? Half of US Teens ‘Meet Criteria for Mental Disorder’
Agence France-Presse
 Around half of US teens meet the criteria for a mental disorder and nearly one in four report having a mood, behavior or anxiety disorder that interferes with daily life, American researchers say.
Americans' Life Expectancy Continues to Fall Behind Other Countries'
Mary Mahon
 The United States continues to lag behind other nations when it comes to gains in life expectancy, and commonly cited causes for our poor performance - obesity, smoking, traffic fatalities, and homicide - are not to blame.
Suicides Put Light on Pressures of Gay Teenagers
Jesse McKinley
 Recent deaths have set off an impassioned — and sometimes angry — response from gay activists and caught the attention of federal officials, including Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, who on Friday called the suicides “unnecessary tragedies” brought on by “the trauma of being bullied.”
Teens Use Rubbers More Than Adults
Julie Steenhuysen
 American teens are not as reckless as some people might think when it comes to sex, and they are much more likely to use condoms than people over 40, according to a survey released on Monday that could help guide public health policy.
Can You Be Too Sexy for Certain Situations?
Adam Tschorn
 Too hot for a locker room chat? Too flirty to fly? While most of us will shuffle off this mortal coil without suffering from this kind of discrimination, a certain aesthetically pleasing subset of society is forced to suffer the slings and arrows of being too darn easy on the eyes.
Study: No Link Between Abortion and Depression in Teens
Jodi Jacobson
 A new study using data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health finds no association between abortion and either depression or low self-esteem in teens within a year of terminating a pregnancy or five years later.
Young Teens Who Play Sports Feel Healthier and Happier About Life
Springer Science+Business Media
 Taking part in sports is good all round for young teens: physically, socially, and mentally, according to a new study by Dr. Keith Zullig and Rebecca White from West Virginia University in the US.
A Dad’s Point-of-View: The State of Gender Affairs
Bruce Sallan
 There’s no question that technology changes faster than most of us yuppies and boomers can handle. Things may not move quite this fast with our gender 'state of affairs' but I assert that we are now experiencing changes in our gender roles much faster than at any other time in human history.
Why the Craving for Cocaine Won't Go Away
Ake Hjelm
 People who have used cocaine run a great risk of becoming addicted, even after long drug-free periods. Now researchers at Linköping University and their colleagues can point to a specific molecule in the brain as a possible target for treatment to prevent relapses.
Study Shows Tranquil Scenes Have Positive Impact on Brain
Lauren Anderson
 Tranquil living environments can positively affect the human brain function, according to researchers at the University of Sheffield.
Discrimination Hurts, But How Much?
Mark Wheeler
 In a new study, the researchers found that adolescents from Latin American and Asian backgrounds experienced more discrimination than their peers from European backgrounds and that the discrimination came not only from other adolescents but from adults as well.
Human Effect on Barking
Ron Biggs
 What is it about barking dogs that provokes malignant and murderous thoughts toward an entire species? Barking seems to penetrate my rational shield in piercing pulses of petulance, weakening the shield’s primary purpose to both contain and guard against undisciplined emotional arousals.
Mind & Brain Mysteries, Mind Control Report
 What psychology, psychiatry and neuroscience doesn't understand about the brain and mind. What is intelligence? What is consciousness? Why do we sleep and dream? What are emotions? How is memory stored and recalled?
Addressing Negative Thoughts Most Effective in Fighting Loneliness
Robert Mitchum
 Changing how a person perceives and thinks about others was the most effective intervention for loneliness, a sweeping analysis of previous research has determined.
Lectures to Go With That Mai Tai
Elaine Glusac
 The most taxing mental task that you’ll undertake at many all-inclusive resorts is deciding between a margarita and a piña colada. But the Tahéima Wellness Resort & Spa, just north of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, gives its guests more to ponder in a number of lectures by members of the faculty of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of California, Berkeley.
Vets Get Ecstasy to Treat Their PTSD
Katie Drummond
 A pair of psychiatric experts think they’ve got the answer to the soaring number of troops coming back from war with PTSD: have them undergo intensive psychotherapy — while they’re rolling on ecstasy.
Facebook Feeds Narcissism, Survey Says
Jolie O'Dell
 In a rather small survey conducted by a young psychologist, Facebook was shown to have some interesting correlations with self-esteem and narcissism in young adults.
Teary-Eyed Evolution: Crying Serves A Purpose
Allison Aubrey
 Crying may have evolved as a signal to those who were in close physical proximity to us, but it also adds a powerful dimension to interpersonal communication.
Teens Can Screw Around and Still Do Good in School
Alicia Chang
 There’s good news for parents who worry that their teenagers’ sex lives are affecting their school performance: A provocative new study has found that teens in committed relationships do no better or worse in school than those who don’t have sex.
More US College Students Mentally Ill
Shari Roan
 The number of college students who are afflicted with a serious mental illness is rising, according to data presented Thursday at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Assn. in San Diego.
A Dad's Point-of-View: You Always Get More When You Give - A Story of Giving
Bruce Sallan
 I've learned repeatedly in my life that whenever I give to the world, whether by direct action or donations, I get back so much more than the effort or money involved. This is a life lesson that our kids should learn as so many of them, here in America, are living the 'easy life.'
To Make One Happy, Make One Busy
Keri Chiodo
 In Greek mythology, the gods punished Sisyphus by condemning him to roll a rock up a steep hill for eternity. But he was probably better off than if they'd condemned him to sit and stare into space until the end of time, conclude the authors of a new study on keeping busy.
The Down Side of Self-Control
Tom Jacobs
 Two academics studying psychology conclude that when self-control has been weakened by depletion of its resources, selfish and dishonest behavior may readily ensue.
Healthy Food Obsession Sparks Rise in New Eating Disorder
Amelia Hill
 Eating disorder charities are reporting a rise in the number of people suffering from a serious psychological condition characterised by an obsession with healthy eating.
Lives Destroyed by Happy Pills
Jerome Burne
 As our use of antidepressants DOUBLES in a decade, experts say thousands are being given dangerous drugs they don't need.
Disease Risk Higher for Swingers than Prostitutes
Kate Kelland
 Scientists studying swingers - straight couples who regularly swap sexual partners and indulge in group sex at organized meeting - say they have higher rates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) than prostitutes.
A Dad's Point-of-View: Father's Day, 2010
Bruce Sallan
 Father's Day for me is now a melancholy experience. While I certainly appreciate all the attention that I get from my two boys and my wife, I also get melancholy over the memory of my late father, a wonderful man whom I always want to keep in my mind and the minds of my boys.
Improve Your Mental and Physical Well-Being with Pilates
Marcelo Micó
 Marcelo Micó explains the Pilates method of physical toning, a unique exercise system of stretching and strengthening developed by Joseph H. Pilates more than ninety years ago. Today, Pilates Educación is more than just a form of exercise: it is a way of viewing and living life.
Hacienda Jalisco Story Circle Retreat
Pamela Thompson
 Escape the heat and humidity in Puerto Vallarta and head for the mountains of San Sebastian on Saturday, June 26th, for a Story Circle retreat with Lynn Rogers, PhD. This fun-filled day trip gives everyone the opportunity to share personal stories and a delicious lunch at Hacienda Jalisco.
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