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««« Click HERE for Recent WHO India 'Kothis' Reducing Risk to HIV and Sexual Violence Among Their Community
Anjali Singh
 'Kothis', or feminized males, are unique and don't necessarily identify with gender identities of a man, woman, or other identities now increasingly getting accepted like those of gays or men-who-have-sex-with-men (MSM).
No more Kandhamals!
Pushpa Achanta
 The attacks on Christians spread to over 10 states in India, hurting the fundamentals of democracy and spiritual harmony. Karnataka recorded the maximum anti-Christian attacks in India in 2009 and is keeping pace this year.
Not Screening For Diabetes During Pregnancy Is Dangerous And Costly
Shobha Shukla
 Diabetes, mainly type-2 diabetes, is very common in India and there are 50.8 million people living with diabetes currently in the country.
Let Us Live In Honesty And Harmony
Shobha Shukla
 We Indians have a tendency to delve in the past and then either gloat over it or cry over it. We love to waste time and energy, reminiscing about the yesteryears, with scant thoughts of improving our present and future.
TB Doesn't Get The Prioritization Needed
Babs Verblackt
 Tuberculosis (TB) is considered a major public health issue by decision makers, yet commonly doesn't get the place of importance it needs as a health care priority.
New TB Vaccine Would Be 'Game Changer'
Babs Verblackt
 Despite progress made in recent years, tuberculosis (TB) remains a challenge for the world. New vaccines could make a significant difference.
TB Research Aims For More Effectiveness
Bobby Ramakant
 One of the main objectives of the “TREAT TB” research grant is to conduct a clinical trial to look at relatively shorter and more effective multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) treatment than the current regimen for MDR-TB.
Higher Risk of TB With Diabetes
Bobby Ramakant
 According to a research study done by the University of Texas School of Public Health Brownsville Regional Campus, people with type-II diabetes might be at greater risk for contracting TB.
Broadcast Launch of Community Radio in Lalitpur
Anjali Singh
 Alapur, Birdha Block, Lalitpur: Community Radio (CR) achieved another milestone on September 3, 2010. Its first Community Radio (CR) station 'Lalit Lokwani' went on the air.
ANPUD Board Advocates For Universal Access To Harm Reduction Approaches
Bobby Ramakant
 The Asian Network of People who Use Drugs (ANPUD) is the first registered regional network of people who use drugs, and was established by people who use drugs to unify the voices of their communities.
Patient Friendly Research To Fight Tuberculosis (TB)
Shobha Shukla
 The present diagnosis and treatment regimen for tuberculosis is almost 40 years old. According to the WHO, with the currently available diagnostic tools, we are able to diagnose just 61% of TB cases globally.
Repatriate Indian Fishermen After Sentence Is Over: Pakistan's Supreme Court
Bobby Ramakant
 Supreme Court of Pakistan informed 454 Indian fishermen (out of total 582 currently detained) have completed their sentences in Pakistani jails, should be repatriated.
Tuberculosis (TB) Response For Women Is Grossly Inadequate
Shobha Shukla
 In developing countries TB remains the third leading cause of death among women of reproductive age (15-44 years), disproportionately affecting pregnant women and the poor. This calls for immediate action to address the suffering caused by TB and to eliminate the disease as a leading killer of women.
Rural Child Health Initiative Reaches Out To UP’s Poor
Kulsum Mustafa
 Wednesday and Saturdays are Routine Immunization days in Uttar Pradesh. From morning one, witness rural women with infants in arms making a beeline for primary health centres. But June and December are more special months for little children in India’s most populous state with very poor development indicators.
Tuberculosis and Poverty: Partners By Default
Shobha Shukla
 There is a direct link between TB and poverty. It is indeed a vicious cycle, as one begets the other. The stark reality is that tuberculosis saps the economy of the community, which in turn increases the likelihood of contracting TB.
Regulatory Conference Shows the Way Forward From Lessons Learned In the Past
Shobha Shukla
 The 4th Open Forum Conference was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 18th and 19th August to address key issues in developing new drugs for tuberculosis, which kills nearly 2 million people every year and is becoming increasingly resistant to the current drugs.
Why TB Matters to Women's Health?
Masimba Biriwasha
 Tuberculosis (TB) has a major impact on women's sexual reproductive health and that of their children. For pregnant women living in areas with high TB infection rates, there are increased chances of transmission of TB to a child before, during delivery or after birth.
Theatre-Media Can Help Dispel Myths Around HIV/AIDS
Kulsum Mustafa
 "If theatre and media join hands I am sure that they will be able to shatter many myths that abound in society about AIDS," this is what Ms Tripurari Sharma, associate director, National School of Drama (NSD) said while addressing media persons at 'Media for Children.'
Critical Path to Tuberculosis Regimen: New Hope of Life for TB Patients
Shobha Shukla
 The Open Forum 4 on key issues in tuberculosis (TB) drug development is all set to begin in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (18-19 August 2010). This Open Forum 4, will raise and address key issues in TB drug development, with a special focus on regulatory affairs.
Despite High Risk, HIV Services Don’t Reach 9/10 MSM and Transgender People
Bobby Ramakant
 Despite of AIDS programmes prioritising men-who-have-sex-with-men (MSM) and transgender people as high risk communities, not only the existing services are reaching appalling low numbers of MSM and trangender people, but also the funding for programmes targeting these communities is shockingly, namesake.
Should Tuberculosis Preventive Therapy be Given to All?
Bobby Ramakant
 A raging issue on the first day of XVIII International AIDS Conference was whether Isoniazid (INH) Preventive Therapy (IPT) be given to all – regardless whether people have TB or not?
Hepatitis C: Cure and Control, Right Now!
Bobby Ramakant
 Hepatitis C virus (HCV) co-infection occurs in an estimated one quarter of HIV-infected persons in Europe, Australia, and the United States.
TB Cough-In/Coffin March: TB on IAC Agenda as Never Before
Bobby Ramakant
 It was one of those defining moments in history of legendary AIDS activism at the International AIDS Conferences when the TB cough-in/coffin March began at the penultimate day of the XVIII International AIDS Conference (IAC) in Vienna, Austria.
Punitive Laws Limit Access to HIV Services for MSM and Transgender People: UN Study
Bobby Ramakant
 The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) released a study analyzing evidence in Asia-Pacific on how punitive and discriminatory laws and human rights violations limit access to HIV prevention and care services for men-who-have-sex-with-men (MSM) and transgender people.
Can TB patients say "Rights Here, Right Now"?
Bobby Ramakant
 It is beyond doubt that community-led health responses have yielded satisfying results, yet genuine involvement of affected communities in TB control, is far from optimal.
Developed Countries Stop Using Arm-Twisting Measures in FTAs: UN Special Rapporteur
Bobby Ramakant
 The European Union’s actions are a direct threat to access to safe, effective and affordable medicines across the developing world.
Only Rights Can Stop The Wrongs
Shobha Shukla
 Human rights are fundamentally applicable to all communities irrespective of their sexual orientations and unmindful of their HIV status (or for that matter any other condition).
New Tuberculosis (TB) Vaccine Could be Ready by 2020
Bobby Ramakant
 The current tools are not enough to control tuberculosis epidemic. The 2009 World Health Organization (WHO) Global Tuberculosis Control Report says that the incidence of TB per capita continues to go down since 2004 however the decline is just one per cent per year which implies that TB will not be eliminated for centuries if we conduct 'business as usual'.
Priority is to Up Collaborative TB-HIV Activities
Bobby Ramakant
 There is convincing evidence that scaling up collaborative TB-HIV activities, improve TB and HIV programme performances.
Criminalization of Injecting Drug Users (IDU) Fuels HIV Epidemic
Bobby Ramakant
 The criminalisation of illicit drug users is fuelling the HIV epidemic and has resulted in overwhelmingly negative health and social consequences. Injection drug use (IDU) is one of the main modes of HIV transmission in parts of Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America.
Rights Here, Right Now: Where Are They for the Gay?
Shobha Shukla
 The XVIII International AIDS Conference is taking place in Vienna, Austria. The conference theme, Rights Here, Right Now, opens in the backdrop of a rainbow of hope and despair.
A Childhood Free From Tuberculosis (TB)
Shobha Shukla
 Tuberculosis (TB) is a major killer of children in poor countries. Over 250,000 children develop TB and every one minute two children die of TB worldwide. It has been estimated that as many as one third of the world's population is infected with TB.
HIV+ Woman Commits Suicide: Will XVIII IAC Address Stigma?
Bobby Ramakant
 Just a week before the world's largest AIDS Conference opens in Vienna, Austria, yet another woman has committed suicide on being told of her HIV positive status.
Red Ribbon Express: On Track to Good Health
Anjali Singh
 It's called the express of hope. After completing a successful run through 100 districts in the state of Tamil Nadu educating and sensitizing over 75000 people about HIV/AIDS and health, The Red Ribbon Express is now Uttar Pradesh bound.
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