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Writers' Organizations
For those interested in the craft of journalistic, online, technical or creative writing, here's a list of many of the writer's organizations around the world that offer guidance and support for novice, freelance and professional writers.

Contact us at for information about joining the staff and freelance writers of the BanderasNews Team.
American Society of Journalists and Authors
Billed as the nation's leading organization of independent nonfiction writers. Aimed primarily at established magazine journalists.

African American Online Writers Guild
Dedicated to providing information, news, resources and support to black writers, while promoting the Internet as a tool for research and fellowship among the cultural writing community.

American Medical Writers Association
Enhances the professionalism of freelance medical writers. Provides continuing education and support.

American Society of Business Press Editors
Professional association for full-time and freelance editors and writers employed in the business, trade, and specialty press. Conferences, jobs, news and more.

News, information and marketing service for editors, literary agents, writers and readers.

Canadian Association of Journalists
A national non-profit advocacy and professional development organization serving Canadian journalists from all media, including print, radio and television.

Canadian Authors Association
National writing association of "writers helping writers."

Committee to Protect Journalists
News alerts, briefings, protest information, how to report a journalist in danger.

Electric Editors
Discussion groups, links to dictionaries, style guides, language assistance and more.

Freelance Editorial Association
Works to improve the working conditions of editorial freelancers through advocacy, community and information.

International Motor Press Association
Professional group of automotive journalists. Has meetings, newsletter and contacts relating to this industry.

Investigative Reporters and Editors
Information about investigative reporting/reporters.

National Association of Black Journalists
Tries to strengthen ties among African-American journalists, promote diversity in newsrooms, expand job opportunities, and expand and balance the media's coverage of the African-American community and experience.

National Association of Hispanic Journalists
Dedicated to the recognition and professional advancement of Hispanics in the news industry.

Native America Journalists Association
Serves and empowers Native communicators through programs and activities designed to enrich journalism and promote Native cultures.

National Association of Science Writers
Fosters the dissemination of accurate information regarding science through all media normally devoted to informing the public.

National Institute for Computer-Assisted Reporting
Resources and databases for finding and analyzing information. NICAR is sponsored by the Investigative Reporters and Editors, Inc. and the Missouri School of Journalism.

National Press Photographers Association
Dedicated to the advancement of photographic journalism. Has educational events, job bank and more.

National Writers Union
Union for freelance writers offers grievance resolution, industry campaigns, contract advice, health and dental plans, member education, job banks, networking, social events and more.

Poynter Institute for Media Studies' Journalism Web Sites
Seminars, resources, news and more. Promotes excellence and integrity in the practice of writing craft and in the practical leadership of successful businesses. It stands for a journalism that informs citizens and enlightens public discourse.

Society of American Travel Writers
Support, development and resources for travel writers.

Society for Environmental Journalists
Enables journalists to better inform the public about critical issues concerning the environment. Offers educational programs and services, conferences, quarterly journal, online resources, research projects and membership network of journalists and academics.

Society for Technical Communication
Advancing and assisting journalists and others who are involved in technical communication.

Trade Writers Resource Center
Resources for trade writers
A resource site for travel writers and photographers.

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