Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - The Amapas Junta Vecinal is the elected Neighborhood Organization recognized by the City of Puerto Vallarta to represent and care for the interests of the residents of Colonia Amapas.
It's also our responsibility to actively support the unique and special qualities of our neighborhood and develop projects that improve its appearance, security, livability, and appeal to visitors – particularly in the beach and business area: the heart of Amapas.
Our goal is to partner with the Puerto Vallarta City government, public-spirited local residents and businesses, and our fellow local non-profit organizations to develop, finance, complete and maintain these projects.
"Pulpito Plaza" is the first of what we hope will be many such partnerships.
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Proposed sidewalk 'bulb-out' |
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The intersection of Pulpito and Olas Altas – at the foot of the Pinnacle stairs – is now a barren and unremarkable stretch of pavement – neglected, unlighted, and uninviting.
There's no sense of 'connection' between the 'hillside' to the east, and the west side. No reason to walk up Olas Altas from Emiliano Zapata to the corner and take a look – no sense of anything special. But there's real potential here.
Potential to create a sense of place, of arriving somewhere – a welcoming, well-lighted 'Gateway' to Pulpito's burgeoning 'restaurant row' and the beach.
That's our goal: to realize the potential. To provide light and visual interest, a sense of safety. To encourage clean streets, provide places to sit and wait for a cab or shuttle, to look around, and to have something to look at. To create a comfortable shaded area to eat, drink, read, or enjoy the new mural; to encourage visitors to use Pinnacle's two elevated plazitas.
Neighborhood Improvement Project Goals
The Junta Vecinal and Amapas Neighborhood Associations believe that, as our first neighborhood improvement project, Pulpito Plaza should have four main qualities. It should be: Useful, Attractive, Affordable - and Soon!
The Basic Design
The basic design connects the disparate corners of the intersection through the repeated use of large-scale planters and wrought iron street lights and street furniture, traditional 'Viejo Vallarta' finishing materials, painted pavement designs, and a mural.
The resulting improvements are simple and easy to construct, install and maintain.
The Pinnacle 'Plazitas'
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Lower Pinnacle 'Plazita' |
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The design, development and realization of "Pulpito Plaza" is sponsored by The Amapas Junta Vecinal and its sister organization, the Amapas Neighborhood Association (ANA), whose mission is to improve the quality of life in Amapas.
This is a group effort, and we are looking for contributors and willing partners.
Your comments, suggestions, contributions and sponsorships are welcome. And your financial support, in-kind contributions, or volunteers to help coordinate the project and assist with neighborhood outreach and fund raising, will be greatly appreciated by your friends and neighbors, who will all benefit from this project.
For more information, visit amapaspv.com or email to info(at)amapaspv.com