Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - Where in the world did the summer go? October brings many things to Puerto Vallarta. Among them are: Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the return of all of Healthcare Resources' health screening clinics and speakers programs, and many other activities as we roll into the fall/winter season.
Speaking of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, We have so many activities to promote awareness that the event calendar will be published separately - soon! What we can tell you now is that all of these no-charge events are going to be educational, informative, delicious - and pink!
Clinics/Speakers Programs
All of our clinics and speakers programs require an appointment/RSVP. Please send an email for whatever clinic or program that you would like to attend.
October Clinics Schedule
All of our clinics are screening clinics and are at a discounted price. Locations vary depending on the clinic. You must reserve through HealthCare Resources by sending an email to pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com stating which clinic you would like to participate in. Clinics fill up quickly, so please don't wait until the last minute to reserve!
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For all of your Puerto Vallarta medical needs contact Pamela Thompson at 044-322-107-7007, via Facebook, or pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com |
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October 11, 2017
October 20, 2017
425 pesos PLUS members pay 375 pesos
These clinics are performed by an ENT who will check inside your ears and clean if necessary. Note: This is NOT a hearing test! We do have a wonderful audiologist if you need a hearing test.
Foot Clinic
October 11, 2017
300 pesos PLUS members pay 250 pesos
Have a complete evaluation of your feet and toes by our foot specialist. Check for fungus, corns, and bunions the works! Our feet take a beating on the cobblestones here. ***BONUS*** All participants in the Foot Clinic have the opportunity to have a wonderful Medical Pedicure the day of the clinic at the cost of 100 pesos! (Regular price: 300 pesos)
Mammogram Clinic
October 12, 2017
October 19, 2017
October 26, 2017
1,750 pesos PLUS members pay 1,650 pesos
Includes a digital mammogram using low-radiation technique, breast ultrasound (if deemed necessary), manual exam and a complete review and explanation of your films. These are performed by a breast specialist and an oncologist.
Vascular Clinic
October 13, 2017
400 pesos PLUS members pay 350 pesos
Our Vascular specialist will evaluate your blood flow, varicose veins, and your risk factors for vascular disease.
Skin Clinic
October 13, 2017
October 20, 2017
350 pesos PLUS members pay 300 pesos
This is a skin cancer screening check by an oncologist (not by a dermatologist). He checks from your scalp all the way to the bottoms of your feet.
Bone Density Clinic
October 20, 2017
1,300 pesos - PLUS members pay 1,100 pesos
This is performed with a brand new bone density machine.
Men's Urology Clinic
October 23, 2017
700 pesos PLUS members pay 650 pesos
Includes consult/interview with our urologist, ultrasound of kidneys, bladder and prostate, measurement of residual urine. We recommend prior to your appointment a PSA and Urinalysis and we offer these at a discounted price.
Urinary Incontinence Clinic
October 24, 2017
Price: 800 pesos PLUS members pay 725 pesos
Includes physical exam to measure urethral angle, pelvic floor muscles, pelvic ultrasound and full urological consultation. Recommend urinalysis prior to clinic (at a discounted price). (Regular price for this would be 1,200 pesos.)
Thyroid Clinic
October 24, 2017
450 pesos PLUS members pay 400 pesos
Includes consult/interview with our endocrinologist. We highly recommend a thyroid profile (lab study) prior to the appointment. We offer this at a discounted price.
Cardiac Clinic
October 25, 2017
Price: 650 pesos - PLUS members pay 600 pesos
Includes consult/interview with a cardiologist, EKG, Blood Pressure check. We recommend that prior to your appointment, you have a cholesterol profile and we are offering this at a discounted price. (This is an amazing savings outside of our clinic, the price for this is 1,200 pesos.)
Eye Clinic
October 27, 2017
October 30, 2017
425 pesos PLUS members pay 400 pesos
Vision exam, pressure test for glaucoma, exam and evaluation by an ophthalmologist.
Women's Clinic
October 30, 2017
Option #1: 775 pesos PLUS members pay 690 pesos
Includes consult, Pap smear, pelvic exam by a female GYN.
Option #2: 1,000 pesos PLUS members pay 900 pesos
Includes consult, Pap smear, pelvic exam and trans-vaginal ultrasound by a female GYN.
End of Life Decisions in Banderas Bay
October 18, 2017 at 9:30 am
Each year we do this panel/presentation. It is not the most "pleasant" topic but it is a very important one. We have a panel that includes the U.S. and Canadian Consular Agents, an attorney, an Emergency physician, a cardiologist, an ICU specialist and a funeral home director. We cover every single aspect of death and dying in the area from wills, to funeral costs and everything in between. Space is limited and an RSVP is mandatory. To reserve and receive location information please send an email to: pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com.
"Hot Topics" Speakers Programs
These are no charge events. RSVP is required as space is limited.
Breakfast with a Psychiatrist
Date: Monday, October 9, 2017
Time: 9:00 am
Location: Hospital San Javier Marina
Join us for a casual chat with our psychiatrist, Dra. Adi Dominguez. Ask her questions about specific medications, availability, Alzheimers testing (her specialty), therapy. Dra. Adi is completely bi-lingual - and lovely!
Everything You Need to Know About Insurance
Date: Monday, October 16, 2017
Time: 9:30 am
Location: Hospital San Javier Marina
I will cover every aspect of insurance and how it works in the area including the public and private sector. I do not sell insurance and there will be no insurance representatives at this presentation. Just straight-forward and factual information.
Medical Pedicure Demonstration
Date: Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Time: 10:00 am
Location: CMQ Hospital on Basilio Badillo First floor
Our foot specialist, Paty Villanueva and her stellar staff who do medical pedicures will be doing a free demonstration on how they do their pedicures. Believe me, once you have one of these you will never go anywhere else! Sterile like you can't believe! I encourage you to attend! You just might be one of the chosen who receive one!
Breakfast with an Anesthesiologist/Pain Control Specialist
Date: Monday, October 23, 2017
Time: 9:00 am
Location: Hospital San Javier Marina
Join us for a casual chat with our anesthesiologist and pain control specialist, Dr. Felipe Martinez. You can ask him questions on anything you want - from what he uses and does during anesthesia to his recommendations for pain control. Dr. Felipe uses some of the most state-of-the-art equipment in his practice. Here's your chance to ask him about it.
"Mixing Meds" - Dr. Fernando Marquez, Emergency Room Physician
Date: Monday, October 30, 2017
Time: 9:30 am
Location: Vallarta Medical Center
Many people do not know that taking Medication 'A' at the same time as Medication 'B' can have terrible consequences. Or, certain foods cancel out the benefits of a particular medication. What happens when medications are taken and then, one drinks a couple of cocktails? What are the consequences of self-medicating? We will cover all aspects of mixing medications.
Other Things
We have ongoing: Colonoscopy, Endoscopy, Men's and Women's Check-ups (special discounted price right now). And of course, we are more than happy to schedule appointments, lab studies, and diagnostic studies, refer for home care basically everything that has to do with health care in the area.
We are assisting with earthquake victims in Morelos, Chiapas and Oaxaca via a reputable and confident connection. Does this mean there are not numerous other reputable charities working diligently to assist? Absolutely not! And we salute them all! If you would like information on what we are doing, please send me an email. And let's never forget those folks here in "our own backyard" that need our assistance. If you would like our Wish list, please send me an email!
This & That
Articles: I am enjoying writing a weekly health column for the PV Tribune. Updated each week, you can read all of the articles online at vallartatribune.com. Have a look!
Plus Program: What is the PLUS program? It is a few "extra perks" for members BUT it is important to remember - one does NOT need to be a PLUS member to receive our services! Click HERE for more details. Email if you have questions.
Volunteers: As we head into the "high season" I often am in need of English speaking "volunteers" to assist an inpatient or a family member of an inpatient, whether it might a brief chat or visit or to take someone to the bank duties vary. If you are interested/available from time to time, I am putting together the list. Let me know and I will send further details. Thank you!
Healthcare Information Presentations: We are more than happy to do a presentation to your group/condo association on general healthcare information for the area. There is never a charge for this. My calendar is beginning to fill so, if you are interested in scheduling, please let me know and we and we can discuss dates and details.
Medical Matters: I have decided to not do Medical Matters (our yearly gigantic conference held every February at the Hotel Marriott) this year (2018). This is for numerous reasons - but NOT due to my retirement, health or any of the other gossip I have heard! - I just decided to take this year's event off the calendar for one year, rethink, re-vamp and then do it once again in 2019! I will however, be having many more programs each month with monthly "health-themed" focuses. For example, November is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, so watch for numerous events with that focus including a large "fair" on November 11 with games, food, a band and lots of fun! Lots of details on that out soon.
If you have ideas for programs, speakers, etc., or any other questions, comments or suggestions, I urge you to send them to me - Please!
So much to do! You can keep up with it all by following our posts on Facebook.
Here is to a stellar fall and winter season. Find your passion and volunteer, participate but most of all, enjoy what you do! Again, we have so many things planned it is a tad overwhelming but it is all very exciting!
Pamela Thompson

Click HERE to learn more about the health and well-being services offered by HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta.