Moving abroad can boost your career but might also lead to financial drawbacks.
More than half the women working abroad (51%) are satisfied with their career opportunities. But at the same time, one-third of them (33%) state that their income abroad is lower than what they would make in a similar job back home, compared to only a quarter of men (25%) stating the same, as InterNations, the world's largest network for people who live and work abroad, reveals.
Based on the insights of close to 7,000 female expats living in 168 countries in its annual Expat Insider Survey, the social network compiled a so-far unpublished ranking of the best countries for women to pursue a career.
So, what are the best expat destinations for women in search of great career opportunities? Drawing on the results of the 2017 Expat Insider survey, InterNations offers an in-depth look at the ten countries where women working abroad rate their career prospects most favorably. While respondents in all top-10 destinations cite above-average satisfaction with their career prospects, they often also benefit from a higher income than at home.
1. Mexico
• Higher salary level abroad: 29%
• Satisfaction with career prospects: 68%
• Weekly full-time working hours: 45 hours
Two-thirds of women working in Mexico (67%) state to be overall satisfied with their job. A German expat especially points out the "job and career opportunities in an environment where expats have a good standing." However, working long hours, it comes as no surprise that 26 percent of female expats working in Mexico are unsatisfied with that factor.
2. Myanmar
• Higher salary level abroad: 46%
• Satisfaction with career prospects: 70%
• Weekly full-time working hours: 45.5 hours
Myanmar is at the top of the chart when it comes to female expats having a high enough household income to cover everything they need: in fact, 39% even have a lot more than enough at their hands, which is more than four times the global average (9%).
3. Cambodia
• Higher salary level abroad: 33%
• Satisfaction with career prospects: 63%
• Weekly full-time working hours: 42.4 hours
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4. Bahrain
• Higher salary level abroad: 65%
• Satisfaction with career prospects: 65%
• Weekly full-time working hours: 40.9 hours
Close to every woman working in Bahrain (93%) works full time; however, they work the fewest hours out of the top-10 destinations to pursue a career and significantly less than the global average (42.7 hours full time). Unsurprisingly, 77% of working women in Bahrain are satisfied with their work-life balance. "You can still find time to relax after work," states an expat from the Philippines.
5. New Zealand
• Higher salary level abroad: 53%
• Satisfaction with career prospects: 61%
• Weekly full-time working hours: 41.8 hours
With just above one-third (34%), New Zealand has the highest share of women working only part time. One of the reasons for this might be that a large share of them moved in order to increase their quality of life (28%), while only four percent named work-related reasons as their main motivation. However, those who work are highly satisfied with their work-life balance (74%), their job security (71%), and their job in general (76%).
6. Kazakhstan
• Higher salary level abroad: 62%
• Satisfaction with career prospects: 67%
• Weekly full-time working hours: 45 hours
More than half of the women living in Kazakhstan (53%) moved for work-related reasons: they found a job on their own (26%), were sent by their employer (15%), or recruited by a local company (12%). An expat from Georgia is happy to do "the job that I like and be valued as a good professional."
7. United Kingdom
• Higher salary level abroad: 51%
• Satisfaction with career prospects: 67%
• Weekly full-time working hours: 41.1 hours
While expat women often work in education (20% globally), the fields of work are more diverse in the UK: a share of 14 percent each works in education and in healthcare, while another 14 percent are found in advertising, marketing, and PR. A French expat reports that "the UK gave me a chance to prove that I could the job."
8. USA
• Higher salary level abroad: 62%
• Satisfaction with career prospects: 64%
• Weekly full-time working hours: 43 hours
"The career opportunities are incredible," says an expat from Canada living in the USA. Close to one in six expat women (16%) say they have a yearly gross household income of more than 150,000 US dollars, which is twice the global average (8%). On the other hand, they seem to have to work hard for it: the satisfaction with working hours is the lowest (52 percent) out of the top 10 countries to pursue a career abroad.
9. Kenya
• Higher salary level abroad: 36%
• Satisfaction with career prospects: 60%
• Weekly full-time working hours: 46.4 hours
A majority of women working in Kenya were sent abroad by their employer (20%), compared to only seven percent globally. However, they face long hours and jobs that are not necessarily secure - only 48 percent state to be satisfied with the latter (57% globally). It might be the income that makes them stay: same as in the United States, 16 percent have a gross household income of more than $150,000 US dollars per year.
10. Ireland
• Higher salary level abroad: 51%
• Satisfaction with career prospects: 63%
• Weekly full-time working hours: 41 hours
In Ireland, a majority of women (14%) work in healthcare, which is twice the global average of female expats in that field (7%). "It is easier to find job opportunities here," states an expat from Romania. Moreover, they enjoy a high job security (64%) and, with less hours per week than the global average, they are also satisfied with their work-life balance (69%).
Read More About Women Working Abroad
• Desperately Seeking: The Typical Expat Women
In honor of International Women's Day on March 8, we are taking a closer look at the average expat woman. Where does she live? Why has she moved there? What's the state of her career? And is she happy abroad? Based on our Expat Insider survey, we can answer these questions and see if her experience of life abroad differs from that of her male peers.
• Women on a Foreign Assignment
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• What to Do When You're Overqualified and Underemployed
As an accompanying expat spouse, it can sometimes be difficult to get hired overseas, even when you're motivated and highly qualified. Our guest author Emily McGee offers tips for thinking creatively about how to move your career forward or finding fulfillment outside of paid employment.
About InterNations
With about 3 million members in 390 cities around the world, InterNations is the largest global network and information site for people who live and work abroad. InterNations offers global and local networking both online and face-to-face. At around 6,000 monthly events and activities, expatriates have the opportunity to meet other global minds. Online services include country and city guides created by a team of professional writers, guest contributions about life abroad, and discussion forums to help members with topics such as the local job or housing search. InterNations membership is by approval only to ensure we remain a community of trust.
To learn more about InterNations' Expat Insider survey, and see more 2017 rankings, reports and infographics, please visit