Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - Healthcare Resources, an independent resource network that provides no-charge and minimal charge health and well-being services to Puerto Vallarta residents and visitors, has announced the new Nutrition Programs, as well as complete check-ups for men and women, at Clinic Sanmare.
Nutrition Programs at Clinic Sanmare
We are thrilled to announce our new Nutrition Programs, led by the bilingual, highly experienced nutritionists of Clinic Sanmare. Healthcare Resources is really excited to be working together with Clinic Sanmare to bring you these new innovative programs. There are no others like them in the greater Banderas Bay area!
We will begin on Thursday, March 28 at 9:00 am with:
"What is Bugging You? Local Food Safety" - At this no charge event, you will learn how to prevent yucky 'stomach experiences' in the area, as well as tips and ideas to keep your stomach healthy and happy. This topic is especially important now that the weather is getting warmer. Space is limited, so RSVP required.
As well, on this date, you can learn all about a series of programs that begin very soon. This six-week series will include local tropical fruits, a shopping tour to a local market, making smoothies using local ingredients, Mexican Herbs and Spices, Healthy Mexican Cooking and more! There will be a minimal charge to participate in the series to cover expenses.
Complete Women's and Men's Check-Ups at Sanmare
Remember that we have complete check-ups for men and women available. Good, basic studies, at an economical price that includes a follow up consult with a bilingual GP. These have become very popular! Time for a physical? This one is for you!
Women's Check-Up
Monday through Friday
By Appointment Only
6,000 pesos
Complete Women's check-up includes:
Labs: CBC, Protime, Glucose, Creatinine, Uric Acid, Total Cholesterol, Triglycerides, HDL, LDL, A/G Relation, Billirubins, TGO, TGP, GGT, Sodium, Potassium, T4 Free, TSH (thyroid stimulant hormone) FSH (Folicule stimulant hormone), Urinalysis, Coproparasites (stool sample) Stool Hidden blood
Tests: Electrocardiogram, Abdominal Ultrasound and Chest X-ray.
A follow up with a bilingual physician for exam and review of all studies, a day or so after the original check-up.
These exams take approximately 90 minutes. You will receive all of the studies performed for your records. These check-ups are By Appointment Only, so send an email Pam to make yours TODAY!
Men's Check-Up
Monday through Friday
By Appointment Only
6,000 pesos
Complete Men's Check-up includes:
Labs: CBC, Glucose, Creatinine, Uric Acid, Triglycerides, Total Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, TGO, TGP, GGT, Sodium, Potassium, T4 Free, TSH (Thyroid stimulant hormone), PSA Total, Urinalysis, Coproparasites (stool sample), Stool Hidden Blood
Tests: Electrocardiogram, Abdominal Ultrasound and Chest X-ray.
A follow up with a bilingual physician for exam and review of all studies, a day or so after the original check-up.
These exams take approximately 90 minutes. You will receive all of the studies performed for your records. These check-ups are By Appointment Only, so send an email Pam to make yours TODAY!
For questions on the above, or anything else health-related, please contact Pam Thompson at pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com.

Click HERE to learn more about the health and well-being services offered by HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta.