Health & Beauty | July 2007
Broke, Time Challenged, Stressed Out? JOY! - PVNN
| In too many cases, the people that most need to take my four upcoming emPOWERment seminars are those who don't have anything to spare. So everyone is welcome to pay whatever they can, and if you don't have any cash we can work something out. | A friend contacted me about the Seminar Series I told you about last week on how to clear stress, and worry, manipulate time, and communicate more effectively.
"I'd love to come," she told me. "No one needs to know this stuff more than me, but I can't even afford one, let alone all four, that's half my stress, worry and time problems right there! It's a Catch 22."
I thought about that and realized she's right. In too many cases, the people that most need this information are the people who don't have anything to spare. I know how that feels. I looked again at my invitation:
As always the tools are guaranteed, if you don't notice an immediate positive difference the seminar is free, $250 pesos is a suggested price, you are welcome to pay whatever you thought the seminar was worth, and if you don't have cash we can work something out. What matters most is that the information gets out.
The last sentence, "What matters most is that the information gets out," hit me hard, so I told her what I'm telling you:
Don't worry about the $250 pesos, if you can give me a donation for the evening, I'll be grateful, otherwise pay it forward to other time challenged, stressed out, worriers who need to understand people more and not take things personally.
What matters is that the information gets out.
So I invite anyone who wants to, to come and share some really powerful tools that I've picked up on my journey through life. I've spent many years, and many thousands of dollars unearthing them from of all kinds of modalities around the world. Each skill will improve your quality of life in some way, and is fast, easy and fun to use.
Collecting these skills is my passion; there is nothing that delights me more than showing people new ways to clear the clouds of fear and stress, worry and negative patterns that prevent them from moving forward. No one knows better than me what a burden those things are. So come find out how to clear them, in yourself and others.
Because we're all used to going there, I'll hold the seminars at the Lazy Lizard on the beach next to La Palapa, in the same time slot as the Bingo 7:30 till 9 pm. If it rains we'll move inside, they have a big space. Donations go to helping me continue to get the information out so that more people can learn alternatives to drugs, pain, and living in misery.
Monday July 30th: Learn how to clear your stress as it arises. You will literally be able to measure your stress levels dropping with every technique you learn.
Tuesday July 31st: Advanced Communication through face reading, Learn how to communicate with, and understand more completely every person in your life.
Wednesday August 1st: Time Manipulation. BEYOND time management you will leave this seminar with skills to never feel pushed for time again.
Thursday August 2nd: Eliminate worry completely! Learn the amazing process that guarantees you will never worry again.
For more information, visit www.exeriencejoy.com call: 044-322-129-1128 or send an email to joy@experiencejoy.com. I am looking for someone to video these seminars so that I can make them available on my website. If you know of anyone willing and able to do this, please connect us. JOY! Is an internationally acclaimed life transformation coach, famous for her unreasonable success in helping people move through their challenges with her unorthodox approach and emPOWERment tools. For more information, visit her website ExperienceJoy.com or call 044-322-129-1128.
Click HERE for more articles by JOY! |
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