Health & Beauty | January 2008  
February Vallarta Health News & Calendar
Pamela Thompson - PVNN

| For more information, please contact Pamela Thompson at (322) 222-9638, 044-322-107-7007, Nextel 145-6912 or send an email to pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com. | | Welcome to the February 2008 Monthly Newsletter and Calendar of events to help keep you happy and healthy in Vallarta.
 HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta is a multi-faceted Resource Network that is here for your total health and well-being. We offer multiple no-charge and minimal-charge services to the residents and visitors of Vallarta and Banderas Bay. For a complete list of the services that we offer, check out our website at HealthcareResourcesPV.com.
 I had great plans to have a big Health and Wellness Month for all of February. But alas – it’s not to be because I am running behind schedule and as well, there are so many events going on in the area, there are just not enough days in the month!
 February 7, 2008 Skin Clinic - back by popular demand! Have your skin checked for cancer spots from the top of your head to the bottoms of your feet by Dr. Daniel Velasco, oncologist. Time: 9 am to 6 pm - By appointment only. Cost: $200 pesos Location: Hospital Medasist
 February 21, 2008 "Wine, Chocolate and Your Heart" What a great combination, Dra. Leslie Swindle (cardiologist), Nina Goodhope (Wine Goddess) and the Xocodiva gals all together presenting the advantages of how eating chocolate and drinking wine are good for your heart! With tasting! Space will be limited and reservation only. More details to follow. Time: 7 pm Cost: $50 pesos each Location: TBA
 February 28, 2008 "My Abdominal Journey" Find out how, and why in the world, I decided to have Bariatric Surgery bringing my weight from 230 lbs to 119 lbs. Join Dr. Armando Joya and myself as we take you through my personal journey of weight loss. Aren’t you a little bit interested? This is very open and honest, both humorous and serious – and guaranteed to be enlightening. Time: 7 pm - Reservation please. Cost: No charge Location: TBA
 Ongoing through February: Ugh! Colonoscopy. But oh so important! Special price of $4000 pesos (does not include any biopsies taken.) Just do it!
 February 26, 2008 Becas Breakfast Becas Vallarta invites you to breakfast! Your pesos will fund yearly stipends of $450 USD and $600 USD to senior high and university scholarships for economically challenged but extremely bright students of our area. These events sell out quickly, so best to RSVP as soon as possible! For more information-reservations call Polly Vicars at 223-1371 Time: 9:30 am Cost: $150 pesos Location: Le Bistro Restaurant
 Cooking Classes with Dolores Brittingham February 13 and February 20, 2008 If you were to ask Dolores what she likes to do best, she would say “I love to cook – cooking is my passion.” And she loves sharing this passion with others. Cost: $550 pesos per person – includes red and white wine. Time: 6:30 pm
 February 13th Menu: Lychee Martinis – Welcome Cocktail Chorizo, Huevos and Queso Tacos Jicama Salad with cumin and lime dressing Marinated Tuna Steaks with Ancho Chile Red Wine Sauce Wasabe Mashed Potatoes with chives Mango and Kiwi in ginger syrup over vanilla ice cream
 February 20 Menu: Melon Mimosas – Welcome Cocktail Shrimp Dumplings with saffron-coconut cream sauce Rice Paper Wraps with vegetables and soba noodles with orange-chili dipping sauce Thick Pork Chops with an orange Contreau glaze sauce with polenta and mushrooms Coconut Pudding with mango sauce
 If you know Dolores, you know that every single thing she does is with a great style and flair. For more information contact Dolores Brittingham at 222-7017 or y_brittingham(at)hotmail.com.
 Banana Cantina Wednesday Charity Nights February 6th– New Life Mexico February 13th & 20th – To Be Announced February 27th – Biblioteca de Higuera (Sally Conley’s little library)
 These weekly Wednesday nights have become very popular with a lot of great raffle prizes and funds going to various local charities. And I must say, the Shrimp Rolls at Banana Cantina have to be, hands down, one of the best foods in Puerto Vallarta. Time: 7-11 pm RSVP & Information: Debbie Egan pvbananacantina(at)aol.com
 “The Secret” Seminar Back by popular demand! The first series is COMPLETLEY FULL with a waiting list, so here is your opportunity to attend!
 What: Pursuing The Secret, a 6-week workshop of understanding, application and real-life practice in creating the life you want – based on the best selling book, The Secret. Create the life that YOU want! When: Workshop Dates: Feb 7th – Mar 13th.
 • You must enroll no later than 5 February 2008, to Larry Sheldon at larry(at)blubylen.com.
 • You must be willing to attend all of the six sessions (unless you drop out after the first session only.) Sessions are all held at Boca Bento Restaurant, from 2 pm to 4 pm. Dates are: February 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, March 6th and March 13th, 2008.
 • Each participant will receive a 3-ring workbook, in which to keep all workshop and homework materials.
 • You must own a copy of the book, The Secret. You may not substitute a copy of the DVD. You must own a copy of the book. If you do not own a copy, you may purchase one in advance by notifying Larry Sheldon in your registration email (sent to larry(at)blubylen.com)
 International Friendship Club Home & Garden Tours Grab a friend and be a tourist for a day! View fabulous homes, either in the South or North Bay areas. For more information, call 222-5466.
 South Shore: Wednesday – Homes Only Thursday – Homes & Botanical Gardens Departs from La Hacienda Restaurant (Lazaro Cardenas #388 – corner of Aguacate – 1 block east of Farmacia Guadalajara). Tickets available from 8:30 am. Bus departs 10:30 am and returns at 2 pm. Cost: $350 pesos
 North Shore: Tuesday only – Leaves from La Paz Restaurant (Marina Vallarta – 1 block past Amerimed Hospital). Tickets available from 8:30 am. Bus departs at 10 am and returns at 3 pm. Cost: $550 pesos, including lunch.
 DONATE BLOOD! At this very moment, there is not one single drop of blood available at the one and only Blood Bank in Puerto Vallarta. I cannot stress enough the urgency of this situation. PLEASE consider donating the Gift of Life, just as soon as you can! It is a daily battle searching for blood for critical patients in all of our local hospitals. Please contact me for further information.
 FABULOUS New Store! "La Bandida" – you absolutely must check this out! You’ve seen those marvelous agenda and notebook covers with everything from the Virgin of Guadalupe to Angels – all in brightly painted colors outlined in gold – see these and much, much more at Karen’s new shop! She was hidden away in Paso Ancho for years – and now finally has a shop where we can visit her as often as we want! Belts, sandals, shirts plus loads of other items galore! Lazaro Cardenas #230.
 Those in Need We are all very blessed to have nice comfy homes with plenty of food, clothing and the essentials of daily living. There are many who not as lucky as we are. Please see our website at HealthCareResourcesPV.com and click on the Wish List for items that are most needed. Have a heart – its Valentine’s!
 For further information, appointments, reservations for any of the above listed events, please do not hesitate to contact me at: 222-9638, 044-322-107-7007, 145-6912 or pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com.
 Have a wonderful, safe, healthy and fun-filled month of February! And remember that we are here to assist you in all of your health-care needs - from insurance information to physician referral.
 Cheers! Pamela Thompson | 
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