Health & Beauty 
The Challenge Corner with Life Transformation Coach, JOY!

| JOY! is a writer and a personal happiness coach who travels the world as a keynote speaker, author and life coach. | I challenge you to push the boundaries of your pleasure!
 Welcome to the Challenge Corner, where every week you are given the opportunity to play with a body, mind or spirit expansion exercise that will help you live a more joyful, less stressful life.
 Don't take my word for it, I'm a skeptic myself, and believe it to be a valuable trait. In fact I have only found skepticism to be a problem when I forget to put it aside so I can learn something new.
 So try the challenges yourself and see what happens. They are easy to do, take very little time and are fun, so you have nothing to lose and all kinds of interesting things to gain by playing along. enJOY!
emPOWERment Tools for a More JOYful Life Each week, Internationally acclaimed life transformation coach JOY! will be sharing segments of her emPOWERment Tools Program with our visitors. This new video series offers fast, fun and easy ways to live a healthier, happier life. Try them and see what happens!
JOY! Is an internationally acclaimed life transformation coach, famous for her unreasonable success in helping people move through their challenges with her unorthodox approach and emPOWERment tools. Her e-book, No Worries, Mate! is packed with fast easy ways to success and happiness, and is available from her website ExperienceJoy.com. It contains the De-Worrying Process which money back guarantees to eliminate ALL worry at its source - regardless of what the worry happens to be. One on one sessions are also available. If you are in Puerto Vallarta just call 044-322-129-1128. International clients please send an email to joy(at)experiencejoy.com to set up a phone session. Most of JOY!'s sessions are done remotely - distance is no object!

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Challenge to Empower Yourself
 I think every person is a person of power, but not everyone realizes or uses that power. Personal power comes from being clear that your thoughts and words and actions determine what happens in your life. Now THAT, in my book, is power.
Challenge to be Open-Minded
 Your challenge this week is to go into nature and open yourself to receive guidance or perhaps a gift. When you walk with an open mind and an open heart through natural settings looking for signs, wonderful things can be revealed to you.
Challenge to Do Whatever Needs to Be Done
 My experiences with dentists would curl your hair. Knowing my situation was urgent, but wary about making another disastrous dental decision I decided that the best thing to do was settle on a really good dentist and do whatever needed to be done.
Challenge: Look and Feel Good This Summer
 Your challenge this week? Take a leaf out of my book and give yourself the gift of some kind of detox, even if it's just replacing that last bottle of beer with a bottle of water. We are moving into summer, so you'll want to look and feel Good.
Love Your Enemies, It Drives Them Crazy!
 Last week's challenge raised a question about forgiveness; one girl told me "What he did was unforgivable, I can't forgive him, why should I?" Because while you can't do anything about the wrong that was done, you can decide how much it will let it hurt you, and for how long.
Challenge to Be Stronger and Healthier
 Your challenge this week is to upgrade your physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health in some way. Strive to make yourself clearer, stronger, healthier, more able to cope with anything life throws your way.
Challenge to Seek Out a Grand Adventure
 I choose to live my life in glorious techni-colour, unashamedly pushing the boundaries of my pleasure in all directions. Don't be envious; you can make the same commitment to yourself to whatever degree is most comfortable for you!
Challenge to Stay Happy and Healthy
 It's fun to work with people who will help you improve your health and quality of life. I am always finding people to grow with and learn from, it one way I stay happy and healthy. Your challenge this week, do the same!
A Challenge to Push the Limits
 I have made some deep connections at the Health Fair, and have been given some extraordinary opportunities to push my limits. On Monday I was made an offer I couldn't refuse: To be a central part of the Ceremonial Fire Dance.
Finding Happiness Can Be a Challenge
 Knowing what makes you happy is an essential ingredient to achieving happiness. If you don't know what you want it's very difficult to get it, just as if you don't know where you want to go, you will probably just end up wherever you are led.
Challenge Yourself to Step Out of the Box
 My friend was living the American dream. He lived his perfect picket fenced life until he couldn't stand it anymore, then fled to Mexico, where he is now, finally, beginning to live the life his spirit dictates.
Challenge Your Beliefs
 Birth to age seven are our first frame reference years, the years in which we form the majority of our beliefs about ourselves and the world. What beliefs did you learn as a child? Which ones are you still living?
Change is a Challenge!
 This week I met a man who vehemently told me that he is who he is, and he cannot change. He doesn't particularly like his life, or himself, but that's the way it is and nothing can be done about it.
Challenge to Drink Deeply
 Visualize a chalice, a ceremonial drinking cup. What's the first image that comes up for you? Picture it in your mind's eye. What you envisage represents your subconscious receptivity to favours and help and inspiration.
Challenge Yourself in 2008
 Every year we tend to make all kinds of promises to ourselves, vowing to start this or stop that or improve something in some way, but as good as our intentions start out to be, all too often they fall by the wayside.
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