Health & Beauty | February 2008  
Come Out in Red 2008
Pamela Thompson - healthcareresourcespv.com

Click image to enlarge | On February 15th, designated Women's Heart Appreciation Day in Puerto Vallarta, there will be a rally in the street in front of salon blu by Len, with everyone wearing something red, to raise awareness of women's heart disease and heart health. | | Vallarta will celebrate it's women and their health on February 15th, which has been designated Women's Heart Appreciation Day. There will be a rally in the street in front of salon blu by Len, with everyone wearing something red, to raise awareness of women's heart disease and heart health.
 Worldwide, cardiovascular disease is the largest single cause of death among women, accounting for one third of all deaths. Millions of women have died of heart disease, and in 2007 alone, more women than men died of heart disease. Furthermore, women's heart disease is currently causing more women's deaths annually than the total number of deaths from the next five causes combined.
 These facts have long been overshadowed by concentration on men's heart disease and simple neglect. Now the importance of women's heart health is being brought into the light of day. Much of the credit for the recent reduction in deaths due to heart disease among women in the United States can be attributed to the American Heart Association's Go Red campaign.
 Prevention of heart disease is paramount to the health of every woman and every nation ... certainly to Mexico. The average lifetime risk for heart disease in women is very high, approaching one in every two women, so prevention is important in all women ... and to the men who love them. Even modest control could have an enormous economic impact, as well. It is projected that a reduction in the death rate by just 2% over one decade would prevent 36 million deaths. But interventions in individual patients are key to reducing the incidence of cardiovascular disease globally.
 Joining the Go Red campaign in the United States, our own Vallarta Heart Appreciation Day will begin to call attention to these shocking, often overlooked, facts. And it will call attention to how easily cardiovascular disease in women can be prevented with relatively simple changes in attitude, diet and exercise.
 Come Out in Red on 15 February to celebrate our Day of Appreciation for Women's Hearts in Vallarta. Wear a red dress, blouse or shirt to demonstrate that you love women and the health of their hearts. Hear Dra. Leslie Swindle, a leading local Mexican cardiologist, Len of blu by Len, Larry Sheldon, proponent of thought control to change your life, and Gailanne Grosso, creative director of the Go Red campaign of the American Heart Association.
 This event will be held on Friday, February 15th at 1 pm, in front of blu by Len, Olas Altas 513. As Len, owner of the salon who is coordinating the event says, "Come and turn blu Red."
 Show that you love your heart ... and all women's hearts. Wear something red for Vallarta Women's Heart Appreciation Day. | 
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