Health & Beauty | April 2008  
Healthcare Resources Puerto Vallarta Spring-Summer 2008 News
Pamela Thompson - PVNN

| For more information, please contact Pamela Thompson at (322) 222-9638, 044-322-107-7007, Nextel 145-6912 or send an email to pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com. | | Whew! What a "high season" this year in Puerto Vallarta has been! A whirlwind of activities from theater productions to elegant fundraisers. It is time to slow down as the heat and humidity return and many of our local "snowbirds" return north for the summer months.
 It is a bit hard to believe, but many are already planning and working diligently on events for next high season - and there are alot of great things coming up!
 We at HealthCare Resources as well are spending the summer months continuing with our services of physician referrals, Insurance Resource Center, Home Health Services among many other things. For more information, visit our website at HealthCareResourcesPV.com. While you are there, click on the Special Events page and check out some familiar smiling faces!
 In addition, we are working on several new programs that we will soon be offering. More details to follow but here is a sampling:
 • Special membership program • Wider array of insurance policies to choose from • Monthly one and two-day workshops with topics ranging from writing to soap-making • Special health-related events • Patient Education Library • Pre-paid funeral program • Specialized nutritional counseling • Economical surgical packages (plastic surgery, bariatric surgery, cataract surgery, orthopedic surgery) • Specialized cooking classes • Monthly "Sit Down with the Doctor" Program • Volunteer opportunities matching you to a charity that puts to the best use your experience and services.
 Is There a Cure for Diabetes? Puerto Vallarta is on the brink of becoming a center for this new, premier surgery where bariatric surgery for diabetics (not necessarily obese) has been proven to stop all symptoms of diabetes. For more information, visit 60minutes.yahoo.com. Dr. Armando Joya-Mungia will be one of the leaders of this new treatment. For further information, please contact me.
 Use your Head! There are a multitude of fabulous physicians in the area. Unfortunately, there are a few that are not so fabulous - quacks, crooks, whatever you want to call them. BE PREPARED as to what to do in an emergency - who to call, what to do. We have a short, concise program that we can present to any group, condo association, etc to prepare for a medical emergency. Contact me for information.
 This and That
 A fabulous restaurant find! Casasola (Lucerna 142 - Col. Versalles) has to be my "find of the year," This tiny restaurant located next to Clinica Intermedica has to be THE cleanest, most delicious and economical place around! A friendly staff offering breakfast and lunch should definitely be a "must-go-to."
 Planning a big (or little) soirée next season? Then contact Joe Thompson (joecaterpv(at)yahoo.com) for all of your party needs. The ever-so-famous "Monica Rolls" are to die for along with many other tasty treats. From flowers to cocktails, his parties rocked this past season.
 Looking for that one-of-a-kind, special and unique item? Consider contacting any of these folks: Kimberly Torres (caifanta99(at)yahoo.com) works from home creating special baubles from purses to sandals. Kimberly can go to your home with her wares - why not consider a unique party, inviting a few friends offering her goods?
 Karen Lamb (extravirginvirginart(at)yahoo.com) Too many items to list - see her fab new store, "La Bandida" at Lazaro Cardenas #230.
 Take care of your skin and smell fresh in these upcoming humid months using products made by Pat Light from Banderas Soap Blends. For more information, visit BanderasSoapBlends.com
 For Those Less Fortunate: The "low season" as well brings us less physical donations for local charities but of course, the needs continue. The "Wish List" is too long to put here, but, as you do your spring cleaning, keep in mind the following needs:
 • Items for baby layettes including receiving blankets, gently used newborn clothes, bottles, booties • Gently used adult clothing, shoes • Gently used children's clothing, shoes • School supplies, new backpacks • Children's books in Spanish • Dry goods (beans, rice, cooking oil)
 Do You Know How to Crochet, Knit? We Need Baby Blankets! If you are going to be in town this summer, I am in need of some volunteers to assist with several projects - from putting together binders for newly diagnosed breast-cancer patients to helping to stock our new Patient Education Library. Please contact me for information.
 Breakfast Club What a success this past season! Breakfast Club will not run during the summer months but will begin again in November. Look for some new and exciting additions! I am looking for a few volunteers to assist.
 Insurance Coverage for Part-Timers: We now are able to offer a wide selection of international insurance coverage for people coming to Puerto Vallarta short-term. Don't leave home without it!
 A Cool Getaway: High in the Sierra Madre Mountains, weather stays cool and fresh throughout the summer months. Consider a weekend getaway to the Hacienda Jalisco in San Sebastian HaciendaJalisco.com. As well, perhaps you are considering a special work-shop, class to give - what a perfect place to hold your event. Please contact me for further information.
 IMSS (Seguro Social): Rumors are flying as to the requirements for non-Mexicans to apply and be covered under IMSS. We are now proud to be able to offer private counseling, application for IMSS. Find out if you qualify.
 Bariatric Surgery: It is now one year (May 14 to be exact!) since I had bariatric surgery - and what a success story that has been! It's not always comfortable, or easy to make the decision to have this. All I can say is it sure worked for me! I am more than happy to sit down, one on one, and go over details and answer questions.
 Physicals: Now that things have slowed down, no more excuses of "I am too busy" to have a yearly physical. Our physical packages are complete, economical and with completely bi-lingual physicians. Same with a colonoscopy. It's time!
 Enjoy your summer months, wherever you are. Relax, read, nap, move slower. Tell your friends how important they are to you. Hug your kids. Take care of yourself. Consider assisting those less fortunate. The rewards are tenfold.
 And remember we are here to assist you in anyway that we can - from choosing a personal physician to scheduling a mammogram.
 For more information, please contact Pamela Thompson at (322) 222-9638, 044-322-107-7007, Nextel 145-6912 or send an email to pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com. | 
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