Blood Donors Needed in Puerto Vallarta
Pamela Thompson - PVNN

| If you have any questions, please cpntact Pamela Thompson at 044-322-107-7007 or pmt15(at) | | At this time, blood is URGENTLY needed for Anthony Labreche, as well as many other hospitalized people who need your help, so PLEASE consider donating a pint! Think if it was you or one of your loved ones in the same situation!
 To donate please go to the Puerto Vallarta Blood Bank, located on the 2nd floor at Hospital San Javier, across from the Maritime Terminal. The Blood Bank is open from 8 am to 3 pm Monday through Saturday.
 Guidelines for blood donors are as follows:
 • Between 18-62 years of age • In good health • Nothing to eat or drink for 10 hours prior to donating • No alcohol for 24 hours prior to donating • No previous drug abuse (with needles), no homosexual activity, no prostitution. (These are the rules of the blood bank here.)
 • Underweight • Pregnant • Previous history of Hepatitis • Recent blood transfusion • Certain medications, including: diabetic meds, blood thinners, some cardiac medications, certain hormones
 It is very important that if you do donate, to please let me know! If you have any questions, please contact me at 044-322-107-7007 or pmt15(at) |