|  |  | Health & Beauty | January 2009  
January Puerto Vallarta Health News
Pamela Thompson - PVNN

| For more information, please contact Pamela Thompson at (322) 222-9638, 044-322-107-7007, Nextel 145-6912 or send an email to pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com. |  | Here we are at the start of a brand new year! Resolutions are made - some are kept, some are not. But the intent is there and that is what is important. Tourism may be down some but we will all survive this as we did after 9-ll and Hurricane Kenna.
 My firm belief is that we should embrace the tourism-tourists that we have, welcome them, take care of them (and one another) and in the end, things will work out as they always do.
 Taking care of your own personal health, taking responsibility for it should be a top priority. Below you will see what we have available for you during the month of January. And just wait until you see what we have for February!
 February will be our "Health Month" with many speakers programs, clinics, informational sessions - more than we have ever had before. With a lot of new things to present - from Hospital Tours to another End of Life Decisions in Puerto Vallarta session, presentation of "The Abdominal Journey Continues" to chemical facial peel demonstrations. All of this information with dates and details will be forthcoming.
 In the mean time, here's what we have available for you during the month of January...
 January 15, 2009 Mammogram Clinic $800 pesos Mammogram and Manual Exam by Dr. Daniel Velasco By Appointment Only
 January 22, 2009 General Healthcare and Insurance Information One on one meeting with HealthCare Resources Staff to go over what is available in Puerto Vallarta in regards to healthcare, sign up for a personal physician, let us check your insurance to see if you are covered here, register with your consulate, learn about insurance options and much more!
 No charge (but we do request an item to be donated to the Street Boys Center such as boys socks, deodorant, children's vitamins, toothpaste, toothbrushes - things like that - only a couple of items) By Appointment Only
 January 22, 2009 Skin Clinic $250 pesos Have your skin checked from scalp to toes! By Appointment Only
 January 27, 2009 Women's Health Clinic $775 pesos Complete GYN check up By Appointment Only
 Ongoing Colon-Rectal Cancer Screening $3800 pesos (Price does not include any biopsies taken) Colonoscopy, stool study, physical exam By Appointment Only
 Men's Health Package $3934 pesos includes: Complete blood count, glucose, creatinine, uric acid, total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides, TGO, TGP, GGT, sodium, potassium, febrile reactions, T4, PSA, Stool study, Urinalysis, Chest X-ray, Ultrasound of the prostate, Bone density study, abdominal ultrasound and electrocardiogram.
 Men under 40 years: $2899 pesos includes: Same as above but no PSA, Ultrasound of the prostate, Bone density study (not necessary for under 40 years.) Also includes follow up appointment with an internist to go over all results. This is a highly discounted package! By Appointment Only
 For appointments, questions or comments for any of the above please send an email to Pamela Thompson at pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com, call (322) 222-9638, 044-322-107-7007, 145-6912 (Nextel), or visit HealthCareResourcesPV.com.
 Other Things Going On (Not in any particular order)
 Puerto Vallarta Writer's Conference February 20 through February 22, 2009 You don't need to be a professional writer to attend! Keynote speaker is Linda Ellerbee along with a wide variety of other writers featuring various topics. For more information, visit pvwg.comor contact normaschuh(at)yahoo.com.
 Essence of Cuisine Cooking Class January 22, 2009 Dolores' Essence of Cuisine cooking classes feature the "demonstration style" of instruction, which includes a welcome cocktail, appetizer, preparation instruction, a 4 course meal with dazzling place settings, and wine service throughout. Contact: Dolores Brittingham at (322) 222- 7017 or y_brittingham(at)hotmail.com. Space is limited!
 Becas Breakfast January 14, 2009 $150 pesos per person This month enjoy a fun morning at Daiquiri Dick's with breakfast, raffle prizes and a silent auction and all proceeds going to Becas Vallarta. Contact: phvicars(at)gmail.com. Tickets must be purchased in advance.
 Los Mangos Library Auction January 23, 2009 - 6 pm Plan to attend Los Mangos biggest fundraiser of the year and view (and bid!) on fabulous works of art!
 Mexican History Lecture Series by Dan Grippo Two winter lecture series on Mexican history and culture will be presented at the International Friendship Club.
 1. A Literary Expedition Through Mexican History and Culture: Fridays January 16, 23 and 30, February 6 and 13.
 2. A Brief History of Mexico: Fridays February 27, March 6, 13, 20 and 27.
 Lectures start at 10:30 am. Dan is a fabulous and very knowledgeable presenter. Please call (322) 222-5466 for reservations and further information.
 Manos Unidas por la Mujer Falling under the canopy charity of P.E.A.C.E. Vivian Vantine, who works diligently training women in micro-business, has requested newspapers and magazines to recycle and to be used for the lovely items such as purses and baskets that these women make. Contact: joydeviv(at)aol.com
 Wise Wo-Men of Puerto Vallarta Some great speakers coming up with the next one being on January 14, 2009, 10 am at the IFC Clubhouse. Keith May and Oscar Frey will be presenting "The Magnificent Migration" focusing on the whales that return to Banderas Bay every winter. These two are extremely passionate and knowledgeable about the whales and ocean life. This is a presentation that you won't want to miss. No Charge. For more information, contact: wise_wo.menseminars(at)yahoo.com
 Pat Henry announces Open Studio Evenings Friday, January 9, 2009 6-9:30 pm at her studio located at Jacarandas #183. These will continue throughout the winter. Contact: (322) 222-4119
 Time to visit San Sebastian! Escape the hustle and bustle of Puerto Vallarta by taking the short trip (1 1/2 hours) to San Sebastian. The Hacienda Jalisco is now offering lunch (with advanced notice.) Having just returned from a full week up there, I can guarantee this is the best way to clear your head, if just for one day. Gorgeous, crisp, cool, surrounded by nature with some fabulous food! Contact: info(at)haciendajalisco.com or (322) 222-9638.
 RISE for Hope Fundraiser February 7, 2009 This is the 7th annual fundraiser, and this year it is a gala Mexican Fiesta theme showcasing food from many of Vallarta's finest restaurants along with regional entertainment. Tickets are available at the following locations:
 Refugio Infantile Santa Esperanza (322) 222-7857) International Friendship Club (322) 222-5466 Curves -Pulpito 146 (322) 222-8621 Daiquiri Dicks - Olas Altas 314 (322) 222-0566 Riedesser y Asociados S.C. - Plaza Marina local B-8 (322) 221-0724, The American School - Albatros 129 (322) 221-1525
 or by contacting Carmen Berkowitz (322) 222-5713, Connie Vincent (322) 221-5972, or Sudy Coy at (322) 224-4407.
 Nayarit Breakfast Club A great way to meet people from the northern part of the bay, newcomers and "old-timers" alike! The next one is scheduled for February 16, 2009, 9:30 am (Vallarta Time) at the Vallarta Yacht Club. For further information and reservations, contact Laurie at lailworth(at)yahoo.com.
 (Note: Puerto Vallarta Breakfast Club has been suspended until further notice or until I can handle it and still retain some sanity.
 Dee's Coffee Shop If you want a fabulous cup of java, great sandwich or salad but even better, THE BEST pies and muffins, cookies and cakes in town, drop by Dee's Coffee Shop across from the San Marino Hotel. There's always friendly folks to chat with, tourists and locals alike, great service, good prices and absolutely YUMMY food! And then after you are done stuffing yourself there, you can take a jaunt across the street to XOCODIVA to try some fudge!
 Wine! Do you need to re-stock your wine cellar? Contact Nina Goodhope - the best wine distributor in Vallarta at nbgoodhope(at)yahoo.com.
 Ambulance Service Put this phone number on your refrigerator! Global Ambulance 209-1113
 And as always... Remember those that are not as fortunate as we are. Even though money is tight these days, even a small donation to your favorite charity can help. As well, physical donations certainly alleviate some of the load. Please contact me for the local "Wish List," which covers physical needs of local charitable organizations.
 I am sure I have left some (or many!) things out - be sure and check out the PVMirror and The Tribune as well as right here on BanderasNews.com for all the activities going on around the Banderas Bay area!
 Here's to a happy, healthy, blessed 2009 to everyone!
 We look forward to assisting you in any way that we can. As I say over and over in my newspaper columns and when I meet with people, if you are here for an extended stay, or full time:
 Check to see if your insurance covers you here in Puerto Vallarta! Register with your consulate! Obtain a private personal physician!
 HAPPY 2009! Pamela Thompson & Emmanuel Gonzales HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta
Pamela Thompson is a registered nurse who has lived in Puerto Vallarta for over 17 years, 10 of them in health care. Pamela now leads HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta, a local healthcare resource network. Her years of experience and expertise are available to you by emailing your questions to pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com or by visiting HealthCareResourcesPV.com.
 Click HERE to learn more about the health and well-being services offered by HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta. |

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