|  |  | Health & Beauty | February 2009  
len's life: Becas, Glamour, Handsome... What Don't You Get?
Len - PVNN
 As you have heard, the Committee organizing this year's Becas Ball, along with the Becas Vallarta A.C. Board of Directors, have asked me to emcee the program and conduct the live auction this year. I am so proud and overwhelmed with humility that you would hardly recognize me. I mean, you know me!
 No sooner had I accepted that they all began to worry. What will he say? Who will he offend? Come on, People, my Mom is going to be there. She raised me better than that. I won't offend anyone ... unless they are under dressed!
 Yep, Mom and Dad, along with my aunt and uncle and two of my parents really good friends are all coming from Canada for The Becas Ball ... called The Crystal Ball this year. So you know I'm not going to let my language slip or drift into politics or religion or anything like that. I don't really do that anyway, unless the Gal or Fellow sitting in my chair at blu salon and spa really wants me to go there.
 But, be warned. There is one thing that's fair game for my open mike. The Becas Ball is Puerto Vallarta's most elegant and grand social event of the entire winter season ... falling on Thursday, 5 March, this year. It will be set in the lovely gardens of the Westin Regina, with tables for ten, a raised, under-lit stage/dance floor and a full orchestra, with entertainment. It all starts with cocktails and the silent auction at 7:00 pm, followed by the seated dinner and wine, the program, live auction and entertainment ... and then, of course dancing. What a glamorous event.
 And you better be, too. Glamorous or handsome, that is. How often do you have the chance to really dress up to the nines in the balmy winters of Vallarta? But this will be outdoors, with the breeze off of the Bay wafting over the crowd of some 350 people. Ladies, you should wear a floor length gown or a shorter, fantastic cocktail dress ... certainly with heels, even if they are just short ones. Complement it all with your best make up and hair do. And BE GLAMOROUS. You are, you know. It only takes those heels, shoulders back and boobies up ... and you've got the confidence you need to be totally enchanting.
 Now, Guys. What do you wear. Well, it's big time formal ... Vallarta style ... which means sort of a mixed bag, but certainly rules out shorts and sandals! I'll be in a tux, as will my partner Larry, as we were last year. Our dear friend Sally has sent off to Nordstrom in the U.S. for a new black gown and got a fabulous red evening hat here at Cielito Lindo. Her jewelry will be from Cassandra Shaw. And she has the most fantastic estola in reds and pinks from Que Mona. A gorgeous package, indeed.
 We will try to do everything in both English and Spanish, although my wonderful translator may have trouble keeping up with my ad libs. He is Ciergio Gonzales, Controller of Pinnacle Properties, and he'll be sporting a Zegna suit and tie. Suits and ties, or even sport coats, slacks and ties are de rigueur for male handsomeness and, yes, let's say it, male elegance.
 Now, I know it is Vallarta, and some of you don't have such formal wear stuck in your tropical winter closets. But there are numerous places in town to get some nice clothes for gents. Slacks and a linen jack with an open collared shirt would be fine. Just dress it up, Guys!
 And woe be to anyone who shows up at this fabulous affair in a housedress or, especially men in shorts (no matter if they are Ralph Lauren) and sandals. It's closed toe shoes, Fellows. My agreement with Becas is that I won't use my open mike in any offensive way, except for calling out people who are just totally improperly dressed, Oh, I'll do it kindly ... yeah, right ... but don't end up in that spotlight!
 My invitation to be emcee got my partner Larry all passionate about doing something new for The Becas Ball this year. Working on fund raisers like this was one of his specialties back in the States. So, he has created a new tradition for The Becas Ball. A la Hollywood and the wonderful parties accompanying the Academy Awards, every single person at the Ball will receive a Becas Ball Bolsa de Regalos (Gift Bag), stuffed with over half a dozen fun and wonderful gifts. They include cosmetic samples, spa exfoliate soap and salt scrubs, special soaps made by hand from jungle products, a decorative candle with glass holder for the home, a sample of the best coffee in Vallarta (Larry and I don't drink anything else at home), sweet and salted nuts from ancient Aztec recipes, a miniature of tequila and the best chocolate in the western hemisphere ... hand-made right here where it was created, in Mexico, as food for the gods.
 In addition to the Gift Bags, everyone will receive a party favor, resting on their plate when they find their seat. These were prepared by Ambiance by Marcia on Calle Constitucion. The items in the fabulous Gift Bag are all identified with their provider, Liverpool being the Principal Sponsor of the Becas Gift Bag this year.
 We invite you to attend The Becas Ball, get a Gift Bag (practically worth the amazingly low $850 peso ticket price by itself) and then visit the stores and businesses that sponsored the Gift Bag with their donations of fabulous products ... especially Liverpool, our newest and most fashionable department store at the beautiful Galerias Vallarta shopping center. Galerias Vallarta has multiple shops, by the way, where you can find whatever you need to really dress up.
 So be there, YOU! Hope you have your ticket, because I just found out they are totally sold out! I'll be performing ... ooops ... emcee-ing, the band will be playing, the dinner will be excellent and the dancing will be fabulous ... not to mention the silent and live auctions ... as well as door prizes ... which are amazing. And, yes, Larry, your wonderful new Becas Ball Gift Bags.
 See ya there. Hoping if I mention you on the open mike, it's because you look so fabulous, as everyone I know in Vallarta really can - and not for the opposite reason! Another fascinating chapter in len's life!
 Click HERE to learn more about Becas Vallarta and the America-Mexico Foundation.
Given that Len's very first word was "more," and the second one was "pretty" it is no wonder that he now is the Stylist Manager in the #1 salon and spa in Puerto Vallarta, blu, but also writes an entertaining and informative beauty column, "len's life." Whatever you hair may or may not need, Len will know exactly what to do or where to go to find the answer - just send him an email at len(at)blusalonpv.com.
 Click HERE for more articles by Len. |

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