|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | March 2009  
Play Ball! PV Little League Opening Day a Success Part 3
Bob Cohen - PVNN

| "Los Limones" after their opening day 11-9 victory with sponsor Bruce and Ya Ya from Teatro Limon. |  |

| Donation made by left to right Helen Disher (Mom), son Bob Disher and daughter Suzanne Larkowski from the Denver area. | 
| From left to right Jeremy Wilson, Danielle Wilson, Dawn Marriner and David Marriner from Calgary. Dawn and David made a sponsorship donation during the Opening Day festivities. | 
| Left to right are suporters and sponsors Frank Torres, Len Schell and Jerry Bianchi. | 
| Kids changing into uniforms for the festivities and game. | Just a day after writing the first Little League article, I received an email from Bruce Byng, the owner of the popular gourmet restaurant Teatro Limon. It was simply stated. "Bob, I have a cool $10,000 pesos for you, come get it, Bruce."
 Of course, Bruce came out to the opening ceremonies loaded down with a bunch of tacos and refreshments for other friends, both old and those he met yesterday. He quickly laid claim to a 9-11 year old team that wore green and yellow uniforms, and aptly named them "Los Limones."
 Bruce watched them like a parent and noticed that they didn't have anything to drink. He ran down to the corner store and picked up a few dozen bottled waters and juices for the kids. I wouldn't be surprised if the kids didn't have pre-game meals eventually at his restaurant. Thanks Bruce and welcome aboard! Your team won a thriller 11-9.
 The next sponsor was Frank Torres who splits his time between San Francisco and Puerto Vallarta. Frank also emailed me after seeing the article and has also assisted in helping with the organization of the league. Frank has an extensive baseball background and decided to coach his team and was out there yesterday with his 12-14 year olds, now called "The Camarones," and the team engineered at comeback; winning 12-8 after trailing 8-0. Frank, we are so happy to have your enthusiasm and ability to teach.
 The next sponsor was the Viejo Vallarta/Old Town Business and Neighborhood Association. Felix Perez, the owner of El Torito Sports Bar & Restaurant, with the assistance of local businessman and a close friend Len Schell, who owns a satellite TV business in Puerto Vallarta, made this sponsorship possible. Len was also out for the opening and is a baseball lover.
 Club Ma๑ana in Old Town was the next to sponsor a team. Owner Peter Deep is very active in giving back to the community and has shown that in his participation in the Puerto Vallarta Little League. His team will be called "Los Angeles." Peter was so happy to help the league that he assured me he would help to us find another sponsor or two. Peter, the kids are thrilled and we are glad you are with us.
 The 6th sponsor signed on at the stadium just as the first games were being played. David and Dawn Marriner from Calgary, Alberta, Canada live part time in Puerto Vallarta and were leaving for a two-week trip to Canada the next day. They had met Miguel the night before at the baseball field and said they wanted to help the league.
 Expecting only a donation, my jaw dropped when the Marriners handed us $1000 Canadian dollars, which is a full team sponsorship. They said they just wanted to "give back" to the community, so they let the team members name themselves, so we now have a team called the "Yankees." David and Dawn, thanks so much for your generosity.


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