|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | March 2009  
Play Ball! PV Little League Opening Day a Success Part 4
Bob Cohen - PVNN

| The Marine Band, bearing the Mexican flag as they play the National Anthem. |  | There were also many Little League donations from friends that I know mostly from playing tennis, and they have been quite generous and supportive. All live around the U.S. and Canada and spend 2-5 months in Puerto Vallarta, except for a few who call PV "home." I would like to acknowledge them all - and not in any particular order - most of their donations were in the $500-$1500 peso range.
 Roslyn Goldstein donated in memory of her sister Beverly who passed away a few years ago. Beverly was an elementary school physical education teacher, loved kids, loved sports, was an active champion tennis player and also loved Mexico.
 Suzanne Larkowski contacted me with an email from Colorado just two days before she and some family came to vacation in Puerto Vallarta. They brought down a donation of some gloves, balls, bats, shoes and other gear - and left a bit of cash as well.

| For donations, sponsorships and further information we urge you to contact:
 • Bob Cohen at bob(at)banderasnews.com • Miguel Vargas at tacos.park(at)hotmail.com • Oscar Mercado at mercadooscar(at)hotmail.com

| Other Little League supporters included:
 Sonny & Alyce Hendrickson Amy Ullman Steve Maddox Ron Murphy Richard Hahn Noel Bacchus Rick & Cheryl McGraw Peter & Teresa Engel Dan Grippo
 As a way of showing our heartfelt thanks and gratitude, a banner with the names of all of the individuals who have made donations will be made and hung in the outfield along with separate banners for each of the team sponsors. We hope that as more people learn about the Puerto Vallarta Little League, the number of banners will continue to grow.
 Scores from the first week of play are as follows:
 9-11 year olds Los Limones: 11 - Yankees: 9 Bucerias: 23 - Brisas Del Pacifico: 22 Ixtapa won by default over Infonavid who didn't have enough players
 12-14 year olds Camarones: 12 - Escuela 29: 8 Ixtapa: 14 - Vallarta: 7
 February 28, 2009 was an exciting and memorable day in Puerto Vallarta, and I am proud to not only be a part of such a meaningful organization, but also to keep the public informed through my reports. We were exhausted after our two months of hard work, our big final week push, and opening day intensity - but if we did something that we all feel will help the community, then it is all well worth it.
 For donations, sponsorships and further information we urge you to contact:
 • Bob Cohen at bob(at)banderasnews.com • Miguel Vargas at tacos.park(at)hotmail.com • Oscar Mercado at mercadooscar(at)hotmail.com
 Your support provides endless benefits for Banderas Bay area kids, who will develop the qualities of citizenship, discipline, teamwork and physical well-being by participating in Puerto Vallarta Little League Baseball. Click HERE for more information and to learn how you can help.

| R E A D E R S ' C O M M E N T S
 Bob: I don't know if anyone has said "Thanks for a job well done!" but, in my eyes, you and Jerry and Miguel have done a great job for these kids in Puerto Vallarta, and I want to personally thank you guys because as I know, it takes so much work to achieve this much success. - Frank Torres |

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