|  |  | Health & Beauty | July 2009  
Extraordinary Session of National System against Violence against Women
Interior Secretariat - Presidencia de la República go to original July 24, 2009
 Mexico City - Under-Secretary of Legal Affairs and Human Rights of the Interior Secretariat (Segob) Daniel Cabeza de Vaca and President of the National Institute led the Third Extraordinary Session of the National System for Preventing, Attending, Sanctioning and Eradicating Violence against Women, attended by representatives of the state women's institutes and various federal organizations.
 The meeting, held in Revolution Hall in Segob, lasted for over two hours. At the end of the discussion, members of the system rejected the proposal, by 26 votes to 5, to initiate a trial against the state of Guanajuato and declare gender alert in state for inequality regarding the legislation on the legal interruption of pregnancy.
 The proposal was rejected on the grounds that it does not proceed legally since the figure of inequality cannot be applied between states. If it turned into a constitutional controversy, the first case of gender alert in the country could be declared unconstitutional, which will set a negative precedent.
 The majority considered that the proposal against Guanajuato violated the sovereignty of the states and their autonomy to legislate on the issue.
 Source: Media and Communications Office. Interior Secretariat (SEGOB) |

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