|  |  | Health & Beauty | August 2009  
Beauty Tips for a Cool and Stylish Summer
Eddie Ortiz - PVNN August 07, 2009

| Salon Diva's can help you look fresh and cool, yet stylish, during the hot summer months. To make an appointment, call (322) 209-1249 or send an email to info(at)salondivaspv.com. |  | Summer hair is a big topic here in Puerto Vallarta during the summer months. The ever popular pony tail is everywhere. There are people who still use the blow dryer in this heat, (Yes, I know... crazy) but unplugging your blow dryer for a few months and letting your hair dry naturally will not only save energy and time, but will do your tresses a world of good.
 During the hot summer months, your hair is getting plenty of moisture-zapping heat from the sun, and additional heat damage from a blow dryer is even more likely to lead to split ends. Do your hair, and your electricity bill, a favor and air dry your hair after you shower.
 There are plenty of ways to look fresh and cool, yet stylish, during the casual summer months. Simple styles like ponytails are very fashionable; just look around and you'll see how popular they are.
 Trying to get the hair out of your face and off your neck during these hot summer months? Try these summery tips:
 • Low ponytails look more stylish than the "actual ponytail," they help give you a more polished look. Apply some product to tame those ends or use a flatiron for a sleek finish.
 • Headbands and scarves help to accessorize and give you a fresh look, and add more versatility to the ever popular ponytail.
 • Take long daytime hair and put it up in a loose messy French twist or chignon at night.

During the lazy days of July and August, it's a lot more fun to sit by the pool, go for a jog or enjoy a picnic than stand in front of the mirror fussing over your hair and makeup. Do you like to wear sunglasses? Got to take them off? Try these simple look-great-fast tricks that I share with clients who want a quick pick me up.
 • For color that lasts, blot lips before applying lipstick or gloss. Pigments adhere better to a moisture-free mouth, which means you won't have to apply coat after coat (as if you had time anyway!) Oh, and don't forget to choose a formula with SPF. Lips burn, too!
 • Speaking of lip color, if your gloss gets runny in the heat, stash the tube or pot in the refrigerator overnight. The chill will thicken the formula.
 • Hide dark circles by applying a dot of concealer on the inner and outer corners of your under eye. Blend inward from both directions so you'll get coverage on the sides, where shadows are most prominent.
 • Make mascara application less messy by forming an 'O' with your mouth. Holding this expression helps relax eyes so you blink less and avoid smudging. Also, wipe off the mascara ward with tissue before applying to lashes; it will make the application process much smoother.
 I encourage readers to send in any questions they may have, here are some summer hair questions that came into the salon:
 Q: Can the sun damage hair like it can your skin?
 A: Yes, it actually burns the outside layer [cuticle] if exposed to the sun for too long. If the hair is split or has a lot of highlights, it is more susceptible to damage than healthy, well maintained hair. You know when your hair is burnt because it becomes dry, brittle and loses its shine. The color may also fade.
 Q: Any other ways I can treat my hair while I'm here in Vallarta?
 A: You could use a deep conditioning mask each evening and leave it on for a few minutes to soothe the cuticle scales and re-penetrate the hair with moisture lost during the day. Chances are your hair may react differently to the water in foreign climes, so extra deep conditioning will have added benefits and will help reduce the dulling effect the sun can have on hair.
 Q: What's the best way to pull hair back?
 A: Slicked back hair in a tight bun can look a little severe and masculine, so instead gently scrunch your hair as it naturally dries, encouraging a little movement and volume. Casually hold back the hair away from your face and secure with clips, combs or a scarf.

Eddie Ortiz has been a professional licensed stylist and make-up artist for 28 years. Having trained in California at the Paul Mitchell Training Center in San Diego and the Vidal Sasson Education Center in San Francisco, his work as a freelance stylist and make-up artist have appeared in national magazines such as Glamour, XY, Bon Appetit, and Entertainment Weekly. His television credits include Fox News, CBS Productions, ABC News and CBS Evening Magazine. Today, Eddie lives in Puerto Vallarta and works at Salon Diva's in Plaza Marina.
 For more information about the luxury salon and spa services available at Salon Diva's, click HERE. |

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