|  |  | Health & Beauty | September 2009  
Puerto Vallarta October Health News

| For more information, please contact Pamela Thompson at (322) 222-9638, 044-322-107-7007, Nextel 145-6912 or send an email to pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com. |  | As September winds down, we that have been here all summer are excited for folks to return so that we can say "Bienvenidos" to all of our friends! The summer months have zoomed by with very little rain but HOT, HOT, HOT!
 October is going to be a jam-packed month with HealthCare Resources offering numerous clinics and special events.
 Bariatric Surgery Information Session October 13, 2009 10 am No charge Email for information
 Mammogram Clinic October 15, 2009 $800 pesos includes mammogram, manual exam and ultrasound if necessary By appointment only
 Skin Clinic October 20 and October 21, 2009 $250 pesos - A complete check of your skin from scalp to toes by an oncologist By appointment only
 Women's Health Clinic October 27, 2009 $775 pesos Bi-lingual female GYN By appointment only
 Men's Health Clinic October 28, 2009 New! - Now to be held at Hospital Medasist Email for further information By appointment only
 Eye Clinic - New! October 30, 2009 $300 pesos Vision exam and Glaucoma exam By appointment only
 Colonoscopy On-Going Special price of $3800 pesos (does not include price of any biopsies if taken). I can't keep this price forever! Just do it - and get it over with! By appointment only.
 Flu Vaccines At the time of this writing, I do not have the flu vaccine (regular flu vaccines - not H1N1) dates confirmed. If you are interested in obtain a flu vaccine, please email me and the moment I have the dates set I will let you know. But they will definitely be in October!
 Personalized Medical Records It is very, very important that each person here keep their own personal medical records. It is for this reason that HealthCare Resources has formatted a health record just for you. Not only will we create a medical record from your existing records but we will keep it updated for you! $200 pesos per person By appointment only
 Insurance Are you covered during your time in Puerto Vallarta? I sure hope so! If you aren't, please think about taking out insurance, or a traveler's insurance policy during your time here. We offer traveler's insurance, international insurance, Mexican insurance and IMSS (Seguro Social).
 Upcoming in November
 We are thrilled to be having a prominent Rheumatologist coming from San Diego (Sharpe Hospital) to speak on rheumatology issues, including arthritis. This will be at no charge to public! As well, we will have specials on orthopedic evaluations for people with arthritis issues, bone density scan specials and other clinics related to these topics.
 Other November HealthCare Resources Events
 • "Do I Need a Mexican Will?" - given by a great, bi-lingual attorney
 • Local Hospital Tours
 • "Taking Care of Your Skin in the Tropics" - Dra. Alma Vargas
 • Clinics in San Pancho, Sayulita and north
 • And much more
 Some Other Great Stuff
 October 29, 2009 Let's Lunch! Are you new to Vallarta? Semi-new? Not new but want to meet others? I will be having a luncheon at Archie's Wok on October 29, 2009 for folks to mix and mingle. Space will be limited so RSVP now! $175 pesos per person. Further details upon RSVP.
 Los Mangos Library Sally's Corner (Esquina de Sally) - the loving tribute to the late Sally Conley will be finished by mid-November. The Children's Library is being transformed to a magical little place. We need volunteers to assist at Los Mangos library in the regular library and as well, with the programs to be held in Sally's Corner. If you are interested in participating, please let me know as we will be having a volunteer's meeting in October. Grand opening of Sally's Corner will be at the end of November to coincide with the anniversary of Los Mangos Library.
 Street Boys Christmas Project Please help to make this Christmas extra-special for the Street Boys. They rarely receive anything new - always hand-me-downs from someone else. This holiday season we want to give them a few special and new items. We have a list of items for every budget - even bags of marbles! For more information, Click HERE.
 Becas Breakfasts A highlight of each month! You definitely need a reservation! For information and reservations, please email Polly Vicars at phvicars(at)gmail.com Great raffle prizes as well and all going to a very, very worthy cause!
 Whale Tours for Charity Though the whale watching season does not officially begin until December, make your reservations NOW to join in on special dates set throughout the whale watching season, where a portion of those particular dates ticket sales will go to three different charities.
 A must-do for everyone, whether you live here or are just visiting - to observe these gentle giants who return each winter. Oscar Frey (along with the fabulous Keith May) have kindly agreed to do this but beware! These dates are going to fill up quickly to reserve now!
 Dates: December 9, December 18, January 11, January 18 - February to be confirmed
 For further information on the tours visit: OceanFriendly.com or email keith(at)graphixc.com.
 Day Trips to the Hacienda Jalisco in San Sebastian These have turned out to be very popular over the summer months, so we are going to continue with them in October and November. October date is October 28, 2009. $550 pesos per person includes round trip transportation, yummy lunch, tour - and a brief trip to town. Click HERE for more information and some comments from our summer guests.
 And Last But Not Least...
 I am not too proud to beg - always in need are books and magazines for hospitalized patients. As well, the Wish List for various charities grows daily. Please email me for an updated list. There's nothing like sharing!
 So - onward to the high season! We at HealthCare Resources are very excited and as always, are here to serve all of your health care needs by offering the very best in quality health care services.
 For further information on any of the above topics, please email pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com And check out our updated website at www.healthcareresourcespv.com
 Here's to a happy and healthy high season!
 Pamela Thompson HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta (322) 222-9638 044-322-107-7007 1456912 Nextel (dial it just like that)
Pamela Thompson is a registered nurse who has lived in Puerto Vallarta for over 17 years, 10 of them in health care. Pamela now leads HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta, a local healthcare resource network. Her years of experience and expertise are available to you by emailing your questions to pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com or by visiting HealthCareResourcesPV.com.
 Click HERE to learn more about the health and well-being services offered by HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta. |

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