|  |  | Health & Beauty | October 2009  
H1N1 Flu Update for Mexico Travelers
Pamela Thompson - PVNN October 17, 2009

| Questions or concerns? Please do not hesitate to contact Pamela Thompson of Healthcare Resources Puerto Vallarta at pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com. |  | Puerto Vallarta - As we begin our high season, there have been hundreds of emails requesting information on the status of health issues in the Banderas Bay area. It is important to note that I am not a physician and this information is not "official." All I can write is what I hear and believe is true to the best of my knowledge by speaking with several local and very reliable physicians in the area.
 H1N1 Status
 There are cases of H1N1 flu (formerly called "Swine Flu") in the area, both in the states of Nayarit and Jalisco. Just as there are cases all around the world. I have not heard of massive waves of it as we heard in the past and I believe the panic has calmed down some - at least to a "dull roar." It is being dealt with in the area, just as it is being dealt with around the globe.
 Two Things I Do Know For Sure
 1) The H1N1 vaccines are not available at this time in the Banderas Bay area. It is said that by the first of the year, they will be available and only via the Health Department and not private physicians. Priorities will be given to healthcare workers and the high risk population first.
 2) Tamiflu is available only via a prescription from a private physician and given only upon a confirmed diagnosis of H1N1. That being said, I have heard "rumors" that there are a couple of pharmacies in the area selling "Tamiflu" which is not the real Tamiflu but a fake one. If you are coming to the area on vacation or to spend the winter and you want the H1N1 vaccine, it is strongly recommended that you receive it prior to your arrival.
 Regular Flu Status
 These vaccines are being distributed throughout the area. They should be available soon (but soon here could be a good length of time!) via the Health Department, but in order to receive a "free one" via the Health Department you must be able to provide proof you are a full-time resident and senior citizen. Otherwise please see your personal physician for these, or contact me and I will try and set you up for a vaccine appointment. Again, if you want a flu vaccine and are planning a trip here soon, it is best to receive your vaccine prior to your arrival.
 Other Important Information
 It cannot be stressed enough that there is no such thing as "free medical care" in the Banderas Bay area. Plan accordingly and purchase a good traveler's insurance prior to your departure. Remember that insurance is not accepted as form of payment for medical services except in the case of a hospital admission with a minimum 24 hour stay. Any and all outpatient services (such as diagnostic services, medications, physician consults, emergency room visits) must be paid out of pocket and turned in for reimbursement.
 Medicare, Kaiser Insurance, Canadian Government Health Plan are not accepted for inpatient services. Medicare supplements (Medi-Gap policies) do often reimburse at a lower rate but only for emergency services. If you have a private policy and choose to use that as your coverage, check prior to your departure with your insurance company to confirm that they provide international coverage! Then, check with us to see if it is a plan that would be accepted in a local, private hospital. There are numerous, very good traveler's insurance policies. Check with your local insurance agent, search online or contact us for assistance.
 Check to be sure your daily medications are available in our area! Bring enough to cover your stay here. Medications cannot be mailed or couriered from the US-Canada to Mexico! If you have a serious medical condition, bring a brief summary and list of medications with you. Should a medical emergency arise, this information will be vital to the physician here treating you.
 We look forward to our snowbirds returning and we welcome the tourists! Hopefully there will be no need for any type of emergency medical care. But if there is, rest assured that there is excellent healthcare available in the Banderas Bay area with six state-of-the-art hospital (private) facilities and bi-lingual, professional and board certified physicians to care for you.
 Please do not hesitate contacting us with any questions, concerns or comments. We are here to assist in any way possible!
 Pamela Thompson HealthCareResourcesPV.com 044-322-107-7007 pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com
Pamela Thompson is a registered nurse who has lived in Puerto Vallarta for over 17 years, 10 of them in health care. Pamela now leads HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta, a local healthcare resource network. Her years of experience and expertise are available to you by emailing your questions to pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com or by visiting HealthCareResourcesPV.com.
 Click HERE to learn more about the health and well-being services offered by HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta. |

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