|  |  | Health & Beauty | October 2009  
Medicare in Mexico Town Hall Meeting
medicareinmexico.org October 24, 2009

| For more information, contact Paul Crist at paulcrist(at)hotel-mercurio.com or visit MedicareInMexico.org. |  | Americans for Medicare in Mexico continues to attract the attention of major media outlets in the U.S. This is very positive, in that media attention does not go unnoticed by political leaders and public policy decision makers.
 While it is clear that Congressional action on a proposal to implement a Demonstration Project for Medicare in Mexico will not happen in 2009, due to an already overburdened legislative calendar, ongoing media attention this year does help us move the effort forward.
 Among the recent media coverage for Americans for Medicare in Mexico:
 Forbes Magazine - American Retirees Push Congress to Allow Medicare Benefits in Mexico
 Time Magazine - Medicare Savings: Is the Answer in Mexico?
 On November 19 and 20, producers for the Jim Lehrer News Hour on PBS will visit Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
 The News Hour reporters will be preparing a segment on various aspects of healthcare issues for U.S. expats living in Mexico. The News Hour is interested in exploring questions such as how expats access and pay for care in Mexico, and what their opinions are regarding quality of care available in both private and public healthcare settings.
 Americans for Medicare in Mexico is organizing a Town Hall Meeting, scheduled for 2 to 4 pm on Friday, November 20, at which News Hour reporters will interview attendees on relevant healthcare topics, including opinions about the effort to bring Medicare coverage to eligible beneficiaries living in Mexico.
 Paul Crist, founder and President of Americans for Medicare in Mexico will speak and take questions on the campaign to bring Medicare to Mexico. Location for the Town Hall Meeting will be announced very soon.
 Paul also recently provided written testimony for a House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee hearing on healthcare, which you can read HERE.
 Remember: Its not a question of if, but when Medicare will be available in Mexico
 It will require Congressional authorization, and legislation is almost always a marathon, not a sprint. Americans for Medicare in Mexico is committed to seeing this through to success with support from people like you! Be sure to write your elected officials in Washington DC, in support of this vital campaign!
 For more information, contact Paul Crist at paulcrist(at)hotel-mercurio.com or visit MedicareInMexico.org. |

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