|  |  | Health & Beauty | November 2009  
Puerto Vallarta Mid-November Health News
Pamela Thompson - healthcareresourcespv.com November 06, 2009

| For more information, please contact Pamela Thompson at (322) 222-9638, 044-322-107-7007, Nextel 145-6912 or send an email to pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com. |  | Hello to Everyone!
 High season has arrived - and things are getting busy! Hurray! It's so fun to see friends who have returned for "the season" and many more tourists strolling the streets. It is with great anticipation we begin the winter season after an extremely slow spring and summer in the area. Welcome one and all!
 A few suggestions to everyone here for a part-time or full-time stay:
 1. Register with your consulate 2. Establish yourself with a personal physician 3. Make sure you have insurance coverage for the area 4. Remember that you must keep your own medical records
 HealthCare Resources is more than happy to meet with you at no charge to go over health care services in the area.
 I am going to keep the clinic information brief. Please email me for details and appointments. All clinics and speakers must be pre-registered! All contact information is at the bottom of this article.
 Upcoming Events
 November 12, 2009 "Rheumatology Conference" at the Hotel Marriott featuring Dr. Broudy who is coming from Sharp Hospital in San Diego to provide a free conference on rheumatology issues. This is an exciting event and we are so pleased and thankful to Sharp Hospital providing this! Pre-registration required. Click HERE for more details.
 For the month of November through mid-December we are featuring a special package on a bone density study and consult/follow up with a bi-lingual orthopedic physician.
 November 13, 2009 Skin Clinic
 November 19, 2009 Women's Health Clinic
 November 19, 2009 "Do I Need a Mexican Will?" Featuring attorney Rolando Romero
 November 20, 2009 Mammogram Clinic
 Ongoing Men's Health Clinic - Special and very complete package for men only!
 Ongoing Colonoscopy Special - Just do it!
 Ongoing flu vaccine clinic - (regular vaccines, not H1N1) Click HERE for more details.
 Ongoing "Personal Medical Record Program" - Remember that you must keep your own medical records here. HealthCare Resources now offers a special program where we will customize and compact your medical records, designed especially for you! $250 pesos
 Lynn Rogers, therapist extraordinaire is now available for private consulting/counseling. She has some amazing conferences/seminars coming up including:
 "Recently diagnosed with a life-altering illness?" "Transitioning to Vallarta" "Story Circles" "Women's Restorative Retreat" (Saturday December 12, 2009)
 For more information, visit LynnRogers.com or contact Lynn at lr(at)lynnrogers.com or 044-322-151-3639.
 Other Great Events-Ideas
 November 18, 2009 Becas Breakfast Tickets available: Polly Vicars phvicars(at)gmail.com
 November 20, 2009 US Consular Agent Networking Breakfast La Cruz Marina - 9 am Reservation only Email: consularagentpvr(at)prodigy.net.mx
 November 27, 2009 6 pm Anniversary Celebration of Los Mangos Library & Inauguration of Sally's Corner Info: pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com
 Christmas is Coming! How about a gift certificate for a loved one for a Mammogram, Women's Health Check, Men's Health Check? HealthCare Resources will prepare a very nice certificate and deliver it to your "receiver".
 Street Boys Christmas Program We are still in need of numerous items! Help make this holiday season a merry one for these boys! Click HERE for more details.
 Holiday Treats Nina Goodhope is preparing all of her goodies - cakes, cookies, wine baskets - all yummy and perfect for a hostess gift or to serve at your holiday party. I promise you will NOT be disappointed! nbgoodhope(at)yahoo.com
 Gift Ideas For some of the most beautiful glassware and goodies, please do stop by Miralo located at Francisco I. Madero #267. Website: miralo.biz. They have lots of new items that make wonderful gifts! By far one of our most favorite shops in the area!
 Exciting new company - "Learn Vallarta" Do you need to learn Spanish? Brush up on your existing Spanish? I highly recommend Alex Duarte. A great guy! He provides private tutoring, translations at affordable prices. Make learning Spanish one of your goals while you are here! For more information, visit Check out their website at LearnVallarta.com email pvassistants(at)live.com or call 044-322-120-1841.
 Are you in need of an attorney? Real estate, tax questions, general legal info - your man is Rolo Romero. pvrolomx(at)yahoo.com Cell: 044-322-111-0294 Completely bi-lingual, reliable and one of the most honest people I know.
 One of the most thrilling experiences to participate in is a whale watching excursion. Create a life long memory! And this year, HealthCare Resources is proud to be working in conjunction with Ocean Friendly Tours with specific dates of tours where a portion of the ticket sales will go towards three different charities in the area. Go to OceanFriendly.com and click on the Charity Tours page for dates. Help those in need and have an adventure at the same time!
 The weather is crisp and clear high in the mountains in San Sebastian del Oeste. Consider an overnight stay at the Hacienda Jalisco! 10% discount if you mention HealthCare Resources. For more information, visit HaciendaJalisco.com or email info(at)haciendajalisco.com.
 We are pleased to be featuring all of our information now on BanderasNews.com. This is THE site to bookmark on your computer and check often - daily updates!
 There is a new energy in the air as the weather changes from very hot to very beautiful, many more people on the streets, in the restaurants, at the beach. We hope that you will not need medical services but if you do, rest assured that we at HealthCare Resources are here to assist in any and every way possible. Best advice? Be prepared! Don't wait until an emergency situation arises to understand how medical services work in the area.
 Here's to a very healthy and happy high season!
 Pamela Thompson HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta 044-322-107-7007 pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com pmt15(at)hotmail.com
Pamela Thompson is a registered nurse who has lived in Puerto Vallarta for over 17 years, 10 of them in health care. Pamela now leads HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta, a local healthcare resource network. Her years of experience and expertise are available to you by emailing your questions to pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com or by visiting HealthCareResourcesPV.com.
 Click HERE to learn more about the health and well-being services offered by HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta. |

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