Narconon and Drug Rehabs in Mexico Form New Collaborative to Save Lives Narconon go to original November 23, 2009
Narconon First Step drug-free withdrawal in Mexican drug rehabs. President of Narconon International, Clark Carr giving a series of workshops in Mazatlan and Culiacan.
Los Angeles, CA - Drug rehab is a challenge in the best of times. These are not the best of times in Mexico. There have been nearly 10,000 drug cartel murders recorded nationwide in the past few years, including raids even on drug rehab centers themselves. The economies of both Mexico and the U.S. are struggling. Rehab beds are full, including too many returning after relapse. In such a climate what can be done? "One thing," says Clark Carr, president of Narconon International, "is to share our best methods to help get better results out of rehab. And in larger numbers." It seems 30 rehab directors in the State of Sinaloa agree that working together, they can get better results. Just so, in two intensive Narconon First Step workshops in Mazatlan and Culiacan in November Mexican drug rehab counselors spent days learning and practicing techniques to address the first fierce challenge in rehab - getting the drug user withdrawn from his addictive drugs of choice. "I had no idea that the withdrawal symptoms of heroin and other opiates so closely parallel the deficiency symptoms of calcium, magnesium, and B vitamins," says Victor Capaceta, director of two 50-bed Mazatlan drug rehab facilities, called Una Luz en el Camino. "We're using these natural nutrients recommended by Narconon, and it significantly eases withdrawal pain and discomfort." Mazatlan drug rehab counselors from 11 different centers attending First Step workshops agree and have joined together to continue to use Narconon nutritional and pain-reducing techniques in collaboration with Narconon International. Nineteen rehab directors attended similar workshops in Culiacan, and most have also decided to start using Narconon's proven, simple-to-use drug-free withdrawal methods. "Equally valuable," says Epitacio Valdez, director of CICA, Culiacan's Centro Integracion Contra Adicciones, "are Narconon's unique techniques to help a recovering addict stay oriented in present time, vital to get through withdrawal and into recovery." Valdez says he will coordinate the Narconon First Step in Culiacan. Overall, more than 500 recovering addicts in treatment are going to be affected through this collaboration with Narconon. "We hope this is just the beginning," says Esteban Ramirez, president of Sinaloa Federation of Drug Rehabilitation Centers. "We have asked Narconon Primer Paso to bring its techniques to more institutions and jails, too. There is much need, and their help is welcome." The Narconon First Step Program is based on drug-free rehabilitation techniques developed by author and humanitarian L. Ron Hubbard. Narconon was founded by William Benitez in Arizona State Prison over 40 years ago and has expanded to comprise now more than 150 drug rehabilitation and education centers in 50 countries. Centers interested in a Narconon First Step Workshop can contact info(at) or get more information at