|  |  | Health & Beauty | December 2009  
Federal Government is Working to Include Persons with Disabilities: President Calderón
Suzanne Stephens Waller - Presidencia de la República go to original December 04, 2009

| President Felipe Calderón delivers handicap vehicles to state DIF systems. |  | Mexico City - President Felipe Calderón confirmed the Federal Government's commitment to work for the development and inclusion of persons with disabilities, "Not as a gift or as a concession or as charity but as elementary recognition of their human rights."
 During the delivery of Handicap Vehicles to DIF State Systems, the President said that one of the main challenges facing Mexico today is to eliminate the physical and cultural barriers limiting these people.
 “The greatest handicap is when there are cultural and structural barriers that prevent people's integral development. There are many barriers for people with disabilities, the most serious of which is the lack of responsibility and reflection of many people who are unaware of the scope and importance of dealing with and solving this problem," he said.
 Accompanied by his wife Margarita, the DIF President, the Mexican president said that despite the economic crisis, the responsible action of Congress made it possible to boost the budget assigned for persons with disabilities, which next year will rise from 530 to 730 million pesos, a 40% increase.
 “And if we include the DIF systems, specifically in the area of persons with disabilities and what the Health Secretariat has in the area for persons with disability and various other programs, next year the federal budget will total nearly 2.7 billion pesos, an unprecedented figure for treating persons with disabilities," he added. |

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