|  |  | Vallarta Living  
Out and About in Puerto Vallarta
Twila Crawford - PVNN January 28, 2010

| Former U.S. Consular Agent Jenny McGill will be remembered February 7 at 11:00 am in a service at beautiful Terra Noble. |  | Puerto Vallarta has become a city in recent years. Remember, not long ago, when it was described as a "quaint village." As a result of growth, we have many cultural and charitable activities as well as commercial opportunities with large stores here now... with almost everything available. We also have "urban" issues. We experience police corruption in our neighborhoods. The big Mexican cartels also operate in our area, encouraging corruption in some of our businesses.
 Some North Americans, year-round and property owners here, are beginning to stand up and ask "what is going on? and government leaders of Puerto Vallarta, what are you doing about it?" We all need to interact with our government leaders here and with our consular agents, who often can speak for us.
 In this beautiful city of Banderas Bay water, stunning mountains and colorful flowers, most of us have wonderful Mexican and international friends. And so we love Puerto Vallarta.
 The 10-day Cuale Festival, a celebration of fine arts in beautiful areas of our community, closes Sunday, January 31, with final activities. To Learn more about the 2nd Annual Festival Cuale, click HERE or visit FestivalCuale.com.
 The first Puerto Vallarta International Sculpture Symposium begins Sunday, January 31 to February 13. Ten sculptors from different countries will create works with Vallarta as an inspiration. Events are open to the public, and educational programs will be conducted. For full information, go to pviss.com.
 Former U.S. Consular Agent Jenny McGill will be remembered February 7 at 11:00 am in a service at beautiful Terra Noble.
 The International Friendship Club (ICC) has many interesting programs now... home tours, opera, travel documentaries to cocktails with dinner afterwards. For more details, call (322) 222-5466.
 The annual gala for the Refugio Infantil Esperanza (R.I.S.E.) children's shelter will be at the American School in Marina Vallarta from 5-9 pm on Saturday, February 6. Tickets are available from Daiquiri Dick´s or by calling Chris Amo at (322) 221-5451 or email keithamo(at)msn.com.
 The aerial documentary, Home, that was shown by PEACE at Rivera Cuale was a lovely gathering under the stars and moon by the Rio Cuale. Thank you, Gretchen DeWitt. The film shows extensive damage to earth by mankind. It was fun to be with Lucy Muniz of Lucy's Cucu Cabana, 295 Basilio Badillo, an early animal rights activist here.
 Hank and Conrad, Vicky Mason and I enjoyed the Becas Breakfast at Daiquiri Dick's together. My back was to an outside sidewalk, and I quickly found out how popular are Hank and Conrad with constant greetings to them. Everyone was excited for their return to the restaurant business. They are at Café Bohemio on Rodolfo Gomez from 11 am - 3:00 pm. The regular cafe continues to be open in the evening with Sol's and Chris' excellent food.
 The next Becas gathering is a brunch and fashion show at 10:30 am, Wednesday, February 17, at La Leche. The new Becas newsletter also is available.
 Private chef Seth Cloutman gasped that he and his staff had 35 events in one week! He deserves his break to eat in fine restaurants and visit friends in Madrid and Paris.
 Lucille Shipley will have her annual workshop exhibition on Saturday and Sunday, February 13 and 14, from 2-6 pm at the workshop studio, 414 Zaragoza. Ten percent of the sales will be donated to the Puerto Vallarta SPCA.
 Real World Peace Home Tours showcase homes in the Bahía de Banderas. The tours are every Friday until April 2 from Bucerias Centro. Ticket sales open at 9:15 am. For more information, email yavette(at)peacemexico.org.
 A robber(s) took money and gold jewelry from Vera Faulk's home as she made plans to travel to the U.S. She wasn't home at the time. Vera has given so much to helping the poor in this community. It's just a shame.
 Former Vallarta artist, Kay Melton, now lives in Branson, MO, and paints there.
 Some of us keep trying to build up muscles. It was fun to watch Peter and Beth Shumway, who are in good shape from a life in dance, work on their balance.
 If you want to read an interesting blog about life in retirement in Puerto Vallarta, Robert Brittingham's is a good one. Request the blog at r_brittingham(at)hotmail.com.
An award-winning journalist, Twila Crawford lives in Puerto Vallarta, where, in addition to contributing articles to BanderasNews, the PV Mirror and other local publications, she writes Out and About in Puerto Vallarta, an informative column that offers inside information about who, what, why, where and when it's happening around Banderas Bay.
 Click HERE to read more articles by Twila Crawford. |

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