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Blood Donations Needed in Puerto Vallarta
Kelly Trainor de O. / Lyne Benoit - PV Consular Agents UPDATE: February 17, 2010
 The U.S. and Canadian Consular Agencies of Vallarta are requesting URGENT blood donations, type A Negative for American citizen Mrs. Terry Tackett, type O Negative for American citizen Kathleen Cotton, and type O Positive for Canadian Citizen Doris Diestler, all of whom are currently hospitalized and in urgent need of blood.
 The blood bank is located at the San Javier Marina Hospital in Puerto Vallarta (in front of the Maritime Port).
 General guidelines to donate blood are as follows. If you have any questions, please contact Pamela Thompson at 044-322-107-7007 or pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com.
 • 18-62 years of age
 • In good health
 • Fast for 8 hours prior
 • No smoking for 8 hours prior
 • No alcohol 48 hours prior
 • No previous drug abuse (with needles), no homosexual activity, no prostitution. (These are the rules by the blood bank here)
 • No medications for 8 hours. No aspirin for 72 hours. (Call ahead to learn if the medications you are taking will disqualify you from donating)
 • Not menstruating
 • Not breast feeding
 Please show up at the Hospital before having breakfast.
 If you donate Type A Negative blood, please call (322) 222-0069 or email the U.S. Consular Agency at consularagentpvr(at)prodigy.net.mx so that the donation can be verified with the local Blood Bank, and will be assigned to Mrs. Terry Tackett.
 If you donate Type O Negative blood, please call (322) 222-0069 or email the U.S. Consular Agency at consularagentpvr(at)prodigy.net.mx so that the donation can be verified with the local Blood Bank, and will be assigned to Kathleen Cotton.
 If you donate Type O Positive blood, please call (322) 293-0098 or email the Canadian Consular Agency at vallarta(at)canada.org.mx so that the donation can be verified with the local Blood Bank, and will be assigned to Doris Diestler.
 We appreciate your assistance in donating blood for these foreign citizens. |

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