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Sure Results: The Skinny on Fat
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August 16, 2011
For more information, call (322) 224-4758 in Mexico, 1 (877) 852-1112 from the US, or visit

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - Ever notice that the more weight you gain the easier it is to gain more? Or that as your weight creeps up the harder it is to lose it and keep it off? Or that no matter how much you eat, you seem to be hungry again in no time? Does it seem like a vicious cycle that makes you feel a little insane? Well, you're not crazy, it really is happening and, yes, there's a way out, but it's not what you might think.

We all know that nutrition is important and how much we eat is also a factor but the truth is that once your metabolic system and hormonal balance get out of whack you are pretty much stuck in a Catch-22. And, while we all know that the amount of exercise we get is a factor, it is vastly over-rated as a method of losing weight. Let's face it; some people are in no shape to get in shape. In fact, for some, it is outright dangerous to embark upon an effective exercise program in their current state of health.

Our philosophy is that people should first lose their weight and heal their metabolism then get their body and cardiovascular system into shape without the extra stress that excess fat places on their heart, joints, back and muscles. Sound good? It is. So, let's take a minute to go beneath the layers of complexity and ingenuity that the body is and take a look at what is happening at the hormonal level.

Though research has unveiled a vast plethora of interactive hormones and systems that appear to have a role to play in obesity for now we'll just talk a bit about Ghrelin and Leptin as the hormones of interest and a substance called C-reactive protein (CRP).

Ghrelin is a hormone produced by specialized cells in a specific portion of the stomach. Ghrelin's job is to tell the brain that the body is hungry. The brain then must activate the appropriate mechanisms that cause the body to go and hunt down something to eat. This is an ancient, primal circuit that has been active and unchanged in our mammalian bodies for millions of years, so it is deeply ingrained. The other message that the brain gets from Ghrelin is "If I'm hungry, food must be scarce so when I finally get some I'll eat my fill and store as much as I can as fat to use later."

Leptin is a hormone that is produced by the fat cell. That's right, the fat cell. Fat cells are not just benign blobs. They are extremely active and produce many hormones and other metabolically active substances. Collectively our fat deposit is an organ just like our liver, pancreas or adrenal glands. For want of a better term it is an adipose organ. It is a sensitive organ which can tell when the fat stores are sufficient and when the hunger has been satiated. At this point the fat cells produce Leptin. Like Ghrelin, Leptin crosses a protective sieve called the blood brain barrier and delivers a message to the brain that balance has been restored and the body can stop eating and stop storing.

In an ideal world that's how it would work. Actually, that is how it worked for thousands of millennia. Ghrelin said: "Hunt, eat and store," Leptin said: "Enough already," and the body responded.

Now enters C-Reactive Protein. CRP is not a hormone, it's a protein produced by the liver in response to general inflammation. The more inflammation a person has in their body, the higher their levels of CRP. Obesity is an inflammatory condition and besides Leptin, one of the myriad of substances fat cells produce is a product that stimulates the liver to produce CRP. The more fat cells, the higher the levels of CRP.

Here's the hooker. CRP molecules bind with the Leptin molecules making them too big to pass through the blood brain barrier so the "stop eating, stop storing" message never reaches the brain. Without this message, the brain can't shut off the Ghrelin "eat and store" message so we feel a need to continue eating and more fat ends up going into storage. This in turn causes the release of even more CRP and a vicious cycle is established. Can you see it? Fat breeds fat. This all happens at a hormonal level beyond our voluntary control.

Many doctors are now convinced that being overweight is a medical condition that cannot remedied by cutting back on calories and increasing exertion. It's not that simple. In fact, obesity may be proved to be a condition identical to diabetes but it is Leptin resistance rather than Insulin resistance. In all likelihood the two diseases are intimately related because one rarely sees Insulin resistance without Leptin resistance.

At Sure Results, our extensive exploration of the literature and our experience has convinced us that the closest thing we have to a cure at the moment is our rapid, safe, hormonally mediated, medically supervised weight loss protocol.

In and of itself the weight loss accomplishes at least two major benefits which may prove to be a major component in the cure for both the Insulin resistance of Type ll diabetes and for the Leptin resistance, which is such a major contributor to obesity.

In our extensive experience with hundreds of clients over the past four years we have seen that during and after the weight loss, the vast majority of our Type ll diabetic clients have to either cut back on their oral blood sugar medications or stop them all together.

In addition to that we have seen that after the weight loss and stabilization phases of our program, the vast majority of our clients also appear to have eliminated any Leptin resistance as demonstrated by the fact that their appetite, cravings, satiety point and feelings of hunger are entirely different than they were before they undertook our program.

One of the major reasons for this is that the size of the adipose organ has decreased significantly which causes the level of CRP to plummet. This allows more and more Leptin to deliver the 'stop eating and stop storing' message to the brain.

This huge reduction in the mass of the fat cells initiates a domino effect of positive results in the body. The list of these benefits is endless but in addition to the stabilization of the blood sugar/insulin levels and decreased inflammation as measured by the levels of CRP it is very common to see that:

• blood pressures tend to normalize allowing a reduction or cessation of medication

• cholesterol tends to normalize allowing a reduction or cessation of medication

• joint pain disappears or becomes minimal which causes the desire for and efficiency of increased physical activity

• snoring and sleep apnea is decreased or eliminated allowing for better rest and possibly decreasing the need for nocturnal CPAP machines

• heartburn becomes a thing of the past

At Sure Results Weight Loss we can guide you through the weight loss mine field on a safe, healthy path under the watchful eye of your Sure Results physician and coach. On our program men lose an average of one pound per day and women lose half a pound per day all without hunger, discomfort or exercise. If you would like to start a new and healthier life call us at 1-877-852-1112 or visit our website and contact us. We personally take care of our clients in Mexico, the USA and Canada.

The Sure Results hCG Diet, a revolutionary system of weight loss, is now available in Puerto Vallarta. It seems like magic, but it’s pure science. You don’t need to struggle and suffer anymore. Don’t wait. Achieve the results that you want now... with Sure Results!

Click HERE to learn more about the Sure Results Weight Loss Program.